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Math Coaching: It’s a Whole New Ballgame

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Presentation on theme: "Math Coaching: It’s a Whole New Ballgame"— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Coaching: It’s a Whole New Ballgame
Molly Smith Math Coach/Assistant Principal Brooklyn Primary -Baker School District

2 Who is Molly Smith? Halfway, Oregon Daughter Wife and Mother
Teacher and life-long learner President of Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics Math Coach and Assistant Principal Oregon Duck Lover Adventerous!

3 First two weeks of school
Visiting classrooms Culture of school/classrooms Needs? Where the teachers and students were with math Wants? First two weeks of school Positive messages on what I saw, trying to get a feel for where the staff is and where we need to focus in on, tried to listen to what they want/need

4 Relationships

5 Goals for the year Support teachers wherever they are Math Adoption
Pilot process Professional Development Growth Mindset Fluency Goals for the year Talk about new job and nothing truly outlined – RTI grant, set up a schedule, learning targets are helpful

6 Math Coaching is different…
Reading vs. Math Math Coaching is different… So much research on reading and so far behind in math – interventions, research on DI. Some parts are the same like student engagement – research showing that students learn best by manipulating.

7 Math Coach Role Cheerleader Mentor Collaborator Co-teacher Advocate
Facilitator of PLCs Plan for and practice intentional listening Math Coach Role


9 Jo Boaler’s book Book study with admin team – keep a library of resources

10 Jo Boaler’s Class – How to Learn Math for Teachers and Parents
She actually has two classes. We started with the class for students, and are now taking the class online for teachers and parents. About minutes per session.

11 Math games that help with concepts
Homework Club


13 Math Cadre Team Not the leader, but truly share my knowledge.

14 What's going well in math instruction and learning in our school?
What's not going well in math instruction and learning in our school? What, if any impact did coaching have on your teaching and students' learning? What is your advice for me as I strive to improve to collaborate with others? Using the phrases, "Before coaching I used to…" and "After coaching I…" comment on a shift that you've had as a result of coaching. Math Survey

15 What do you currently do during your “math intervention time” in your classroom?
If you have students go elsewhere during intervention time, what do they do and who is in charge of what they do? Realistically, and ideally, what would you like to see in a math coaching schedule? Please share how you have used your math coaching time here so that it can be shared with others. Math Survey

16 How would you feel about the math coach periodically scheduling time during a portion of your PLC to bring instructional strategies to your team? Is there anything else that you would like to share about how math coaching is going, or should go at Brooklyn? Math Survey

17 Resources Engaging in Mathematical Practices Look-fors
Elements of Effective Math Instructions Resources

18 Jo Boaler Books Website- Resources

19 Resources The Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Benefits: Resources The Oregon Math Teacher magazine (TOMT), our award-winning publication for Oregon math educators, published five times yearly and available in print or as a digital file Reduced rates for Oregon and regional conferences, including the Northwest Mathematics Conference and Oregon Math Leaders Eligibility for OCTM scholarships Access to the member-only section of our website, with TOMT archives, Problem Box Books, Prompts for Problem Solvers, and more Access to a huge network of educators who promote quality mathematics teaching and learning Opportunities for developing leadership skills Membership $35 or e-membership for $25

20 Resources Teaching Channel
raction-math-lesson- ousd?utm_campaign=digest&utm_medium=ema il&utm_source=digest Resources

21 Number Talks Resources

22 Twitter Follow others to gain ideas #educoach Resources

23 On-line Math Class – Google hang-out

24 Math Coaching Suggestions
PD Growth Mind-set Fluency Sharing articles, videos, anything helpful Future goals: Live coaching Non-negotiables Math Coaching Suggestions

25 Growth Mindset PD Jo Boaler’s book
Growth Mindset Kit - Growth Mindset

26 Suggestions Let the teacher “drive” the process
Adopt a curious problem-solving stance Walk the walk Provide helpful resources Suggestions This does not mean that the coach cedes all input,” says Finkelstein, “rather that the coach’s job in goal-setting is to search for points of agreement with the teacher and to direct her in ways likely to produce positive results. he coach’s role, she says, “is not to fix lessons or teachers but to support teachers’ abilities to meet students’ needs. This view is critical to mitigating teacher resistance to feedback, which most teachers expect will be evaluative.” A smart strategy is to focus on what students have learned rather than the teacher’s skill executing lessons. “Collaboratively examining student performance can provide an effective third space for this kind of non-evaluative feedback,” she says. “Coaches can frame the job of educators as continual problem solvers who recognize that surfacing dilemmas does not indicate a teacher’s deficiency; it is an essential part of teaching and learning.” It’s also effective for the coach to invite the teacher to comment on lessons the coach teaches, focusing on how students reacted and behaved.

27 Questions?

28 Baker School District President of the Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics @mollymathnerd Contact info

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