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Missionaries And Cannibals

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Presentation on theme: "Missionaries And Cannibals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Missionaries And Cannibals

2 Rules Help the 3 cannibals and 3 missionaries to move to the other side of the lake Note that when there are more cannibals on one side of the lake than missionaries, the cannibals eat them

3 Name Of Member In Group Kittanun Buriyamethakul M.2/6 No.1 Work: Play Game Gawinphop Aek-iam M.2/6 No.10 Work: Write Flowchart Weerapat Apainon M.2/6 No.11 Work: Do the Powerpoint Sira Voraphantakul M.2/6 No.16 Work: Record the video Chanatip Teesomboon M.2/6 No.21 Work: Write Pseudo code

4 Pseudo code 1.Which One Go First True:2 Cannibal False:2 Missionary
2.Which One Go Back True:1 Cannibals False:- 3.Which One Go First False:1 Missionaries And 1 Cannibals 4.Which One Go Back

5 5.Which One Go First True:2 Missionary False:1 Missionaries And 1 Cannibals 6.Which One Go Back True:1 Missionaries And 1 Cannibals False:2 Cannibal 7.Which One Go First 8.Which One Go Back True:1 Cannibals False:1 Missionary

6 9.Which One Go First True:2 Cannibal False:- 10.Which One Go Back True: 1 Cannibals False:2 Missionary

7 v3 Missionary And 3 Cannibal
FlowCharts Start v3 Missionary And 3 Cannibal aWhich One Go First Y2 Missionary 2 Cannibal

8 1 Cannibals And 1 Missionary
Which One Go Back - 1 Cannibals Which One Go First 1 Cannibals And 1 Missionary 2 Cannibals

9 1 Cannibals And 1 Missionary
Which One Go Back - 1 Cannibals Which One Go First 1 Cannibals And 1 Missionary 2 Missionary

10 1 Cannibals And 1 Missionary
Which One Go Back 2 Cannibal 1 Cannibals And 1 Missionary Which One Go First 2 Cannibals 2 Missionary

11 Which One Go Back 1 Missionary 1 Cannibals Which One Go First - 2 Cannibals

12 Which One Move Back 2 Missionary 11 Cannibals The End

13 Conclusion 1. My friends and I know the work that have the step to step is not hard like we think in the first. 2.Our group come more closer than before. 3.We know about that some game it use the brain more than the violent and it makes our brain more intelligent than the past.

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