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A. Pure oil of green olives

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1 A. Pure oil of green olives
# 24-1 Lev 24:2 – What type of oil were the children of Israel to bring to Moses? A. Pure oil of green olives B. Pure oil from ripe olives Note: Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. C. Pure oil of pressed olives

2 Lev 24:2 – Olive oil made the ______?
# 24-2 Lev 24:2 – Olive oil made the ______? A. Lamps burn brighter B. Lamps give off a fresh scent Note: Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. C. Lamps burn continually

3 Lev 24:3-4 – What was Aaron in charge of?
# 24-3 Lev 24:3-4 – What was Aaron in charge of? A. The lamps in the tabernacle B. The lamps on the pure gold lampstand Note: Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. C. The lamps on the altar

4 Lev 24:5-6 – How many cakes were to be put on the gold table?
# 24-4 Lev 24:5-6 – How many cakes were to be put on the gold table? A. Twelve B. Eighteen Note: Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. C. Twenty-four

5 # 24-5 Lev 24:5 – What kind of flour was used to bake the cakes for the tabernacle? A. Course flour B. Ground flour Note: Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. C. Fine flour

6 Lev 24:7 – What was placed on the bread for a memorial?
# 24-6 Lev 24:7 – What was placed on the bread for a memorial? A. Pure nard B. Pure frankincense Note: Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. C. Pure myrrh

7 Lev 24:8 – How often was the bread to be in order before the Lord?
# 24-7 Lev 24:8 – How often was the bread to be in order before the Lord? A. Every Sabbath B. Every day Note: Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. C. Every week

8 Lev 24:9 – Where could Aaron and his sons eat the bread?
# 24-8 Lev 24:9 – Where could Aaron and his sons eat the bread? A. In any place B. In a clean place Note: Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. C. In a holy place

9 # 24-9 Lev 24:10-11 – The father of the Israelite woman whose son blasphemed the name of the Lord was? An Israelite B. An Egyptian Note: Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. C. A priest

10 Lev 24:11 – What tribe was Shelomith from?
# 24-10 Lev 24:11 – What tribe was Shelomith from? A. Judah B. Dan Note: Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. C. Benjamin

11 Lev 24:14 – What was the penalty for blaspheming the name of the Lord?
# 24-11 Lev 24:14 – What was the penalty for blaspheming the name of the Lord? A. Tied to a stake to die outside the camp B. A beating outside the camp C. Being stoned outside the camp

12 Lev 24:17 – Whoever kills a man shall?
# 24-12 Lev 24:17 – Whoever kills a man shall? A. Be put to death B. Be removed from the camp Note: Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. C. Be imprisoned for life

13 Lev 24:19-20 – If a man disfigured another man, what happened to him?
# 24-13 A. He was killed B. He was beaten C. He was disfigured

14 Lev 24:21 – Whoever kills an animal was?
# 24-14 A. To restore the animal B. To bury the animal C. To burn the animal

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