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Christine Slepanki & Dr. Gail Beck Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre

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Presentation on theme: "Christine Slepanki & Dr. Gail Beck Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Choice and Partnership Approach (CAPA): Improving the Delivery of Mental Health Care
Christine Slepanki & Dr. Gail Beck Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre Dave Murphy & Dr. Marjorie Robb Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Monica Armstrong Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa

2 Collaborators

3 Collaborators CHEO Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa Kathleen Pajer
William Gardner Dave Murphy Marjorie Robb Karen Tataryn Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa Joanne Lowe Jane Fjeld Monica Armstrong Francine Gravelle Ted Charette Centre Psychosocial Rene Guy Cantin Guy Bouchard Crossroads Children’s Centre Michael Hone Cherry Murray The Royal Mental Health Centre Laura MacLaurin Christine Slepanki Gail Beck Dr. Judy Makinen Rebekah Ranger

4 Doing the right thing, at the right time, with the right people.

5 Overview What is CAPA? How is CAPA different from other service delivery systems? How does CAPA work? CAPA in Ottawa Lessons learned Questions/Discussion

6 What is CAPA?

7 “You do not have to have a waiting list. It can be eliminated
“You do not have to have a waiting list. It can be eliminated. We need to stop talking about assessment and treatment—things we do to people—and talk instead about partnership and collaboration.”  Dr. Ann York, Psychiatrist, CAPA Developer

8 CAPA is an innovative method to deliver Child and Youth Mental Health Services.
It improves client flow and quality of care. Widely used across the UK, New Zealand, Australia. CAPA makes child and youth mental health services: user-friendly client/family focused accessible safe effective

9 CAPA Internationally Ireland UK Belgium Nova Scotia NSW WA Victoria
Ottawa Ontario NZ

10 How is CAPA different from other service delivery systems?

11 Philosophy and mechanics.

12 Fundamental change in philosophy of clinical care
Challenges all assumptions and asks the “system” hard questions: What is the role of the family in care? What is the role of the clinician/physician in care? What is our “core business”? What is value-added?

13 Values Professional Client Skills Knowledge Skills Knowledge
Experience Knowledge Skills Experience Knowledge Slide from

14 Shared decision making
A consultative process where a clinician and client jointly participate in making a health care decision, after discussing the options and their benefits and risks, and considering the client’s values, preferences and circumstances. Involves the professional and the service user bringing together their individual sources of expertise

15 Shift in responsibility
The bus ride doesn’t start at MH care facility. The bus ride destination is not the MH care facility. So, how do we get on the bus with family? Family bus ride has already started.

16 Value-added care Value is anything that improves health, well-being or care experience of client/family. Value is defined by client or family. We identify the ‘value stream’ or key set of actions required to deliver value. The trick is to maximize actions that both add value and eliminate waste.

17 Importance of letting go.
“CAPA is all about empowering people and helping them access their own resources – and those in their communities – to move their lives forward. Part of this is not to assume they need services….” CAPA Manual, 2013, p. 81 “Release people back into the wild”

18 Mechanics: CAPA uses quantitative approach to service delivery.
Demand and Capacity Theory Lean Principles

19 Demand and capacity Too much capacity or too many resources = idleness
Not enough capacity = waits Resource manager must trade these off taking into account system objectives and available resources Should we set capacity equal to demand? This is called a balanced system It works perfectly when there is no variation in the system It works terribly when there is variation! Why? Once behind, you never can catch up. Puterman, Martin, 2012, BHAC 510 Coursework

20 In summary lean is… Engage Front Eliminate Non- Continuous Line Staff
Value-Add Continuous Improvement Don’t wait for perfection – it may never show up Take many small steps. Try-storm ideas Gain the benefit of immediate progress Involve the people who deliver care on a daily basis Create an environment of empowerment and contribution Focus on eliminating waste, or Non-Value-Added work in the process Waste is defined by the Client/Family

21 Push-Pull: the milkman
Push – the milkman delivers every day The delivery rate come from the milkman Pull – the family puts out a bottle when they need milk The rate comes from the family across continuum of care Slide taken from

22 CAPA: Putting it all together
Demand Each referral is a request for a clinical service; demand is the number of clinical hours needed Capacity Skills bank and resources required to deliver those skills Skill bank built with targeted recruitment and clinician education Capacity is not number of clinical staff, but number of clinical hours available to meet demand Lean principles are used to map out efficient care with least waste.

