Central Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic

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1 Central Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic
Kishinev 2016

2 Stages of Development of the Kyrgyz Republic Treasury System
Period Stages October 1993 Recommendations of the IMF Technical Mission in the Memorandum On Radical Transformation of the Economy of the KR February 1994 Decree of the Government of the KR “On Establishment of the Treasury in the MoF of the KR” as of , No. 45 March 1994 Decree of the Government of the KR “On Establishment of the Central Treasury in the MoF of the KR and of Regional Chapters of the Treasury” as of , No. 147 May 1994 Law "On the Key Treasury Provisions“ as of , No. 1553-XII 1998 Art. 10 of the Law “On the Key Principles of Budget Law in the KR” as of No. 78 2003 Approval of the Treasury System Development Concept Creation of the SE “Info – Sistema”, development and implementation of the automated system in RTOs 2011 Updating of the automated treasury system using web technologies, centralization of data bases Cooperation with the company “Free Balance” 2015 Development strategy of the Ministry of Finance and the PFM Development Strategy

3 Structure of the Treasury System of the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic
Deputy Minister – Director of the Central Treasury Deputy Director Deputy Director Treasury Procedures Methodology Department State Revenue Accounting Department Expenditure Department Banking Services Department Report Consolidation Department Budget Appropriation Registration and Accounting Department Cash Forecasting and Contract Registration Department 55 Regional Chapters of the Treasury State Enterprise “Info – Sistema“(established in 2009)

4 Regulatory Acts that Regulate Activities of the Treasury System
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the Key Provisions of the Treasury of the Kyrgyz Republic” (1994); Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the Key Principles of Budget Law in the Kyrgyz Republic”; Regulation on the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic Instruction on the procedure for opening treasury accounts, getting permits and execution of financial transactions in the process of executing the state budget of the KR; Instruction on the procedure for maintenance of accounting, allocation and utilization of resources of the KR republican budget; Instruction “On the Treasury Procedures for Maintenance of Accounting and Reporting” Instruction on the procedure for accounting of state budget revenues and revenues received from transactions with assets and liabilities in the Treasury system of the Ministry of Finance of the KR; Regulation on organization of settlements of the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic with banking institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic; Instruction on the procedure for registration of contracts and budget commitments of institutions funded from the republican or local budget of the Kyrgyz Republic;

5 Statutory Treasury Functions
Control over execution of the republican and local budgets; Tracking the progress of budget execution and presentation of reports on the course of budget execution; Streamlining banking services for the Government and control over all government bank accounts; Accumulation of all public funds: including budget and off-budget funds in the national and foreign currencies; Management and control over all cash flows for the purpose of making timely expenditures; Development of provisions related to accounting for revenue and expenditure transactions, and control over their utilization; Development and maintenance of the classification system of the budget and of accounts in compliance with international standards; Creation of the hierarchical chart of accounts of the Treasury based on a double entry method and in accordance with the budget classification system; Creation of the efficient internal audit system to ensure proper maintenance of account related to public financial operations; Development of guidelines and other regulatory documents of the Treasury in connection with maintenance of public financial operations, accounting, public banking operations and internal audit; Computerization of treasury operations.

6 Goals and Tasks Related to Improvement of the Treasury System
To maintain qualitative, timely and comprehensive accounting for all transactions of the state budget Efficient management of liquid cash of the budget Improvement of cash planning for transparent and full involvement of budget holders in allocation of their own funds Implementation of the project “Map of Budget Holders” for efficient and timely receipt of cash by budget entities Centralization of all resources, including funds of the Social Fund, Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund and funds of the quasi-fiscal sector. The CT as a participants of interbank payment systems Development of new information systems in accordance with modern requirements

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