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The Sad Young Men Rod W. Horton Herbert W. Edwards.

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1 The Sad Young Men Rod W. Horton Herbert W. Edwards

2 Unit 5: Procedures Background Information 1 Structure and Stylistic Analysis 2 Detailed Study of the Text 3 Exercises 4

3 Background Information
--The Sad Young Men --The Lost Generation --The Jazz Age -- Literary figures

4 Circumstance The Spanish-American War (1898) World War I ( ) -- Economic development The great Depression (1929-late 1930s) The Twenties were known as The Roaring Twenties, The Jazz Age, the Age of the Lost Generation

5 The sad young men F. Scott Fitzgerald All the Sad Young Men The disillusioned post-World War younger generation, especially the young writers who lied as expatriates in west Europe for a short time. It’s also called “the lost generation” by Gertrude Stein ( )

6 Common features They are ex-soldiers spiritually shattered (pieces) by the war; They all lied in Paris for a certain period of time and associated with the informal literary salon of Gertrude Stein’s Paris home; They were all disillusioned with the American tradition of writing as well as the post-war American society

7 The Jazz Age the 1920s or the Roaring Twenties jazz music and dance emerged It came about with the introduction of main stream radio and the end of the war.

8  Some literary figures --F. Scott Fitzgerald --E. Hemingway --Sinclair Lewis

9 F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940) This Side of Paradise (1920) 《人间天堂》 Tales of the Jazz Age (1922) 《爵士时代的故事》 The Great Gatsby (1925) All the Sad Young Men (1926) 《一代悲哀的年轻人》 Tender Is the Night (1934)《夜色温柔》 The Last Tycoon (1941) 《最后的一个巨头》

10 Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) The Sun Also Rises (1926) 《太阳照样升起》
A Farewell to Arms (1929) 《永别了,武器》 For whom the Bell Tolls (1940) 《丧钟为谁而鸣》 The Old Man and the Sea (1952) 《老人与海》 --Nobel Prize in 1954

11 Ezra Pound ( ) “the poet’s poet”

12 In the Station of the Metro
The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.

13 T. S. Eliot( ) THE WASTE LAND(written when he was 34)

14 William Faulkner (1897-1962) The Sound and the Fury Go Down, Moses
 As I Lay Dying, Light in August Absalom, Absalom! A Rose for Emily (short story)

15 Structure and Stylistic Analysis
Type of literature: a piece of exposition To inform or explain Verifiable facts and valid information

16 Structure?

17 Supports: The rejection of Victorian gentility was (3) The rebellion started with World War I (5) Greenwich Village set the pattern (7) Meanwhile the true intellectuals were far (9)

18 Paras. 2 the revolt of the young people was a logical outcome of conditions in the age
Paras. 3-4 the inevitable rejection of Victorian gentility and traditional values Paras. 5-6 the rebellion starting with WWⅠ Paras. 7-8 the Pattern set by Greenwich Village Paras. 9 the true intellectuals

19 The structural organization of this essay:
--- P. 1 introducing the subject --- P. 2-9 supporting and developing the thesis --- P bringing the discussion to an end

20 Assignment Preview the text Detail study of para.1-4

21 Thank You !

22 Americanisms in the text
--Prohibition --Greenwich Village --keep up with the Joneses --Victorian --Puritan morality --Bohemian

23 Americanisms in the text
Prohibition the forbidding by law of the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes (the period of ), the prohibition by Federal law.

24 Americanisms in the text
Greenwich Village section of New York City, on the lower west side of Manhattan; noted as a center for artists, writers, etc. Keep up with the Joneses strive to get all the material things one’s neighbors or associates have.

25 Americanisms in the text
Victorian Showing the middle-class respectability, prudery, bigotry, etc. generally attributed to Victorian England Queen Victoria ruled ( ) Very respectable and religious in a formal way that sometimes only pretends to be good and pure.

26 Puritan morality extreme or excessive strictness in matters of morals. Strict Puritans even regarded drinking, gambling and participation in theatrical performances as punishable offences. Bohemian a person, especially an artist, poet, etc. who lives in an unconventional, nonconforming way

27 Americanisms in the text
--speakeasy --sheik --flask-toting --drugstore cowboy --flapper --Soap opera --fast --Babbittry --boobery

28 Americanisms in the text
Speakeasy a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally during Prohibition.(地下酒吧) Sheik a masterful man to whom women are supposed to be irresistibly attracted

29 Americanisms in the text
Flask-toting adj. Always carrying a small flask filled with whisky or other strong liquor. Drugstore cowboy A western movie extra(临时演员) who loafs in front of drugstores between pictures Flapper (colloq) a young woman considered bold and unconventional in actions and dress.

30 Americanisms in the text
Soap opera a daytime radio or television serial drama of a highly melodramatic, sentimental nature. It has been so call since many original sponsors were soap companies. Fast adj. Living in a reckless, wild, dissipated way

31 Americanisms in the text
Babbittry (after George Babbitt, title character of a satirical novel by Sinclair Lewis) a smugly conventional person interested chiefly in business and social success and indifferent to cultural values. Boobery same as Babbittry, smug, self-satisfied, conformist in cultural matters

32 巴比特是一位成功的房地产商人,过着富足而又平板的中产阶级生活。然而作为一个人,他受到虚空的袭击,于是企图寻找另一种“真正的生活”。为此,他外出漫游,尝试过一种玩世不恭的生活,甚至染上了革命情绪。但巴比特又没有勇气去承受接之而来的社会冷落,于是,他重新投入了家庭生活和商人生涯的怀抱,在小说的结尾,巴比特将希望寄托在他的儿子身上 “巴比特”这个名字从此成为鼠目寸光的庸俗市侩的同义词

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