Director: Denise Brady Associate: Lory Thayer

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Presentation on theme: "Director: Denise Brady Associate: Lory Thayer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Director: Denise Brady Associate: Lory Thayer
WELCOME AdvancED Review Team Capital Area Science and Mathematics Center Director: Denise Brady Associate: Lory Thayer Capital Area Science and Mathematics Center

2 Capital Area Science and Mathematics Center
Four main goals: Professional Learning Leadership Curriculum support Student services in local school districts.

3 Capital Area Science and Mathematics Center
5 County Service Area Clinton, Eaton, Ingham, Ionia, Shiawassee 46 Public School LEA’s* 45 Private Schools** 12 Charter Schools Total Schools=103 85,022 Public School Students 6,467 Private School Students 4,600 Charter Schools Total Students in Service Area: 96,089* *MiSchool Data ** Lory slides 3-4

4 Public School Buildings Private School Buildings
Schools per County Counties Public School Buildings Private School Buildings Charter Schools Clinton 28 5 Eaton 39 11 3 Ingham 82 17 9 Ionia 25 6 Shiawassee 27 Total 201 45 12

5 History of Center : $398, Full Time Director and 4 Full time staff : $96,536 Full Time Director and 2 Part time support staff : $72, (CASM could no longer support a full time director and services as in previous years) Dave Schulte acted as the interim director and CASM began to re-invent roles, responsibilities, and services : $78,979 Implementation Year (Denise became Director at 1/ time) and 1 part time support staff : $78, CASM supports a 20% director, 1 part time support staff and 1 full time associate Shiawassee RESD provides in-kind funding of office space, meeting space, materials , 80% of the Director’s salary and we share the support staff services with the technology department. Denise slides 5-10

6 Governance Five ISD’s RESA’s & RESD’s Collaboration
GVSU MSC CASM ADVISORY BOARD Mary Ann Schmedlen (Eaton RESA) Rhonda Provost (Eaton RESA) Tara Utess-Becker (Ingham ISD) Rob Stephenson (Ingham ISD) Kathy Dole (Ionia ISD) Jake Huffman (CCRESA) Kris Kirby (CCRESA) Denise Brady (CCRESA/SRESD Lory Thayer (SRESD) Susan Sheth (MSU) Robyn McGuire (LCC) Montcalm Ionia Jason Mellema Eaton Ms. Cindy Anderson Five ISD’s RESA’s & RESD’s Slide needs to be corrected Ingham Scott Koenigsknect Collaboration Within Counties Superintendents Curriculum Groups Principal Groups Teacher Groups Parents Community SRESD David Schulte CCRESA Wayne Petroelje

7 Collaboration is Key! In order to provide services CASM requests that each ISD/Higher Education Institution acts as a partner with CASM in implementing a “storefront” approach to services. Each ISD/Higher Education Institution representative assists with communication and training within their own service area. They are the ambassadors for their respective regions

8 Collaborate and Network
Advisory Team meets quarterly Representatives are from the ISD’s and Institutions of Higher Education Representatives have expertise in STEM, mathematics, science, and/or serve as General Education Leaders within their regions CASM Director and Associate Outreach: Michigan Mathematics and Science Center Network (MMSCN) Conduit for MI STEM Partnership Grants National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Board Member Michigan Assessment Consortium Board Member Michigan Mathematics Leadership Team Member Professional Learning Committee Modeling Instruction in Michigan Regional Coordinator Michigan Science Education Leadership Association Board Member CoLaborate Monthly Conversations with MDE I think we make this two different slides and address the slide above

9 Strategic Plan GOALS: Collaborating with ISD Ambassadors to communicate and build relationships within their respective areas Participate in state-wide initiatives that provide leadership and professional learning opportunities for teachers to enhance curriculum, high quality instructional methods and assessment practices Collaborate with community partners and institutions of higher learning FIRST Robotics Teams (6) Project Lead the Way – EMU and LTU Professional Learning – MSU and LCC Think about this slide to show programs implemented and then maye a couple of things that we are still addressing

10 Strategic Plan Challenges:
Communication across 5 regions with 95,000 + students Creating a quarterly Newsletter Build a web/social media presence Ability for teachers, especially in high priority schools to attend professional learning For detailed information please refer to the CASM Annual Report: %20report% pdf

11 Specialized Consultant Training
Mathematics Science Lory slides Certifications: Add+Vantage Math Recovery® Course 1 Add+Vantage Math Recovery® Course 2 Add+Vantage Math Recovery® Champion Math Recovery® Intervention Specialist Next Generation Science Exemplar System for Professional Development PD designed to engage teachers in working with the practices and disciplinary core ideas in the National Research Council's Framework of K-12 Science and NGSS Facilitator training included 15 days of professional learning in both the content of NGSX and best practices in facilitation of adult learners.

12 Professional Learning Mathematics and Science Center Network Provided and Funded:
HS Modeling in Physics (15 days) HS Modeling in Chemistry (15 days) Understanding the MI Science standards (3 days) NGSX – 6 Cohorts of 25 people each for 5 days (4 ISDs) NGSX - 6 Cohorts of 25 people each for 5 days (1 ISD) Administrator/Teacher Leader Teams Meet in Collaboration with Teacher Preparation Professors from Michigan State University (HS – 6 sessions; Elementary – 2 sessions) Add+Vantage Math Recovery® and Coaching: 80 hours of professional learning series (April 2017-June 2018) 31 teacher participants will receive 48 hours of intensive mathematics content training followed with 32 hours of individualized training around the principles of coaching with the intent of each K-6 building having a mathematics instructional coach supported by the SRESD consultant Project Lead the Way ( 3 – 10 days of training depending upon the course K-12) Science Learning Network (4 days after school program for teachers) Administrative Training for Understanding NGSS Mathematics Book Study Teams Modeling of Instruction in Mathematics Classrooms Supporting Teachers Learning Together Project

13 Supporting Student Services in local school districts
Student Programming Grants:  The purpose of this grant opportunity is to promote student interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields as well as to build leadership capacity in students who have an interest in STEM related studies. This grant opportunity is available to public school teachers throughout Clinton, Eaton, Ingham, Ionia and Shiawassee counties who instruct students full time in grades K-12. These grants are intended to provide experiences beyond the core curriculum that build knowledge and leadership throughout the K-12 educational system. Awards of up to $5000 may be granted in this competitive process.  Denise 12 17

14 Programming For Students
(Data and Comments from the CASM Annual Report) 1055 Hours A total of 1055 hours of programming occurred outside of the school day. Programs in included: Robotics teams at middle and high school Discover STEM Summer Science Camp Girls in Engineering summer programs Summer Science Camps for elementary, middle and high school students

15 Programming for Students

16 Instructor Comments

17 Student Comments

18 Resource Clearinghouse
CASM Tab Slide 18

19 THANK YOU Denise Brady Lory Thayer
Capital Area Science and Mathematics Center Denise Brady Lory Thayer

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