How is an electron able to change energy levels?

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Presentation on theme: "How is an electron able to change energy levels?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How is an electron able to change energy levels?
Q of the Day How is an electron able to change energy levels? Day 1 1-7

2 Objective / Essential Question
How do we define / describe an electron’s location in the atom?

3 Revisiting the Electron Cloud
Notes Page 7 Revisiting the Electron Cloud Electron Position: probability orbitals uncertainty Electron Distribution Properties of element

4 How can the whereabouts of an electron compare to an apartment building?
Floor/story of building Suite/apartment Bedroom Female / Male Energy level Sublevel Orbital for e- couple Spin

5 The Address of the Electrons
Just like people in an apartment, electrons have an address. The most probable location of an electron is described using quantum numbers. Each electron has 4 quantum numbers which each relays a different piece of information about the electron’s possible whereabouts in the atom.

6 The Address of the Electrons
Pauli exclusion- no 2 electrons can have the same address!!! – same 4 quantum numbers

7 Describing Atomic Structure
Energy level – regions of space where there is a high probability of finding electrons Energy levels - break into - Sublevels - break into - Orbitals

8 Describing Atomic Structure
Sublevels First sublevel – 2 electrons 3 Second sublevel – 6 electrons 2 1 Third sublevel – 10 electrons

9 Describing Atomic Structure – Building an Address
Energy levels – designated by - # 1st Level = 1, 2nd Level = 2, etc. … Sublevels – designated by – letter (s, p, d, f) 1st Sublevel = s 2nd Sublevel = p 3rd Sublevel = d 4th Sublevel = f

10 Describing Atomic Structure
# of energy level = # of sublevels in that energy level Energy level 1 = 1 sublevel Energy level 2 = 2 sublevels Energy level 3 = 3 sublevels

11 Describing Atomic Structure
Sublevels f d p s E n e r g y Energy still Increases away from the nucleus

12 Q of the Day Day 2 1-8 Why is it impossible to determine the speed and location of an electron at the same time?

13 Do you think Bohr was right or wrong?
The New Atom? Do you think Bohr was right or wrong? Pauli exclusion? Energy levels - break into - Sublevels - break into - Orbitals

14 Electron Arrangement Energy level 1, sublevel s, orbital 1s
Energy level 2, has two sublevels s and p, 2s orbital and 2p orbitals 2 3 1 Energy level 3, 3 sublevels s, p, and d, 3s orbital, 3p orbitals, and 3d orbitals

15 Electron Arrangement Quantum #s – specify the properties of atomic orbitals and the properties of electrons in those orbitals Principle quantum # (n) – main energy level = 1, 2, 3… Angular momentum quantum # (l) –shape of the orbital = 0, 1, 2… (n-1) 0 = s, 1 = p, 2 = d, 3 = f Magnetic quantum # (ml) – orientation of the orbital around the nucleus

16 Electron Arrangement Quantum #s – specify the properties of atomic orbitals and the properties of electrons in those orbitals Magnetic quantum # (ml) – orientation of the orbital around the nucleus Spin quantum # – indicate the two possible spin states (+1/2, -1/2)

17 Electron Arrangement Energy levels – designated by - # (n the principle quantum #) Sublevels – designated by – letter (s, p, d, f) (l the angular momentum quantum #) s = 0 p = 1 d = 2 f = 3 E n e r g y Energy still Increases away from the nucleus

18 Electron Arrangement How many electrons in an orbital?
2 electrons fit in an orbital one spinning in the +1/2 orientation and one spinning in the -1/2 orientation

19 Prelab Notebook Checks

20 Q of the Day 1. What is an atomic emission spectra (use your lab handout if necessary)? Day

21 Q of the Day NO ATB today. Sit with your partner(s) for lab and get out your lab. Wait for instructions. Day

22 LAB Day Day Day



25 Quantum Theory Quanta’s Ability:
Did not do Quanta’s Ability: Light energy hits the electrons in metal- the light must be powerful enough. Electrons in the metal absorb the energy. The electrons become excited, and they jump out of the metal.

26 Quantum Theory Did not do The electrons become excited, and they jump out of the metal. The electrons fall down again, and create a spark or current. Examples: The luster of a shiny metal, Photoelectric cells (solar power)

27 Q of the Day How many electrons fit in an orbital?
 How is their movement different (from each other)? Day


29 Q of the Day How many sig figs: 4020 Day



32 Q of the Day There are 4 quantum numbers for each electron. Each one tells you something about the electron’s location within the atom. What do they tell you? Energy level, sublevel, orbital, spin Day


34 Electron Arrangement s = 1 p = 3 d = 5 f = 7
How many orbitals in each sublevel? s = 1 p = 3 d = 5 f = 7

35 Electron Arrangement How many sublevels in each energy level?
1 = _____ (__) 2 = _____ (____) 3 = _____ (______) 4 = _____ (__________) 3 2 1

36 Electron Arrangement Each x = an electron Each xx = an orbital
Energy Level 4 3 2 1 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx f d p s Each x = an electron Each xx = an orbital

37 Review Energy levels  number Sublevel  letter s, p, d, f

38 Taking a Look at Orbitals
D P Notes Page 10

39 Taking a Look at Orbitals

40 Taking a Look at Orbitals Why does the ring model work?
p – orbitals always occur in 3’s (one for each dimension)

41 Q of the Day Get out your electron acrostic from yesterday. You have 2 minutes to finish!!! Today’s ATB = What shape is an s sublevel? What shape is a p sublevel? Day

42 Electron Acrostic E L C T R O N

43 Electron Arrangement Recall that atoms like to stay in their most stable (lowest energy) state. - Sublevels fill from the nucleus outward 3 2 1 Handouts

44 Electron Arrangement Recall that atoms like to stay in their most stable (lowest energy) state = electron configuration electron configuration – notation used to show electron placement within sublevels

45 Electron Arrangement electron configuration – notation used to show electron placement within orbitals electron Configuration for: Si 1s22s22p63s23p2 C 1s22s22p2

46 Electron Configurations Practice:
1s22s22p63s23p4 F 1s22s22p5 1s22s22p63s23p3 P Practice

47 The most likely location of an electron is described by a wave of probability. This type of wave is actually a set pattern that forms a 3-D shape within the space of the atom. This wave pattern does not overlap itself and is known as a standing wave.

48 Define: quantized wavelength electron cloud model radiant energy
Plank’s constant Bohr excited state electromagnetic radiation quantized wavelength electron cloud model radiant energy Speed of light 48

49 Objective / Essential Question
How do we define / describe an electron’s location in the atom?

50 Quick Talk Compton quanta excited state continuous
particle or wave Ground state radiant energy Bohr photon frequency 50

51 Ask your discussion partner a question.

52 Electron Acrostic E L C T R O N

53 Electron Acrostic E L C T R O N

54 Element Electron Configuration Noble Gas Notation # of Valence electrons Mn C

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