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The student will analyze the age of revolutions and rebellions.

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1 The student will analyze the age of revolutions and rebellions.
SSWH14 The student will analyze the age of revolutions and rebellions.

2 ABSOLUTISM: Form of government where the monarch (king/queen) has complete power over all aspects of society Divine Right The idea that a ruler is given authority to rule from God and answers only to God.

3 Built the strongest army in Europe
Louis xiv (France): King of France Nicknamed the “Sun King” because it seemed as if the world revolved around him. No decision could be made without his approval. Built the strongest army in Europe Uses it against his own citizens if they question him.

4 Louis xiv (France): Vast majority of people in France were peasants
Performed many odd jobs Lived hard & simple lives Forced to pay heavy taxes to support the nobles’ wealthy lifestyles Caused a lot of tension

5 Versailles Louis’s palace located near Paris.
Louis xiv (France): Versailles Louis’s palace located near Paris. Most expensive and elaborate building in Europe at the time Symbol of Louis XIV’s wealth and power.






11 Peter the great (Russia):
Tsar of Russia Ruled with Absolute power (most autocratic) Expanded Russia’s borders by using a strong military St. Petersburg became his Versailles Westernization Brought Europeans to Russia to bring Western ideas, technology, & culture Purpose was to help Russia compete with the other European countries.

12 Peter the great (Russia):
Control methods: *Brought Russian Orthodox Church under his power *made men shave their beards *made nobles wear Western clothing *strengthened serfdom (status of peasants under feudalism)

13 Shogun of Japan from 1603-1616 (Tokugawa Shogunate)
Tokugawa ieyasu: Shogun of Japan from (Tokugawa Shogunate) Unified Japan under one government, ending feudalism. Had absolute power by controlling the activities of nobles Required nobles to live in the capital city every other year

14 Revolutions & rebellions:
English civil war latin American revolution American revolution opium war French revolution taiping rebellion Haitian revolution

15 English civil war: CHARLES I: Became King of England in 1625
Parliament Legislature in England Made up of nobles and middle class from all over England Even though the King had absolute power, Parliament controlled the country’s money CHARLES I: Became King of England in 1625 Continually asked Parliament for money. Parliament gave it to him, but he had to promise not to ask for any more. In 1640, he again asked for money for a war with Scotland Parliament refused

16 ENGLISH CIVIL WAR: Supporters of Parliament and supporters of the King went to war to answer this question Parliament’s forces were led by Oliver Cromwell In 1649 Charles I was captured and executed. England goes without a monarch for a few years and then realize they don’t like it. When they bring back the monarchy, they pass a law limiting the monarch’s power. Establish a Constitutional Monarchy In 1707, England, Scotland, Wales, and N. Ireland joined together to form Great Britain.

Great Britain’s colonies in North America objected to taxes that GB was trying to pass. In 1776, the Americans wrote the Declaration of Independence saying that they were no longer under British rule. GB went to war trying to hold on to its colonies. The Americans won the war and established the United States of America in 1783.

18 Louis XVI Estates Estates-General French revolution (1789):
King of France Estates 3 Divisions of French society 1st Estate…clergy 2nd Estate…nobles 3rd Estate…everybody else (97% of population) Estates-General Legislative Body in France Made up of representatives of the three estates Any new taxes had to be approved by the EG

19 1789-1799 was a time of disorder and panic in France
French revolution: CAUSES: France was in a lot of debt Louis XVI wanted to impose new taxes to pay the debts The 3rd Estate tried to prevent this, but was ignored. National Assembly Representatives of the 3rd Estate decide to revolt and form a new government for France. REVOLUTION: was a time of disorder and panic in France Mob violence, mass murders, and riots were common 1793: Louis XVI is executed Reign of Terror Revolutionaries take over the government and have anyone who they suspect is against the Revolution killed

20 http://www. biography. com/people/marie-antoinette-9398996 https://www

21 Military officer who takes over the French gov’t in 1799.
NAPOLEON: Military officer who takes over the French gov’t in 1799. Held absolute power, but had the full support of the French people Brought stability to France

22 New code of laws established by Napoleon for his entire Empire.
NAPOLEONIC CODE: New code of laws established by Napoleon for his entire Empire. Based on Enlightenment principles Equality of everyone in the law Religious toleration Innocent until proven guilty Valued order and authority over individual rights

23 Conquered several European countries
NAPOLEON’S EMPIRE: Conquered several European countries Only Great Britain was able to defend itself from France In 1812, Napoleon tried to invade Russia Winter forced him to retreat

24 Waterloo Congress of Vienna NAPOLEON’S FALL:
Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia join together and defeat Napoleon Congress of Vienna European leaders met in Vienna, Austria to restore order to Europe Gave land and power back to the people who had it before Napoleon Balance of power European nations vowed to stay as equal as possible


1802: Napoleon sent troops to retake Haiti 1803: yellow fever destroyed French army, forced to surrender Jan. 1804: Haiti declares its independence Used American and French Revolution ideas to start a slave revolt in Haiti Haiti: ruled by the French Main crop: sugar plantations ran by French plantation owners & worked by Haitian slaves Revolt led by Toussant L’Ouverture (slave) 1798: rebels won, slavery was abolished

27 Latin American revolutions (1808-1825):
, countries in Latin America began to one-by-one revolt and overthrow their European leaders Simon Bolivar “The Liberator” Helped Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia gain independence from Spain Wanted to unite all of S. America under one gov’t, but failed.

28 Isolation in east asia:
Both Japan and China wanted to isolate themselves from Western powers They did not want westerners coming in and messing with their culture Western nations wanted to trade with Japan and China

29 Opium war: Great Britain asks China to trade with them.
China refuses Great Britain starts secretly trading Opium into China in exchange for tea The Chinese gov’t tells GB to stop, but they don’t. Chinese get addicted & sell silver to pay for drug 1839: Britain & China go to war China was easily defeated b/c of outdated weapons Unequal Treaties Forced China to trade with Britain China lost territory to Britain Christian missionaries were allowed in to China of-all-of-us/videos/opium-in-china#opium-in-china

30 Taiping rebellion: Peasants in China felt that the Qing gov’t was not taking care of them and wanted to overthrow them. (peasant revolt) Qing gov’t won 20-30 million people died Deadliest civil war in world history

31 Japan: Japan: isolated for 200 years 1853: Commodore Matthew Perry
US military officer who brought US warships to Japan to force Japan to trade with US Japan couldn’t compete with US, so they agreed. Japan was forced to sign Unequal Treaties similar to those signed by China

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