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Earthquake & Volcano Review

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Presentation on theme: "Earthquake & Volcano Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earthquake & Volcano Review

2 The cracks in Earth’s crust are called __.
Ridges Continents Tunnels Faults

3 D. Faults

4 A Seismic waves B. Rolling waves C. Breaking waves D. Earth waves
Waves of energy generated (started) by an earthquake that travel through earth are called ___. A Seismic waves B. Rolling waves C. Breaking waves D. Earth waves

5 A. Seismic waves

6 Trigger Center Epicenter Breaking point
The point on Earth’s surface where the earthquake is the strongest & most damaging is called the ___. Trigger Center Epicenter Breaking point

7 C. Epicenter

8 Core Focus Rock Fall Mantle
The area under Earth’s surface where rock is stressed until it breaks & starts an earthquake is called the ___. Core Focus Rock Fall Mantle

9 B. Focus

10 Mercalli Scale Richter Scale Earthquake Scale Geiger Scale
Roman numerals are used in the scale that shows the reported damage level in an area hit by an earthquake. Which scale is this? Mercalli Scale Richter Scale Earthquake Scale Geiger Scale

11 A. Mercalli Scale

12 The earthquake in Japan was reported as a 9. 0 on the Richter Scale
The earthquake in Japan was reported as a 9.0 on the Richter Scale. What does this mean? How long the quake lasted The size/magnitude of the quake The time of day the quake began How much it will cost for repairs

13 B. The size/magnitude of the quake

14 Geysers Tsunamis Volcanoes Earthquakes
What is the term for a formation near a weak spot in Earth’s crust where magma comes up to the surface? Geysers Tsunamis Volcanoes Earthquakes

15 C. Volcanoes

16 A mountain range An island arc A trench A subduction zone
A string of islands that forms where 2 convergent plates collide is called ___. A mountain range An island arc A trench A subduction zone

17 B. An island arc

18 Choose 2 examples of island arcs.
The Hawaiian Islands The Mexican Islands The Caribbean Islands The Aleutian Islands

19 C. The Caribbean Islands
D. The Aleutian Islands

20 Hot Springs & Geysers are 2 examples of __
Hot Springs & Geysers are 2 examples of __. These may be found near areas of past or present volcanic activity. Areas of geothermal activity Areas where old people live Areas of muddy water Areas where the ground is cooler

21 A. Areas of geothermal activity
Earth Heat

22 In the outer core In the inner core In the mantle In the crust
Where does magma form? In the outer core In the inner core In the mantle In the crust

23 Magma forms in the MANTLE! C.

24 Do volcanoes form at transform boundaries?

25 No. They form at subduction zones @convergent boundaries.

26 Where do the Hawaiian Island form?

27 In the Pacific Ocean over a HOT SPOT.

28 If a volcano erupts ___, the magma is thin and flows easily.
Explosively Quietly Pyroclastically Strobolian

29 B. Quietly Explosively would be thick & sticky
B. Quietly Explosively would be thick & sticky. The other two don’t make any sense 

30 Name the volcano type:

31 1. Cinder cone 2. Shield 3. Composite

32 Caldera Cinder Cone Shield Composite
Wide, gently sloping volcanic mountains like the ones in Hawaii are called __. Caldera Cinder Cone Shield Composite

33 C. Shield

34 Cinder cone Shield Composite
A tall, cone-shaped volcano that has explosive eruptions would be a __. Cinder cone Shield Composite

35 C. Composite

36 Cinder cone Shield Composite
A cone shaped mountain that erupts ash, cinders, & bombs is a ___ volcano. Cinder cone Shield Composite

37 A. Cinder cone

38 Sea surge Caldera Tsunami Tidal wave
Huge ocean waves created by an underwater earthquake or plate movement is a ___. Sea surge Caldera Tsunami Tidal wave

39 C. Tsunami

40 Fault Cavern Crater Caldera
When a volcano collapses, a huge hole forms in the top. This called a ___. Fault Cavern Crater Caldera

41 D. Caldera

42 Why is it important to be able to predict where or when an earthquake may happen?

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