23 How does CAPA work?

24 11 Key Components CAPA Key Component Aim Why? 1. Leadership
To drive and sustain Change management 2. Language Active, understandable, non judgmental Engages clients 3. Handle demand Transparent and agreed Flow, transitions, joint working 4. Choice framework Shared decision making Adds value, reduces waste, reduces drop outs 5. Full booking Smoothes flow, improves engagement Client has activities ‘pulled’ towards them as they need 6. Selection by skill Matching skills to need Increase effectiveness of help 7. Core and advanced skills Evidence informed practice Effectiveness, workforce development 8. Job planning Defines and deploys capacity Flow, monitoring, flexing, commissioning 9. Goal setting and outcomes Regular outcome monitoring Effectiveness and satisfaction, reduces drop outs and drift 10. Peer group supervision Learning, governance, reducing variation Safety, effectiveness, flow 11.Team away days Team functioning Effectiveness, satisfaction, reduced sickness, retention

25 5 BIG ideas. Choice Core and Specific Partnership Work
Selecting Core Partnership clinician Job Planning Peer group discussion

26 #1 What is Choice? Choice appointment = first face to face contact
Find out what child, youth and family want Use clinical knowledge to collaboratively formulate problem Choice is single session intervention Clinician and family design plan to help with problem: Choice is enough and they can exit or Return to clinic for treatment matching problem or Refer to another agency or care provider for better match Slide content taken from

27 Choice: menu of treatments.
Establish treatment goals with clients Match goals with menu of treatments Methods: group, 1:1, in-home, family, school Intensity: outpatient, inpatient, acute care, day treatment, intensive services Consider client/family’s capacity for change

28 #2 Core and Specific Partnership Work
Slide content from

29 What is core partnership?
If client/family will stay at clinic after Choice appointment, then go to Core Partnership treatment matched to Choice-defined problem and goals, i.e., family “pulls” care in assigned by reviewing who on team has skills best suited evidence-based treatments effective across wide range of problems, e.g. CBT Can be individual or group care CAPA model suggests average of 7.5 sessions

30 Specific Partnership Specific: Specific Partnership examples:
When a particular technique, assessment, or skill is needed for specific symptoms or problems as a complement to Core work Treatment duration is shorter or longer than Core Specific Partnership examples: Diagnostic Assessments Medication consultation Cognitive Assessments Walk in clinic Home based intensive services DBT

31 3. Selecting Clinician for Partnership
This is At the end of the Choice appointment With the young person’s and family’s goals in mind Selecting a clinician in Partnership who has the Skills to work towards those goals and A personality that matches the young person and family Booking them in before they leave using the Core Partnership calendar

32 # 4 Job Planning: Pooling Our Time on Teams.

33 Goals to Methods Better match the treatment options to the goals identified by the client.

34 Specific: Cognitive Ax
# 4 Job planning. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:30 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 Discipline Meeting Group Big Admin Choice Team Meeting Priority Ax Carepath Specific: Cognitive Ax Partnership Partnership Partnership

35 #5: Peer group discussion.

