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Exploratory Research : Psychics & Mediums & Alcoholics in Recovery

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1 Exploratory Research : Psychics & Mediums & Alcoholics in Recovery
Cassandra Joan Butler BSW, MS

2 Two exploratory research designs
The Astro Signature of Psychics & Mediums : What do YOU think? Successful Recovery Charts of Alcoholics: What do YOU think?

3 Methodology & Data Gathering
Psychics & Mediums : Criteria Recovery Dates Must be working part or full time as a psychic/medium Gathered data through Google Sheets (anonymously); Private inquiry; FB ads; FB psychic pages; Lilydale Analyzed data through Sirius’ research programs: Astro-signature & Assumption less Exploratory Program & visual analysis 146 reliable dates: from all countries, random, youngest: , did not factor in sex or amount of work: self identified psychics/mediums Self-identified as a `recovered alcoholic’ Gathered data through Google Sheets (anonymously); Private inquiry at accepting `AA meetings’; Private inquiry at Sobriety FB pages: FB ads; FB page; with assistance from a member of AA Analyzed data through Sirius’ Pair Matching Program and visual analysis 56 reliable dates from all countries, random; not factoring in sex of participant

4 ???? Inquisitive Minds want to know????
Hypotheses Definitions and Speculation There are four `types’ of psychics according to psychics Empaths: individuals who `feel’ the pain & joy of another Clairvoyants: individuals who have `clear- seeing’ ; visionary experiences for another Clairaudience: individuals who have `clear-hearing’; hear messages for another Clairsentience: individuals who perceive physical changes within their own bodies reflecting another’s physical experience (medical intuitive) Hypothesis #1: Psychics and Mediums have a greater need for retreat/meditation/prayer Hypothesis #2: Psychics and Mediums may have more `water’ is terms of house placement and sign Hypothesis #3 : The charts of Psychics & mediums may have more aspects to the transpersonal planets associated with psychics ( Neptune) and mediums ( Pluto)

5 Hypothesis #1 Analyzed my data with Sirius Astro Signature values –25 of them—such as inventiveness, decision-making, detachment, aggression , independence, need to be part of a group, inflexibility, domesticity, adventuresome, mental concentration…etc. My psychics ranked HIGHEST in 1)`philosophy, religious & education 2) need for retreat solitude 3) psychology, humanities & literature LOWEST in 1) tendency towards anger 2) inflexible stubbornness 3) technical detail work This correlated with the SIRIUS DATA BANK of Psychics Compared to 1) daredevils 2) soccer players 3) military personnel 4) military personnel

6 Hypothesis #2: Is water really the sign of `Sensitives’?
Analyzed the personal lights for sign and element, and, the ascending signs Keeping in mind that the data base is 146, which, if evenly distributed would mean that each of the 4 categories would measure 36.2 The sun is more about consciousness and identity while the moon is the unconscious feeling body

7 Sun in elements findings
Fire: 40/146 Earth: 31/146 Air: 39/146 Water: 36/146 Significance? Not much variance…although `Earth’ the element of practical & tangible is less represented…with Virgo (9) & Taurus (10) being LEAST represented, with Cancer and Leo tied with (16) and Libra taking the most: (17) and the remaining signs all 11’s & 12’s

8 Moon in Elements findings
Fire: 36/146 Earth: 31/146 Air: 36/146 Water: 43/ 146 Here water comes out ahead more clearly then with the sun placement…Earth is still the least The greatest instance of SIGNS: tied for (15)Pisces Scorpio and Aries! Followed close by (14) : Sagittarius, & Aquarius & Cancer Lowest numbers: Leo (7) , Virgo (9) Taurus & Capricorn (11) Gemini (10) Libra (1)

9 Ascending signs 1) Pisces(5);2) Taurus (7); 3) Aquarius (8);4) Aries (8) ; 5) Virgo (9) ;6) Scorpio(12); 7) Capricorn (12); 8) Sagittarius (13) ; 9) Libra(15) ; 10)Leo (17) ; 11) Gemini (19) ; 12) Cancer (20) Of Course! The short/long ascension variable affects the actual numbers of any given ascending sign depending upon the hemisphere you were born! Still ! Interesting that CANCER ascending is most represented; PISCES the least. Gemini ‘s 2nd ranking most interesting! EARTH lower by element …again!

