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Add the following to your Vocab List:

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1 Add the following to your Vocab List:
Patriot: American colonists that are against the King’s policies and work to protest the Acts that are passed. Loyalist: Colonists that are in support of following the ruling of the King and remain a British Citizen. Petition: formal written request addressed to authority about a certain cause or issue. Tariff: Tax created by the government on goods from another country.

2 These soldiers were British soldiers who lived in
We already know… After the French and Indian War, King George III left British troops in the colonies to defend the new land against attacks and to ensure that the colonists followed the proclamation. These soldiers were British soldiers who lived in England. Where did they live in the colonies? With the colonists!


4 Purpose To cut the costs of maintaining an army in the colonies and avoid increasing the war debt.

5 Terms of the Act Required colonists to provide food and housing for soldiers. Specifically bedding, cooking utensils, firewood, cider, and candles.

6 Reactions Colonists are outraged they are expected to provide for the soldiers – very expensive. Fear of a standing army in the colonies – colonists depended on militias for their fighting.

7 Will Britain Continue to Tax the Colonists?
King George III is not like previous kings… Stubborn “Very stupid” Wants more involvement in the colonies’ affairs

8 The Townshend Acts of 1767 Read the primary source document The Townshend Acts, 1767 As you read, ANNOTATE and identify the policies that will be put in place with these acts and their purpose.


10 Reaction PROTEST!!! Non-importation agreements signed throughout the colonies to boycott British goods.

11 Result Townshend Acts are repealed except for the tax on tea. WHY? King wants to demonstrate his power over the colonies; too stubborn and proud.

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