36 Weekly peer group discussion.
Weekly meetings of all clinicians on team: Discuss Choice appointment outcomes Distribute workload Do clinical peer supervision Purpose Builds trust within teams Supports “letting go” Specifies clear treatment goals and monitoring using outcome measures Helps develop a learning culture Reduces variability in responses to client’s needs Improves safety and risk management

37 CAPA in Ottawa

38 CHEO CHEO Mental Health Program, Outpatient Service:
Psychiatry Dept. (4.8MD, 4.2 psychiatry FTE) provides all psychiatric care includes pediatricians 12.5 total FTE allied health professionals and support staff that is in addition to the MDs 15/16: 1479 referrals to Outpatient; 8715 visits; all off site; Outpatient Eating Disorders is separate In care partnership with the Youth Program at The Royal Ottawa Hospital: Young Minds Partnership CHEO launched CAPA February, 2016

39 Progress to date Pre-CAPA: wait time to first appointment = average 200 days Current wait time: 4.5 weeks Current wait time for Partnership (excluding groups) = 8 weeks Skills and competencies assessment identified following gaps: Trauma care, brief interventions, some group therapies, family therapy

40 The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
The Royal is a specialized mental health centre to treat people with complex, serious mental illness in Eastern Ontario. The Youth Program provides intensive, specialized mental health services to year-old youth with early onset major psychiatric disorders or complex psychiatric illnesses resistant to treatment. Number of clinicians and psychiatrists = 15 Waitlist blitz – early 2015; CAPA March 2016

41 Progress to date Wait times: January 2015 ~ 18 months (blitz)
March 2016 ~ 2 months Currently ~ 4 weeks

42 Progress to date Parent Choice experience (N = 30/171)
“Overall, the help I had here was good.” All true 93.3% Partly true 3.3% Don’t know 3.3% “Did you feel that people here listened to your concerns?” Very much 86.7% Pretty much 13.3% “Was today’s session helpful for you?” Very much 66.7% Pretty much 20.0% A little 13.3%

43 Client & Clinician Ratings/Choice (N = 55/184)
Q1 – “How much were they/you curious about their/your view point…?” RESPONSE CLIENT CLINICIAN None 0% A little Some 3.6% 6.3% A fair bit 10.7% 29.2% A lot 39.3% 35.4% Loads 46.4%

44 Client & Clinician Ratings/Choice (N = 56/184)
Q2 – “How much did they/you share their/your thoughts and opinions for you to discuss?” RESPONSE CLIENT CLINICIAN None 0% A little 3.6% Some 19.6% 4.1% A fair bit 25.0% 24.5% A lot 30.4% 22.4% Loads 21.4% 49.0%

45 Client and Clinician Ratings/Choice (N = 56/184)
Q3 – “How much did they/you come to a share view as the nature of their/your problems?” RESPONSE CLIENT CLINICIAN None 0% 2.0% A little 5.4% Some 8.9% 18.4% A fair bit 30.4% 30.6% A lot 33.9% 22.4% Loads 21.4% 24.5%

46 Community Implementation of CAPA
Fits with mandate of lead agency and our community consultations Three core service providers – Centre Psychosocial, Crossroads, YSB Training recently completed Long term vision of system level transformation

47 Lessons learned.

48 Key CAPA elements Systematic evaluation of progress: use data to inform decision-making. Fidelity is critical. Mechanics done without philosophy change is “doing to” our clients, not “engaging with” them. Need to build continuous skill development: Choice Clinic = pushing out the private practice model and building trust. Team Peer Supervision = creating an environment where clinicians can ask for help. Developing clinical capacity in specific clinics to strengthen core skills.

49 Lessons learned. Program administration needs to be actively supporting CAPA Achieving flow of clients means radically new thinking. Change will come in waves. People may accept CAPA and then drift back to old ways. The power of families as collaborators is freeing. Stick with it. Share what you’ve learned. Find mentors and stay in close communication. Fidelity to model and consistency between agencies are critical.

50 Resources All the CAPA ideas and concepts presented today were developed by Drs. Steve Kingsbury and Ann York. Please see the website for more information or refer to their publication: The Choice and Partnership Approach: A Service Transformation Model (2013)


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