10 Where’s the sun? 3rd-4 5th-5 6th-7 4th-10 7th-10 1st-12 2nd-12 12th-14

11 Where’s the Moon? 3rd-6 6th-6 8th-8 2nd-9 4th-10 5th-11 7th-11 10th-11

12 Control Group: 1,316 Gauquelin Politicians: Average per element: 328
Fire: 343/1316 Earth: 314/1316 Air: 375/1316 Water: 284/1316 Highest: AIR Lowest: WATER

13 Moon by element: average: 328/1316
Fire: 328 Earth: 332 Air: 342 Water: 314 Water is still lowest Air is still highest

14 Aspects to moon/sun from Neptune/Pluto Hypothesis # 3
`My Psychic data base’ Control Group: 146 charts of various occupations: Business/entertainment/Sports Sun/Neptune major aspects: 63 Moon/Neptune major aspects: 59 Sun/Pluto major aspects: 64 Moon/Pluto major aspects: 55 Sun/Neptune major aspects: 28 Moon/Neptune major aspects: 31 Sun/Pluto major aspects: 39 Moon/Pluto major aspects: 25

15 Discussion  Psychics recognize the qualities of being `sensitive’ (associated with WATER) and being able to also be clairvoyant ( associated with FIRE) Perhaps why findings indicate high FIRE and WATER? Less common are psychics who are clairsentient (medical intuitives) Perhaps this is associated with EARTH? And EARTH placements were lower including ASCENDING SIGNS with CANCER being the Highest ASCENDING Sign MOON represents the UNCONSCIOUS as opposed to SUN identity. Need a strong identity to function publically in world as a fringe `psychic?’ Findings support slightly STRONGER water followed by FIRE with EARTH trailing…. Compared to military/politicians …water wins…with the Psychics SUN: HOUSES: Fire: 40/ MOON-12th Earth: 31/ SUN – 10th Air: 39/146 Water: 36/146 MOON: Fire: 36/146 Earth: 31/146 Air: 36/146 Water: 43/ 146

16 James Van Praagh 1) 8th house Sun
2) Sun conjunct Pluto trine ascendant 3) Moon conjunct Saturn in 12th 4) Mercury trine Moon 5) both a Psychic and a Medium

17 Alcohol Recovery!? What do you think?

18 Approximately 90% of alcoholics experience at least one relapse in the four years following treatment More than a third of participants (35.9%) were fully recovered from alcohol dependence -- meaning they had complete abstinent recovery or became a "low-risk drinker." That definition is in accordance with standards set by the American Psychological Association. About 18% had become abstainers, totally giving up alcohol. A similar number (17.7%) were low-risk drinkers. They hadn't quit alcohol drinking completely but had no symptoms of either abuse or dependence. They also didn't drink enough in the past to raise their relapse risk. However, one in four participants was still dependent on alcohol. About a third were in partial remission, showing some symptoms of alcohol abuse or dependence. Others were dangerously close to relapse. About 12% were past risk drinkers; they had no symptoms of dependency but had a pattern of drinking that raised their relapse risk. For men, a risk drinker is one that drinks more than 14 drinks per week, or five or more drinks on any given day. For women, a risk drinker consumes more than seven drinks per week, or four or more drinks on any day. (((WebMD: dependence-home-treatment)))

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20 Moon-Mother-New Life-Nurturance-Personal-Liquid-unconscious
For me, my sobriety date is extremely important. It commemorates a miraculous day when I was given another chance to live. Sobriety dates are also commonly known as “birthdays,” with many AA/NA members referring to the dates of their birth as “belly- button birthdays.”  One of the primary reasons to remember our sobriety date is that it helps us remember not only when our life began to change for the better, but also what it was like before. (((// importance-of-your-sobriety-date/)))

21 It’s both `difficult’ and somehow connected to family: nature/Nurture…
It’s both `difficult’ and somehow connected to family: nature/Nurture….so! Hypothesis #1: Recovery would have a Saturn component Hypothesis #2: Recovery would have a Moon component 1) Have a family history of mental health disorders; depression, anxiety, etc. 2) Live in a family or culture where alcohol use is common and accepted 3) Have a close relative with alcohol use disorder ( olism/basics#RiskFactors3)

22 MOON: Emphasis on the special day!
1) The moon moves so quickly~ 2) Emphasis on `others’: 7th/8th/11th 3) Emphasis on identity 4) Random distribution? 4.6 Moons in each house

23 SATURN: where is that `hard work?’
1) Saturn is about `structural’ changes 2) Not as concerned about what `others’ think? 3) Emphasis on `philosophical’ thoughts (9th) & personal transformation (8th) and health (6th) ? 4) Random distribution? 4.6 Saturns in each house

