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Relationships Lesson 1 Healthy vs Unhealthy

2 What is the definition of Relationship?
Connections that people have with each other 4 types. What are they?? Friendships Family Relationship….. Romantic Relationships Professional Relationships ( work)

3 Family Relationships Nuclear- A Family in which a mother, a father, and one or more children live together Couple Family- consists of only the husband and wife living at home. ( or partners) Adoptive Family- when a couple takes in and raises a child who is not of their kin.

4 Continue Family Relationships…
Extended Family- Relatives who are not part of the nuclear family but who live in the same home. Foster Family- When adults who are licensed by the state our county provide temporary home for children. Single- Parent Family- a family in which only one parent lives with the family.

5 Continue Family Relationships…
Blended Family- a family that results when divorced parents remarry. The parents and their respective children from previous marriage live in the home together.

6 Functions of a Family Provide basic physical needs. Such as ??
Provide Emotional Support. Such as ?? Provide structure for our lives. Such as??

7 Inspiriting Relationships
A relationship that lifts the spirit and contributes to a sense of well-being. It makes you feel : Worthy, connected, content, optimistic, energized, passionate, and composed.

8 Dispiriting Relationships
Relationships that depress the spirit and have a lack of well-being. They make you feel: Worthless, lonely, hopeless, depressed, bored, anxious, distracted, unhappy and frustrated.

Toxic People

10 Spirit – Relationship Continuum

11 Lesson 2 Healthful Relationships – Relationships that promote self-respect, encourage productivity and health, and are free of addictions and violence. Examples: Encouraging, motivating, and supportive.

12 Harmful Relationships
Relationships that destroy self-respect, interfere with productivity and health, and may include addictions or violence. Examples: Disrespecting each other, and encourages harmful behaviors

13 Ten Skills/ Profiles of Healthful Relationships
Ten Skills Powerpoint

14 Lesson 3- Harmful Relationships
What is a Harmful Relationship??? Myth / Truth Chart

15 14 Relationships you may see in your life….
Co-Dependent * Purely Physical Independent * Prize Possession Dominating * Good on Paper Rebound * Long Distance Open * Emotional Affair Working Hard Toxic Temporary Basically friends

16 14 Harmful See Definition Sheet

17 How do you leave an Abusive Relationship??

18 VOCAB Abuse- harmful treatment of another person
Physical Abuse- harmful treatment that results in physical injury to the victim. Emotional Abuse- “ Putting down” another person making the person feel worthless. Neglect- failure to provide proper care and guidance.

19 Good Couples??? Let see….

20 Sexual Harassment Social Experiment

21 Dr. Phil’s Video Clip on Abuse

22 Child Neglect

23 1.Abuse 10.Prostitution 2.Incest 11.Exhibitionism 3.Pornography 12.Prostitutes 4.Sexual Abuse 13.sexual addiction 5.Physical Abuse 14.Voyeurism 6.Neglect 15.Paraphilias 7.Sexual harassment 8.Stalking 9.Emotional Abuse

24 3 Articles Which Story is Physical Abuse??
Which Story is Emotional Abuse?? Which Story is Neglect??

25 Breast Cancer Awareness

26 Sexual harrassement on US campuses

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