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Published byGabriella Elfrieda Gilbert Modified over 7 years ago
Calorimetric System for Determining the Activity
of a Neutrino Source Based on 51Cr Kozlova J. P., Gavrin V. N., Grekhov O.V., Ibragimova T. V., Kalichov A.V., Martynov A.A., Veretenkin E. P. Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS Russian Federation, Moscow J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
At the Gallium-germanium neutrino telescope at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory INR (Russia) the BEST project is proposed as a direct experimental test the hypothesis of the existence of sterile neutrinos - hypothetical particles whose interaction with matter is carried out through small admixtures of conventional (i.e. active) neutrinos. Project BEST is an experiment to search for sterile neutrinos through using neutrino from a powerful compact artificial source based on 51Cr with initial activity of 3 MCi. The source activity will be measured using calorimeter method and by measurement its gamma-rays using a Ge semi-conductor detector with accuracy of 1%. J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Development of calorimetric system:
determination of the main factors that have an effect on the accuracy of the source activity measurement by calorimetric method, creation of calorimeter prototype and heat imitator of neutrino source, determination of calorimeter metrological characteristics (prototype calorimeter calibration), development and creation of the final calorimeter system for experiment with artificial neutrino source, development of the software for the calorimetric measurements, calorimeter calibration in the dynamic mode. J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Neutrino source based on 51Cr
W 51Cr 51Cr + e- 51V + e Energy release – ± keV/decay. Initial source heat release – 650 W. Contribution of the impurity radioactive nuclides – 0.02% (after radiation), 0.11% (in 100 days). Energy losses due to gamma-rays escaping < 0.03%. 3 MCi 51Cr 3 kg 97%-enriched 50Cr Biological shield 30 mm (W - 95%, Ni - 3%, Cu - 2%) J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Flow diagram of the calorimeter
1 c 3 a T2 2 d e 4 М f b 5 g T1 6 2 – flow meter 3 - thermostat 4 - bypass 5 - gear pump 6 – temperature damper М - manometer 1 – MEASUREMENT CELL a – thermal insulation b – neutrino source c – biological shield d – output thermistor e – heat exchanger f – container g – input thermistor J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Electric power measurements
Shunt V1 V2 Power supply Multimeter Thermal simulator N = U1U2/Rshunt, = 0.03% J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Calorimetric system flow meter multimeter power supply
measurement cell with electric heated simulator temperature damper thermostat J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Calorimetric system software
Used equipment Platinum thermistors PTV-2-1 (VNIIFTRI) (with an temperature error less than K). Coriolis mass flow meter Micro Motion (±0.05%). Cooling thermostat Unistat (±0,01 К). Gear pump Ismatec Reglo-Z Digital (± 0,05 %). Power supply Sorensen XHR 300-3,5. Two-channel digital multimeter ADVATEST R6452E (0,01 V). Shunt (R= 52,14 ± 0,01 Ohm). Calorimetric system software Software is based on LabVIEW Package (National Instruments). Software ensures reading and storing of the following data: mass flow rate, density, total mass and temperature of the coolant through the flow meter; Input and output temperatures of coolant through the heat simulator; Voltage on the heat simulator and the shunt. J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
The heat release is proportional to the difference between the output and input temperatures of the coolant and it can be expressed by equation: N = k x Q x (To – Ti), where N – heat release of the source, W. k - the proportionality factor, which in the absence of heat losses is equal to the specific heat capacity of the coolant, J/(kg x K). Q - the coolant flow rate, kg/s. To – the temperature at the outlet of the heat exchanger, K. Ti - the temperature at the inlet to the heat exchanger, K. J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Prototype calorimeter calibration data
N (dT) = (69,677 ± 0.079) dT + (0.62 ± 0.36) the coefficient of determination: R^2 = J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Calorimeter with biological shield
J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Calorimeter calibration data
(T2 – T1), K σ (T2 – T1), K P, W σP, Вт σP, % 1 0.950 0.002 47.05 0.45 0.96% 2 1.680 0.003 83.19 0.47 0.57% 3 2.707 0.001 134.65 0.48 0.36% 4 3.772 0.008 187.33 0.64 0.34% 5 5.353 266.80 0.58 0.22% 6 5.954 296.54 0.62 0.21% 7 6.432 0.004 320.12 0.65 0.20% 8 7.620 377.67 0.72 0.19% 9 9.380 0.006 465.60 0.83 0.18% 10 10.426 519.09 0.95 J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Calorimeter calibration data
J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Calorimeter calibration in dynamic mode
Р1 = Const 400 W P2 = P1 exp(-ln2t/T1/2) (T1/2 =27.7 d) P3 = Const dP = Pset - kstatdT dP = 0,24 W, = 0,09 W 0,06% J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
Conclusions The calorimetric system for measurement of activity of high-intensity (3 MCi) neutrino source based on 51Cr has been created. The obtained uncertainty of the heat release measurement is less than 0.5% in the range of the heart power W and less than 0.25% in the range of the power W. Taking into account the obtained heat release uncertainty and the known uncertainty of the energy release from the 51Cr decay (0.23%) the activity of 51Cr neutrino source in the BEST project can be determined with accuracy of ~ 0.5%. J.P.Kozlova. ICSSNP-2017
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