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Class teacher – Mrs Jackson Teaching assistant – Mrs Cooke

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1 Class teacher – Mrs Jackson Teaching assistant – Mrs Cooke
Welcome to Year 5 Class teacher – Mrs Jackson Teaching assistant – Mrs Cooke

2 Year 5 is the beginning of Upper Key Stage 2 and expectations are very high.
We have a wonderful year planned, bursting with exciting lessons and interesting topics, more of which will be explained in termly newsletters. Welcome

3 English and Maths will be taught by Mrs Jackson Monday – Thursday.
There will be one day where an additional Maths lesson will be taught and another where an additional English lesson will be taught. Core subjects

4 English is divided and subdivided into
Reading (Word reading and Comprehension) and Writing (Transcription: spelling and handwriting; and Composition: articulating ideas and structuring them) Within this area there is a much greater emphasis on the technical skills of grammar, vocabulary and punctuation. English

5 Children are expected to read every night for 15 minutes
Children are expected to read every night for 15 minutes. Please ensure that their reading book is signed. Please take the time to talk to your child about what they are reading – they could summarise what has happened in a story, predict what they think might happen next or regale you with interesting facts from a non-fiction text! Guided reading takes place daily in the class. Discrete comprehension lessons take place weekly. Reading

6 Handwriting and spelling
Spelling is taught twice a week on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Spelling tests are given on a Monday morning. Handwriting is taught on Thursdays and Fridays. We follow the PenPals scheme and the children will be awarded a pen licence in line with the school handwriting policy. Handwriting and spelling

7 Examples of English expectations
Reading Use a range of strategies to identify the meaning of new vocabulary Identify examples of effective description that evoke time or place commenting on both word and sentence choice Provide reasoned justification for their views Spelling & Handwriting Spell some words with ‘silent’ letters (e.g. knight, psalm, solemn) Spell words with different endings (e.g. –ible, -able, -ence, -cious) Write legibly, fluently and with increasing speed Writing Composition Plan and write in a range of forms, taking account of different audiences and purposes Use a range of conjunctions and adverbials to link, compare and contrast and extend ideas Evaluate and edit by ensuring consistent and correct use of tense and ensuring correct subject and verb agreement Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Use modal verbs or adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility (e.g. always, usually) Use brackets, dashes, semi-colons and colons Use relative clauses Examples of English expectations

8 Maths Areas of Maths are divided into the following areas:
Number – number and place value Number – addition and subtraction Number – multiplication and division Number – fractions (including decimals and percentages) Geometry – properties of shapes Geometry – position and direction Statistics Maths

9 How to help your child with Maths
Play times tables games. Knowing up to 12 x 12 is invaluable! Play mental maths games including counting in different amounts, forwards and backwards (including negative numbers). Encourage lots of opportunities for telling the time. Encourage opportunities for counting coins and money; finding amounts or calculating change when shopping. Look for numbers on street signs, car registrations and anywhere else! Look for examples of 2D and 3D shapes around the home. Identify, weigh or measure quantities and amounts in the kitchen or in recipes. Play games involving numbers or logic, such as dominoes, card games, darts, draughts or chess. How to help your child with Maths

10 Science Children will be taught Science once a week by Mrs Jackson.
Details regarding the unit to be taught will be available on the Curriculum Newsletter at the start of each term. Units include: Earth and space Forces Properties and changes of materials Living things and their habitats Animals, including humans Science

11 Topic (History & Geography), Art, Design and Technology and PE are taught Monday to Thursday.
Music, RE, PSHE and Computing will be taught each week on Friday. Foundation subjects

12 Homework Purple homework
This is sent home every Thursday to be handed in the following Monday. Children are expected to select their own level of challenge – Mild, Spicy, Hot – with the option of Challenger words, too. All children are expected to complete ten sentences, each of which must contain one of their spelling words. This year, the children should be writing complex sentences which show off their understanding of conjunctions, adverbials and relative clauses. Homework

13 Times tables Children are expected to know by heart multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 and the associated division facts. Please encourage your child to practise these regularly. Homework

14 Homework Abacus We encourage three online activities per week.
Activity is monitored and rewarded. Homework

15 Red homework This is handed out on a Thursday to be returned to share with the rest of the class the following Thursday. It is then taken home again and brought back to school again the next Monday for marking. This homework is based on what the children have been learning about in class or may be research in connection with their subjects. Please support your child with this homework but let them show off their own work! Homework

16 Children in Year 5 are expected to take on new duties and responsibilities to reflect their growing age and maturity. Jobs are undertaken in rota and all children are expected to carry them out for the duration of the week in which they are allocated. Jobs include Fruit monitor, Toys monitor, Register monitor, Door monitor (KS1 and KS2). Year 5 jobs and duties

17 Water bottles – please ensure your child has a named bottle to keep hydrated – this is important in all weathers. P.E. kits need to be in school all the time. Trainers are required for outdoor P.E. Aprons or old shirts are very useful to prevent stains and marking in Art and DT lessons. Other information!

18 Any questions?

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