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E-metrics Business metrics for the new economy

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Presentation on theme: "E-metrics Business metrics for the new economy"— Presentation transcript:

1 E-metrics Business metrics for the new economy

2 E-business has generated:
A number of new business models New types of of partnership New ways how to succeed

3 Traditional managemnet adage:
You can not manage what you do not measure

4 What types of customers are driving profitability?
Which web technology investment yield the greatest return of investment? How can we best respond to new and potential competitive threats?

5 Traditional business metrics
Overall corporate value: Market capitalization Price to earnings ratio Fixed assets Corporate process management: Cash flow Inventory turnover Net profits Customer turnover Financial expectations: Market share Book to bill ratios Revenue per customer Revenue per employee Industry sector growth

6 E-business is fundamentally different
Suppliers Back Office Front office Customers and channels E-business Front/Back office integration Supply chain Demand chain

7 Customer life cycle Which advertising is the most effective?
Which types of prospects are most likely to buy? Which offers will have the highest impact on which prospects Which customers will be the most profitable over time?

8 The hierarchy of web site activity
User Visit Page view Hit

9 The customer life cycle from introduction to loyalty
attrition abandon - ment loyality retention conversion acquisition reach churn

10 Online stores are taking action based on:
The ratio of abandoned carts to completed purchase per day. The number of items per abandoned carts vs. completed transaction. The profile of items abandoned versus purchase. The profile of a shopper versus a buyer.

11 Best customer metrics Recency: Has the customer made a purchase – or visited your site – recently? Frequency: How often has the customer placed orders – or visited your site – historically? Monetary value: What is the customer’s total spending and profitability?

12 Promotion calculations:
Acquisition cost = Advertising and promotional costs Number of click – thoughts Cost per conversion = Advertising and promotional costs Number of sales Net yield = Total promotion cost Total promotion results Connect rate = Promotional page views Promotion click-troughs

13 Life time value optimization process
Loyalty Reactivate good customers Retain good customers Increase customer loyalty Reduce Cart Abandonment Generate revenue Best customers Acquire good prospects

14 The typical stages of a sales cycle pipeline:
Prospect: Someone who has responded to a promotion, expressing interest in making a purchase. Suspect: A suspect who fits the profile of current customers. Valuable for targeting advertising and promotional efforts. Qualified prospect: A prospect who has been contacted and their need, desire, and ability to purchase has been verified. Closing prospect: a qualified prospect about to become a customer. New customer: One who has just made a purchase? Novice customer: One who is in the process of implementing the product and getting training Unhappy customer: One with a problem to solve Referring customer: A happy customer who is willing to talk to qualified prospects. Company advocate: a very happy customer who helps to recruit customers.

15 Customers in different stages of the cycle pipline
Suspect Technical Approach Product Set Overview Requirements Needs Analysis Survey Account Application Products Creation Term of use Pricing Shipping Order complete Add-on product FAQ Training Account Status Home page Closing customer Referring customer

16 Another e-metrics provide customers behavior:
Stickiness Slipperiness Focus Velocity Seducible moments

17 Stickiness Stickiness = Frequency X Duration X Total site reach Where
Frequency = Number of visitors in time period T Number of unique users who visited in T And Duration = Total amount of time spent viewing all pages Number of visits in time period T Total site reach = Number of unique users who visited in T Total number of unique users

18 Attempting to locate the correct information
Focus = Average number of pages visited in a given section Total number of pages in the section Low Stickiness High Stickiness Wide Focus Either quick satisfaction or perhaps disinterest in this section. Further investigation required. Either consuming interest on the part of users or users are stuck. Further investigation required. Narrow Focus Attempting to locate the correct information Enjoyable browsing indicates a site “magnet area”.

19 Segment velocity trajectories
Determined time stage Identivy register Explore, Browse Focus on details Select, Engage Convinced Purchase, sign-up, agree Unfocused Researcher Uncommited Determined time stage Identivy register Explore, Browse Focus on details Select, Engage Convinced Purchase, sign-up, agree Unfocused Researcher Uncommited

20 Several additional e-metrics:
Personalization index Life time value Loyalty value Freshness factor

21 Personalization index
Total number of profile elements used in customer interaction Total number of pages in the section

22 The formula for loyalty will include the following variables:
Visit frequency (number visits per month) Visit duration (minutes per visits) Visit depth (number of page views per visit) Purchase per visit Number of items purchased per visit Profitability of purchases per month

23 customer might be evaluated on factors such as:
Number of referrals per month (did the customers refer others?) Value of referrals per month (did those referrals buy? How much?) Questionnaire propensity (how willing is the customer to answer survey questions?) Contest participation (how willing is the customer to participate in contest?) Reward points program (how willing is the customer to participate in affinity programs?)

