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Protect the environment!

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Presentation on theme: "Protect the environment!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Protect the environment!
Let’s learn how to protect our planet!!!

2 Buy local food! We should buy local food, because it is fresher and healthier than the imported food. Also, for the transportation of the food from other countries trucks, cars etc are used, which pollute the environment. So if we stop buying food from other countries we will keep our planet cleaner!

3 3 Plant a tree! Plant a tree - in your garden, in the park, in the forest or just in your balcony - and your life will be much better! That’s because when you plant a tree you reinforce the oxygen and the coolness of the planet and at the same time you make your neighborhood and your house a nicer place to live in! We all have to try this. Trees and flowers only need some water and do not forget :WE NEED all the things that a plant can give us!

4 Recycle! Recycling is an other easy way to save the Earth. By recycling, you get rid of things you don’t need anymore and at the same time you help the planet! The only thing you have to do is throw glass, paper, plastic and metal in the recycling bins and they will become new products! So to help the environment REDUCE, REUSE and just RECYCLE!

5 Use less electricity! We can save electricity by using energy efficient lamps. They do exactly the same thing as the traditional lamps but we can say that they are more “eco-friendly”. Also, an other way to save energy is to use rechargeable batteries in our appliances. These are batteries which we can recharge and reuse instead of throw them away and that’s how they help us to protect our planet!

6 Don’t waste water! As the years pass by, the supplies of water in the Earth drop off. We all can do something about this. Try not to let the taps open for hours, water the plants with the excess water and check for any leaks in water tubes. Saving water is a way to save our lives...!

7 Don’t use the car! Cars, motorbikes, trucks etc leave exhaust gases in the air and that's why they pollute the planet. So we should not use the car to go to nearby places. It's much better to use the bicycle and the means of transport which are more ''eco-friendly'' and help us to conserve the air clean and fresh!

8 If we had a million dollars….
If we had a million dollars, we would create an environmentally friendly park in our neighbourhood. It would be a great park with many trees, flowers and birds in it. We would also put some benches there for the people, who would visit the park to enjoy the fresh air and have some fun. Of course pets would be allowed to visit our park too! We think that this park would make people to get actively involved in protecting the environment and make our city a better place to live!

9 !The end! Thank you for watching our presentation! We hope that you will follow our advices and help the planet as much as you can! Hara & Penelope C class

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