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Young British Artists all so known as the YBA or Brit Pack

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1 Young British Artists all so known as the YBA or Brit Pack
Many of the YBA went to Goldsmith’s college and the Royal Academy in London In 1988 Damian Hirst organized a show of the YBA in an alternative space in London called “Freeze”. The exhibit brought the YBA to the attention of London’s art and it featured 16 graduates of Goldsmith college. In 1992 Saatchi staged a series of exhibitions at his gallery of the YBA that also gained them critical attention.

2 Damien Hirst present Bursting on to the art scene in the 1980’s and causing a controversy with his best known ‘Natural History’ works, which present animals in vitrines suspended in formaldehyde. The pieces bring up questions concerning the “meaning of life versus the fragility of our biological existence”. /

3 “Hirst explores the uncertainty at the core of human experience; love, life, death, loyalty and betrayal through unexpected and unconventional media.”


5 Damian Hirst’s installation at the Saatchi gallery in London

6 Tracey Emin 1963-present Emin uses experiences from her own life, through a painful and honest lens, in a wide variety of media—film, painting, neon, embroidery, drawing, installation and sculpture.

7 The personal expands into the universal when Emin reveals her life experiences .



10 Rachel Whiteread 1963-present
Many of Whiteread's works are casts of ordinary domestic objects and, in numerous cases, the space the objects do not inhabit (often termed the "negative space") — instead producing a solid cast of where the space within a container would be; particular parts of rooms, the area underneath furniture, for example. She says the casts carry "the residue of years and years of use".

11 “House is a paradox made concrete since it is a monument made out of void space, a thing constructed out of the absence of things. Being a dwelling in which it is not possible to dwell, a building that you cannot enter. It is both a relic and a prompt to the imagination (Who lived here? What did they do? What did they feel?) as well as a sculpture that is charged with a deep sense of loss.” House was controversial and eventually bulldozed by the British government.


13 Christine Borland 1965-present
Borland is known for her fusion of art and science. She works with forensic science and medicine to explore a variety of issues including genetics, medical ethics and the nature of individual identity

14 In recent years Borland has expanded her topic of genetic science
In recent years Borland has expanded her topic of genetic science. In her second solo exhibition at Sean Kelly Gallery in, Borland created an installation featuring numerous drop-shaped glass containers each filled with a single bleached skeletal leaf, floating in a clear liquid solution and suspended from the ceiling. Spirit Collection

15 Detail, Spirit Collection
The leaves, suspended in a clear preservative solution, are from a tree Christine Borland passed on her way to visiting the Department of Medical Genetics at Glasgow University. The tree was grown from seeds of the Plane Tree in Kos, Greece, where it is said that Hippocrates taught his students. This is the perfect symbol for Borland ‘s work since the Hippocratic oath remains an expression of ideal conduct for Western physicians, and it is the ethical terrain of medical research that she explores. Detail, Spirit Collection

16 Five Set Conversation Pieces (1998) includes five female pelvises molded from obstetric models. Porcelain babies' heads are set in different positions by the pubis bone, while the upper bones are painted like old "china trade" china with blue ships, islands and trees. In those old days "bone china" meant wares actually made with ground-up human bones. “DNA lived on in the china , just think -- you could clone your great granddad from an old teapot. Not really, but its just the kind of startling thought that Christine Borland stirs up in this provocative exhibition. “ Five Set Conversation Pieces ““DNA lived on in the china , just think -- you could clone your great granddad from an old teapot. Not really, but its just the kind of startling thought that Christine Borland stirs up in this provocative exhibition. “

17 . For her first solo show in London, L'Homme Double at the Lisson Gallery, she commissioned six academically-trained sculptors to make life-size clay heads of the Nazi Auschwitz doctor, Josef Mengele, from photocopied pictures of him which she provided and descriptions which Auschwitz survivors had made. The same year she was nominated for the Turner Prize.

18 Cornelia Parker 1956-present
Parker's compelling transformations of familiar, everyday objects investigate the nature of matter and test physical properties. Using materials that have a history loaded with association, Parker has employed numerous methods of exploration- suspending, exploding, crushing, and stretching.

19 Hanging Fire (Suspected Arson) is a major installation piece constructed from found materials-the charred remains of an alleged arson incident. Hung by wires to create a forest of charcoal fragments, the work features a spectacular explosion of form in space and captures Parker's forensic fascination.

20 Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View ]
She is best known for large-scale installations such as (1991), where she had a garden shed blown up by the British Army and suspended the fragments as if suspending the explosion process in time. In the centre was a light which cast the shadows of the wood dramatically on the walls of the room.[2] Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View ]

21 ‘I dissolved pornographic video tapes in solvent and made Rorschach blots with the stain. The video tapes were shredded by the Customs and Excise who decide what should be taken out of circulation. I’m making you look at them again but they’ve become an abstraction...I just dropped these blots of ‘ink’ onto paper and folded it. I didn’t dictate what images appeared.’

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