24 B2B bond Visit frequency Visit duration Visit depth Visit tenure
Purchase tenure Purchase frequency Total life time spending Visit recency Purchase recency Required clicks to first purchase Actual clicks to first purchase Actual clicks to purchase

25 First purchase momentum = Required clicks to first purchase
Actual clicks to first purchase Repeat purchase momentum = Required clicks to repeat purchase Actual clicks to repeat purchase Freshness factor = Average content area refresh rate Average section visit frequency

26 How to Use (Google) Analytics to Improve Your Website
Smart Marketing. How to Use (Google) Analytics to Improve Your Website This presentation uses Google Analytics to demonstrate what information you need to be looking for to make smart decisions about how to improve your website and internet marketing. There are other tools available! Google is a free tool, so no real support from Google is implied. If you are somewhat tech savvy and willing to spend the time learning how to use the tool, this workshop is intended to show you what to do with all that information. "It's not just about having a website …it is about marketing smarter."

27 What Is Web Analytics? says:
Smart Marketing. What Is Web Analytics? says: “Web Analytics is the measurement of the behavior of visitors to a website. In a commercial context, it refers to the measurement of which aspects the website work towards the business objectives.” What do they find most interesting, least interesting,

28 What You Can Expect to Learn
Smart Marketing. What You Can Expect to Learn How to tie your business goals to your website and internet marketing. How to determine if you are getting the right traffic coming to your site. How to optimize your site to capitalize on the right traffic. What do they find most interesting, least interesting,

29 What You Can Also Expect to Learn
Smart Marketing. What You Can Also Expect to Learn How to measure other (internet) marketing efforts like: PPC SEO Social Media Offline (radio, TV, print)

30 Smart Marketing. Step 1- Have An…

31 Who is your customer? Marketing 101- Identify your audience
Smart Marketing. Who is your customer? Marketing 101- Identify your audience Demographics Age, Sex, Income, Family, Geography, etc Motivations Their goals Their needs Their wants The risk to them ($, esteem, stature, job) Why is this so important? This tells you where you should be visible and what you should be targeting. This tells you what you need to have on your website. Talk about them more than you talk about you! Motivations-Personas definition. Why and how to use.

32 What do you want them to do?
Smart Marketing. What do you want them to do? Set your business goals and marketing objectives. What steps of your sales process are completed online? Plan out your micro and macro CTAs page by page. Some examples: Registration for events Shopping cart adds Learn more about your products, services, policies Sign up for mailing list Visit your store or contact you Why is this so important? This tells us what to measure against.

33 Smart Marketing. An example. Acme Software company needs their website to generate and nurture their sales leads. Their macro goal is for visitors to request a software demo or free trial. Some examples of the micro actions visitors might take: Product Page Views Case Study Downloads Read a blog post Follow on Twitter View Customer testimonials Why is this so important? This tells us what pages to set as goals in Google Analytics.

34 How to measure what you want them to do.
Smart Marketing. How to measure what you want them to do. Identify your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Business Goal Success Event KPI Increase online leads Completed RFP or RFI form Form Conversion Rate Page Bounce Rate Why is this so important? This tells us what metrics to look at to measure the effectiveness of the site in accomplishing the goals. This will also help you to not get lost in data.

35 Now that you have your new found data
Smart Marketing. Now that you have your new found data Take on the role of an analyst and fix the holes in the funnel. Don’t just say, “Oh, look at what happened to our page views yesterday when we sent that …” The goal of using analytics is not to observe the data and then stop. What you should do is to take a look at the data and use it to make the next decision. Why is this so important? Don’t do nothing or wonder- act.

36 Now that you have your new found data
Smart Marketing. Now that you have your new found data This brings us to the third question in our action plan. “How to get them to take action?” Instead of reacting to your data, look for ways to improve the process for your customers. Example: 10% of our visitors left the conversion process at this page. What is missing from the page, what is not appealing on the page? This is again why personas are key to success.

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