24 Analysis: Charted Conjunctions of Transiting sun/moon/Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus/Neptune/pluto to the Subjects’ sun/Moon/Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus/Neptune/Pluto Hypothesis #1 : Saturn Contacts Hypothesis #2: Moon Contacts 1) Out of the 56 subjects analyzed 5 subjects set their recovery date within the 2-year-spread of Saturn Return! 2) 56=`approximately 2 cycles of Saturn’ 3) So randomly we might expect just 2 subjects who quit during a Saturn return 4) a total of 34 Saturn contacts/56 subjects 1) What was discovered …was an overwhelming majority of the `recovery dates’ indicated strong LUNAR NODE contacts! 2) This was a `discovery’ but makes sense in light of moon involvement! 3) A total of 87 nodal or moon connections! This includes transiting S/N nodes to planets and transiting planets to personal nodes/moon

25 The findings suggest that recovery is `a new identity’
SUBJECT Moon/Nodes Sun/ASC Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Moon/nodes 32 7 11 9 4 6 5 2 1 3 20 8 1) Transiting Moon/Nodes =87 Conjunctions 2) Transiting Sun=39 Conjunctions 3) Transiting Jupiter=22 Conjunctions 4) Transiting Saturn=34 Conjunctions 5) Transiting Uranus=14 Conjunctions 6) Transiting Neptune=7 Conjunctions 7) Transiting Pluto=20 Conjunctions

26 Analyzed which planets were affected by the recovery transits…
1) Moon=Nodes & MOON=36% 2) Sun=Sun & ASC=16% 3) Saturn=14% 4) Jupiter=10% 5) Pluto ( surprise?) =9% 6) Neptune=8% 7) Uranus=7%

27 Control Group 1) 56 charts were selected: 30`alcoholics’ from the Gauquelin Data, and, random anonymous individuals were matched with RANDOM meaningless `dates’ gleamed from IPO dates, individuals, and from `made-up’ random dates 2) These charts were matched with equally random dates: 1) IPO dates, other natal charts, randomly selected from the Kepler data bank 3) The results are meaningful….because there wasn’t any particular pattern!

28 A whole lot of `nothing!’
SUBJECT Moon/Nodes Sun/Asc Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Moon/Node 10 5 2 3 8 1 7 4 1) Transiting Moon/Nodes=26 conjunctions 2) Transiting Sun=13 conjunctions 3) Transiting Jupiter=8 conjunctions 4) Transiting Saturn=13 conjunctions 5) Transiting Uranus= 8 Conjunctions 6) Transiting Neptune=5 Conjunctions 7) Transiting Pluto=12 Conjunctions

29 The `Moon’ Category was stronger due to 3 possible Placements: Moon, S
The `Moon’ Category was stronger due to 3 possible Placements: Moon, S. Node, N. Node 1) Moon/Nodes=31% 2) Sun=15% 3) Saturn=15% 4) Pluto=14% 5) Jupiter=10% 6) Uranus=9% 7) Neptune=6%

30 SAME Number of Charts/Same Analytics!!
ACTUAL RECOVERY DATES CONTROL DATA 1) Transiting Moon/Nodes =87 Conjunctions 2) Transiting Sun=39 Conjunctions 3) Transiting Jupiter=22 Conjunctions 4) Transiting Saturn=34 Conjunctions 5) Transiting Uranus=14 Conjunctions 6) Transiting Neptune=7 Conjunctions 7) Transiting Pluto=20 Conjunctions 1) Transiting Moon/Nodes=26 conjunctions 2) Transiting Sun=13 conjunctions 3) Transiting Jupiter=8 conjunctions 4) Transiting Saturn=13 conjunctions 5) Transiting Uranus= 8 Conjunctions 6) Transiting Neptune=5 Conjunctions 7) Transiting Pluto=12 Conjunctions

31 Patrick Kennedy: `a common struggle’
1) Saturn conjunct moon 2) Moon conjunct s. node 3) Venus opposite Sun (exact) 4) the following moon announced his engagement to Amy 5) married in July 2011 6) Son of Ted Kennedy: speaks of the `conspiracy of silence within his family 7) advocate for mental illness initiatives `One Brain’

32 Conclusion? The 28.5 pulse of Saturn ( years) and Moon ( days) seem to be implicated in recovery work….

33 Thank you for your kind attention!

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