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Welcome to Marine Science!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Marine Science!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Marine Science!
Ms. Barker Room 3-308

2 Who Are You? Have a seat in your assigned seat and begin answering the questions on the handout. Draw a pig. I will be coming by as you complete these asking for the name you prefer to go by.

3 Class Rules RESPECT All electronics turned off and away
Absolutely NO cell phones out during class Referrals will be given if phones are out 10/10 Rule: Students are not allowed to leave the class during the first and last ten minutes of class Follow all instructions promptly and respectfully

4 **I will dismiss you, not the bell**
Classroom Procedures Entering: Check the front table for handouts and go to your seat Take out your notebook and supplies (pen/pencil) Store bags off the desk tops (you never know if there are squid guts on the desk) Complete RTW Check Board/Agenda Exiting: Clean up your area, throw trash away on your way out Push in your chairs **I will dismiss you, not the bell**

5 Bathroom Pass Bathroom Passes:
No passes in the first and last 10 min. of the period Only one person out at a time (Take the Pass) Keep bathroom time limited if you are missing for a long time I will worry that you fell in and have a campus advisor go check  If you need to go and the pass is there, go for it YOU MUST TAKE THE PASS TO LEAVE THE ROOM

6 Class Expectations Be Prompt Be Prepared Be Polite Be Productive
Be Positive

7 Grading EOC Formative assignments: 40% Daily participation
ISN notebooks Class or homework assignments Some labs Summative assignments: 60% Mini-summatives Major summatives Formal lab reports Major class projects EOC TBD but likely ≤ 10% of overall grade

8 Interactive Science Notebook (ISN)
All students are required to keep a notebook that includes class assignments as well as notes. This will be a major part of your formative grade! Be prepared to set up the notebook next Tuesday

9 Gradebook KEY M= missing assignment due to absence
Z= assignment not turned in, cannot be made-up X= exempt I = incomplete (no grade assessed, only given in extreme cases)

10 ABSENCES “3 Before Me”: Classmate #1 Class Website ( or Edmodo) ”While You Were Out”/Classmate #2 Tests/Quizzes may be made up during Office Hours the day you return. Be prepared though! If there is time you will be making up the test or quiz in class. YOU are responsible for finding out what you missed.

11 MAKE-UP/LATE WORK Day for a day policy is in effect this year. If you miss one day you have one day to make up your missed assignment. If you were there the day the assignment was assigned, but miss the due date then the assignment is due the day you return.

12 Class Websites I will post daily assignments through: Refer to these sites for PowerPoints, handouts, class assignment schedule, etc. If you ever have questions feel free to me:

13 Supplies: Due Friday Pens and Pencils Highlighters
Spiral Notebook (100 pg. college ruled 8 ½ x 11) Agenda/Planner Gluesticks Colored Pencils

14 Edmodo Codes Period 1: xbaf64 Period 2: igei7a Period 3: y6hdgu
Period 4: kdfreg Period 5: pcdbt8 Period 7: pe5bfx

15 *You cannot see my number & I can’t see yours  *
Remind 101 Codes Send To: 81010 Subject: Period Period Period (all “0’s” are zeros) Period Period Period This is one-way communication which allows me to remind you of important dates and might notify you of extra credit, etc. that I might not mention in class. *You cannot see my number & I can’t see yours  *


17 RTW: What is your favorite ocean creature?
Wednesday, August 17th RTW: What is your favorite ocean creature? Objective: I will be able to differentiate between an observation and inference and use appropriate evidence and reasoning to justify explanations to others. Agenda: Nature of Science Activity Homework: Join Edmodo Supplies due Friday Set up ISN Tuesday

18 Nature of Science DO NOT peel off the paper from the bottom of the cube! With the people at your table you will write a list of observations about the cube. Together, you will form a hypothesis about what the bottom of the cube looks like. Be ready to defend your hypothesis to the rest of the class and provide evidence.

19 What is a Skate? Related to sharks and sting rays Skate Hatching

20 Rays Skates Viviparous (live birth) Oviparous (egg laying)
No dorsal fin More rigid tails Have spines/barbs Plate like teeth Generally larger Oviparous (egg laying) Prominent dorsal fin Fleshier tails Lack spines/barbs Small teeth Generally smaller .


22 RTW: Compare the cube activity to how scientists work.
Thursday, August 18th RTW: Compare the cube activity to how scientists work. Objective: Create an unique cube similar to yesterday’s lab to have another team solve. Agenda: Build cube Trade with another team and try to solve their pattern Homework: Join Edmodo (if you haven’t already) Supplies due Friday Set up ISN Monday


24 RTW: How did you decide on the pattern of your cube?
HAPPY Friday, August 19th RTW: How did you decide on the pattern of your cube? Objective: Get to know each other and how you work together as a team! Agenda: Tower Challenge Homework: Join Edmodo (if you haven’t already) Supplies due TOMORROW! Set up ISN Monday

25 TOWER LAB Get into your groups! READ the instructions first. (5min)
All teams get materials but DO NOT start building until you are told to. Build (35 min.) Judging Winning team of the day gets a prize 


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