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Words You Should Know Crazy Campaigns Elect Me! Money Changes

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Presentation on theme: "Words You Should Know Crazy Campaigns Elect Me! Money Changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Words You Should Know Crazy Campaigns Elect Me! Money Changes Everything So Yeah … About Those Readings Election Potpourri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

2 Registered organizations to campaigns and causes
that donate money to campaigns and causes in the hopes of getting laws passed that favor their beliefs

3 Political Action Committees (PACs)

4 Whether a campaign uses positive or negative ads

5 Tone

6 registered party voter and candidates in your party
Type of primary where you must be a registered party voter and can only vote for candidates in your party

7 Closed Primary

8 Regulated money that is donated directly to a campaign

9 Hard Money

10 Voting for candidates from different parties

11 Split Ticket Voting

12 formation of these groups which allow corporations
The Citizens United case allowed for the formation of these groups which allow corporations to endorse candidates, spend lots of money, and not report it to the FEC

13 Super PACs

14 in which an Independent can vote for a candidate
Type of primary in which an Independent can vote for a candidate from any political party

15 Blanket Primary

16 party members that determines who the candidate for the
A meeting of political party members that determines who the candidate for the party will be

17 Caucus

18 Name all 4 T’s of campaigning

19 Timing Theme Tone Target

20 When states move their primary dates forward forcing candidates to campaign early

21 Front Loading

22 Election that causes a dramatic change in the political system

23 Critical (Realigning) Election

24 1st step in running for President

25 Get your name known

26 How long we have to wait until we know whether or not an election is a critical election

27 No set length, but usually it’s several years

28 Act that created the Federal Election Commission


30 Both state laws and party rules govern this type of election

31 Primary Election

32 Money plays a HUGE role in the election of these candidates

33 Congressional Candidates

34 money has to be reported
Almost all campaign money has to be reported to the FEC and to this group

35 The IRS

36 These candidates get the most PAC money

37 Incumbents who have voted in favor of the PAC’s beliefs

38 organizations who don’t have to disclose the names
Type of money raised by 501c4 organizations who don’t have to disclose the names of their donors

39 Dark Money

40 The main reason why a presidential candidate may not take federal matching funds

41 Limits on how much they can spend are too strict

42 Besides not being registered, why is voter turnout so low in the U.S.?

43 We don’t care (apathy/ignorance/ or cynicism)

44 Voters tend to remember this type of spot best

45 Negative

46 that describe these states
Small town, religious, conservative, and Republican are terms that describe these states

47 Red States

48 The Willie Horton ad helped get this man elected President

49 George H.W. Bush

50 type of election because the Dems gained power for 8 years
The 1992 election was this type of election because the Dems gained power for 8 years after 12 years of Rep. rule

51 Deviating Election

52 Both parties need to attract this type of voter in order to win

53 Swing Voters

54 Voting based on how well the economy is doing

55 Pocketbook Vote

56 This party tends to sway the Independent vote

57 Republicans

58 An issue that is universally agreed upon, such as low crime rates

59 Valence Issue

60 the most registered voters a straight ticket, this party
If the party with the most registered voters got them to always vote a straight ticket, this party would always win

61 Democrats

62 Double Jeopardy!!

63 Words You Should Know Crazy Campaigns Elect Me! Money Changes Everything So Yeah … About Those Readings Election Potpourri $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

64 Type of issue that divides the electorate, such as abortion or capital punishment

65 Position Issue

66 Accountants, lawyers, pollsters, and others that a candidate
must have prior to raising any money for the campaign

67 Campaign Organization

68 Unlimited and unregulated funds used for party activities
that are not supposed to go to the candidate’s campaign

69 Soft Money

70 more popular politician
Getting elected because you align yourself with a more popular politician

71 Riding the Coattails

72 voting bloc switches to become Independents or
This occurs when a voting bloc switches to become Independents or non-voters

73 Party Dealignment

74 A simple idea that can be repeated throughout a campaign

75 Theme

76 Late 20th and 21st century campaigns focus on this instead of the party

77 The individual candidate

78 intervenes in an election
Organization that intervenes in an election but doesn’t support a particular candidate

79 527 Organization

80 campaign expenditures
SC decision that limited campaign contributions but not campaign expenditures

81 Buckley v. Valeo

82 What’s the difference between a campaign contribution and a campaign expenditure?

83 directly to the candidate; Expenditure is what the
Contribution goes directly to the candidate; Expenditure is what the campaign spends

84 Voting based on how things went in the past

85 Retrospective Voting

86 Give the 2 main reasons why 1980 is NOT a critical election

87 Divided Gov’t & Retrospective Voting

88 where the candidate has to take moderate positions and
Type of election where the candidate has to take moderate positions and debate with rival candidates from the opposing party

89 General Election

90 Primary where a registered Democrat can vote a straight Republican ticket

91 Open Primary

92 Key issue in the 1896 election that helped to make it a critical election

93 Economy (Rise of the Populists)

94 How much do you have to raise in donations of $250 or less in order to get matching funds?

95 $5000 in each of 20 states for a total of $100,000

96 Opponents of the BCRA often argued that it violated BOTH of these amendments

97 1st and 10th amendments

98 Name both sponsors of the BCRA

99 John McCain & Russ Feingold

100 FECA was amended due to this government scandal

101 Watergate

102 from contributing directly to campaigns other than their
Act that forbade public employees from contributing directly to campaigns other than their own campaigns

103 Hatch Act

104 Type of election that is often preceded by a third party revolt

105 Critical (Realigning) Election

106 and Democratic are terms used to describe this type of state
Secular, urban, liberal, and Democratic are terms used to describe this type of state

107 Blue State

108 to power after a brief rule
Type of election in which a party returns to power after a brief rule by the opposing party

109 Re-instating Election

110 Vietnam service during the 2004 Presidential Election
527 group that attacked John Kerry’s Vietnam service during the 2004 Presidential Election

111 Swift Boat Veterans For Truth

112 election is credited with creating our modern parties,
Although the 1932 election is credited with creating our modern parties, the movement began when Republicans began voting with this minor party

113 The Bull Moose Party

114 retrospective voting is
During peacetime, retrospective voting is usually based on these condidtions

115 Economic Conditions (Pocketbook Voting)

116 Casting a vote for the least objectionable candidate

117 Clothespin Voting

118 of the Iowa caucuses and
The main criticism of the Iowa caucuses and the NH primary

119 IA and NH are not representative of the American people

120 The main reason why so many states are frontloading

121 candidates are nominated
To have more influence on which candidates are nominated

122 Though several lawsuits were filed, this Senator
led the campaign against the BCRA

123 Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

124 What was the name of Stephen
Final Jeopardy What was the name of Stephen Colbert’s SuperPAC?

125 Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow

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