Email Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Email Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing

2 Email Marketing HTML Customer Email Check our new arrival
You will never be disappointed with our new launching service! HTML Customer

3 Why not using outlook/express?
Bulk flooding ISPs (Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, Gmail) of your customers will block your IP address when they see you send many s for some period of short time One minute, 10 seconds… Customer’s address should not be revealed to others No way to check whether they received it marketing service provide more things Avoid flooding Grouping customer s Scheduled delivery Result evaluation and analysis

4 Email marketing service provider
marketing providers differ in pricing options Unlimited send but price on #. of addresses Price on #. of send with unlimited addresses Price on both #. of send and #. of addresses Mail Chimp Free for 500 s 6000 sends/month Constant Contact 60 day free trial

5 Terminology Opt-in/Opt-out Subscriber ROI (Return on Investment)
Customers choose whether they like to receive/not to receive from an advertiser Subscribe/Unsubscribe Subscriber The person ( address) who opted in ROI (Return on Investment)

6 Let’s get started Create Email list Create Email campaign Send
Evaluate and analyze the campaign

7 Mail Chimp Menu Main Menu Dashboard Campaigns Lists Reports
overview Campaigns Authoring Lists Customers address and grouping Reports send results Autoresponders Automatic sending setting

8 Email List Create List Email address import Make groups segment
Copy & Paste Excel file Upload CSV file Make groups segment

9 Combine with SNS Average 130 friends or followers
If 10 of your friends share your contents, 1,300 people will see your ad

10 Evaluation and Analysis
Bounce #. of returned s Hard Soft Opened #. of s opened by recipient Unsubscribe #. of recipient that click the unsubscribe link Clicked How many links in the clicked by the recipients

11 Email bounce reason Wrong email syntax Hard bounce Soft bounce
Ex: Hard bounce Mailbox unavailable = 존재하지 않는 이메일 주소 존재하지 않는 도메인 ex: Mail chimp removes hard bounced addresses immediately after it happened Soft bounce Temporary unavailable: Mailbox full, suspended

12 Where to find reason of delivery failure
Report > view report > click number beside Bounced > click bounce reason

13 How to pass through spam filter
will not be opened if it thrown into spam folder To deliver your into inbox Do not use All CAPS Not too many use of ! No IP address in links No bright red color Make test as real as possible Clean HTML Balanced Image and text Do not use the following words: free, click here, money

14 Email Marketing Strategies
Relevance 고객이 필요로 하는 정보를 제공 상품이나 서비스에 연관된 유용한 정보 Restaurant  food recipes Flower shop  꽃가꾸기 노하우 Aerator  Realtor  home mortgage 관련 news Relationships and Engagement 노골적인 상품/서비스 광고를 지양 Customers no longer respond as well to overt marketing and sales copy as they do to information that engages them 고객과의 관계를 증진시킬 수 있는 방안 Two-way dialogue

15 Email Marketing Strategies
Narrowing the target of a campaign by grouping your customers Basic profile such as gender, age, address Purchase history, response Integrate all available channels Social Media, mobile devices design applied across various mediums As little use of images as possible Images are not shown at default

16 Subscription Form We are glad to provide you with opportunities of sending our offers, product info, newsletters and others to you. _______________________ Name _______________________ Age _______________________ Date Race Gender

17 Home work and Next Class
Practice sending with advanced features Scheduled sending Autorespondent Next class Creation of a business page on the Facebook Integration of the Facebook social plug-in in your website Integration of twitter Merging marketing with social media Ad on google search engine/facebook Using Cloud computing in your website

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