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The Black Man’s Fight By Joshua Bolick

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1 The Black Man’s Fight By Joshua Bolick
The White Man’s War The Black Man’s Fight By Joshua Bolick

2 A brief history: Part of French Indochina
Japanese occupation from French ousted in 1954 North/South split 1962: American “aid” begins 1965: War begins in earnest 1966: Full blown war

3 Grumpy leaves Snow White to protest the war in Southeast Asia

4 Obligatory Map

5 Institutional Racism An institution or organization contains inherent vestiges of racism which leads to built in disadvantages for minorities For example:

6 The United States of America

7 How is racism institutionalized in America?
Housing Education Unemployment rates Income Imprisonment rates The Draft

8 Inst. Racism Few African Americans received hardship deferments Few occupational deferments due to menial jobs in civilian sector Draft boards were overwhelmingly white Physical deferments College deferments

9 Continued More whites were failed for physical reasons than blacks because they had access to medical care and were therefore aware of defects that may exclude them from service. Were capable of providing a medical record. : 21.9 % of whites failed for physical reasons 14.5 % of blacks failed for physical reasons 1970: % of whites failed for physical reasons 24.5 % of blacks failed for physical reasons

10 Selective Service Armed Forces Qualification Test
Determines job placement White cultural bias Relegated African Americans to service and combat roles

11 Major source for black deferments:
Mental test failure AFQT : 54.1% of examined blacks rejected 18.6% of whites rejected for same Standards lowered in ’65 and ‘66

12 Other ways to avoid the draft
Seek Officer Commissions National Guard Service not subject to strict federal control, so many states excluded blacks 0.4% of black soldiers 4.3% of white soldiers 1.15% of Army Nat’l Guard 0.6% of Air Nat’l Guard

13 Project 100,000 Pentagon presented program as part of war on poverty but later admitted that it was intended to build numbers These inductees received no special training and were placed in unskilled jobs (read grunt) Of the first 246k, 41.2% nonwhite

14 High Death Toll 1965: 1 in 4 soldiers KIA was black
1969: 16% KIA black

15 Black Attitudes Many blacks held positive views of military service initially Historical belief that service would lead to equality Better chances at success than in civilian world “Let the black man get upon his person the brass letters US. Let him get an eagle on his button and a musket on his shoulder, and there is no power on earth which can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship in the United States.” Frederick Douglass

16 Black Opposition Advocates of Black Power become very vocal in opposition to the war. Felt that the white Establishment was sending young (expendable) black men over to die in a war that they would gain nothing from Recognized that the Vietnamese were people of color Were not allowed to vote, but allowed to die

17 Stokely Carmichael SNCC leader (1966) Figurehead of BPM
SNCC was “in sympathy with and supports the men in this country who are unwilling to respond to a military draft which would compel them to contribute their lives to US aggression in Vietnam…in the name of the ‘freedom’ we find so false in this country.”

18 The Black Panther Party for Self Defense
One point of the Ten Point Platform was the exemption of all black men from military service. Felt that the draft was genocide directed at black men.



21 The Raised Fist

22 Dapping Elaborate handshakes Vietnamese word “dep” Chow lines
Middle school

23 Racism overseas NJP Slave bracelets vs. peace symbols Night patrols
Promotion KKK activities

24 Group cohesion On the front, most people got along.
The Anderson Platoon Early vs. later in the war






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