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The effect of Ibuprofen premedication on postoperative pain following primary teeth pulpotomy : a randomized clinical trial.

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Presentation on theme: "The effect of Ibuprofen premedication on postoperative pain following primary teeth pulpotomy : a randomized clinical trial."— Presentation transcript:

1 The effect of Ibuprofen premedication on postoperative pain following primary teeth pulpotomy : a randomized clinical trial

2 Introduction

3 pain 37% to 95% tooth extraction,pulpotomy and SSC Facial expression

4 Wong- Baker faces

5 Pulpotomy The most common treatment of primary teeth.
Shafie:65/6% of patients reported pain after pulpotomy

6 premedication Several studies pre-treatment with analgesic medications reduces post-operative pain after RCT following tooth extraction in children Ibuprofen, paracetamol, diclofenac, tramadol paracetamol and ibuprofen for post-operative pain in children and OTC ibuprofen (4-10 mg/kg) = paracetamol (7-15 mg/kg) for moderate to severe pain

7 Method & Material Randomized clinical trial –split mouth
IRCT N1 The mean pain score during the first 24 h following treatment was considered the primary outcome Sample size : (6-10 years) informed consent

8 The inclusion criteria were:
patients aged 6-10 years old bilateral primary molar teeth with carious lesions the teeth were restorable, no tenderness to percussion and no pain except after eating no clinical and/or radiographic signs of pulp degeneration no sinus tract, no or minimal physiological resorption

9 Exclusion criteria were:
Usage of analgesic in last 24 hours any systemic diseases that contra-indicated conservative pulp therapy (such as leukemia and some types of malignancies) radiographic findings internal resorption & widening of PDL furcation or periapical radiolucency root canal calcifications








17 Results

18 Results 49 children 45 children 17 girls and 28 boys
Mean of age year All of the patients reported post-operative pain in both groups

19 روز اول روز دوم روز سوم Mean of pain(placebo/ibuprofen) P value
Mean of pain(placebo/ibuprofen) P value روز اول ( 2.09±0.79/ 1.76±0.91) 0.032 روز دوم (1/24±0/061 1/07±0/72) 0.154 روز سوم (0.69± ±0/62) 0.197

20 The number of patient who had pain at different days after pulpotomy


22 Incidence of use of analgesia among 2 groups

23 Discussion

24 Discussion pre-treatment with ibuprofen significantly decreased post-operative pain MTA & CEM : pulp capping, perforation repair, apical plug and root- end filling & as pulpotomy agents in primary molar teeth In the present study, CEM cement was used as the pulpotomy agent

25 mean pain score(day 1) Placebo /09± 0/79 Ibuprofen /76±0/91

26 Discussion the mean pain score(day 2 and 3) in the placebo group was  higher than ibuprofen(not significant) Baygin(2011) ibuprofen-paracetamol Gazal(2007) (ibuprofen+paracetamol)-ibuprofen Primosch(1995) acetaminophen-ibuprofen- placebo

27 Discussion following dental extractions or GA
administration of paracetamol, ibuprofen and diclofenac

28 Discussion ibuprofen and paracetamol had the same analgesic and antipyretic effect higher pain relief with ibuprofen when compared to paracetamol(meta-analysis) 400 mg ibuprofen provided superior analgesia over 1,000 mg paracetamol both medications have similar safety spectra

29 Conclusion

30 The amount of post-operative pain was significantly lower in patients who received ibuprofen before treatment in comparison with placebo group

31 If it is not contraindicated, using ibuprofen as a premedication can be can be administrated 45 min before procedure to decrease postoperative pain

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