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The New World (Indigenous Peoples and Early Exploration)

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1 The New World (Indigenous Peoples and Early Exploration)
Edited by Mr. Barkhau Shamelessly stolen from:

2 The Aztec and Inca Empires

3 Similarities between Aztecs and Incas
Both lacked: work animals, metal tools, wheels Both still developed: centralized governments & armies and both conquered other empires Both ended when: conquered by the Spanish

4 “Gender Parallelism” Both the Aztec and Inca Empires used this system with men and women Separate spheres and responsibilities, but each one equally valuable Each had autonomy in its own sphere Did NOT mean total gender equality

5 The Aztecs (1428-1521) Capital = Tenochtitlan (Mexico City)
Located around lake Texcoco Legend said the Aztec’s would settle when the find a bird with a snake it its mouth perched on a cactus in the middle of a lake

6 The Aztecs Built chinampas = artificial islands used for farming made by piling mud from the lake onto rafts  floating gardens

7 The Aztec Empire Stretched from Mexico to the border of Guatemala
Stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean Conquered people had to pay tribute (taxes) in the form of: food, clothing, raw materials, prisoners for sacrifice, jewelry, military supplies, rubber balls, etc.

8 The Aztec Empire Aztec civilization organized as a hierarchy
At the top = the emperor Classes = nobility, commoners, serfs, slaves Land owned by: nobility and commoners Commoners = priests, merchants, artisans, farmers Serfs = farm workers tied to noble lands Lowest class = slaves = prisoners of war; criminals; debtors – often sacrificed

9 Aztec Religion Polythestic
Religion moved them to engage in war and sacrifice Live human sacrifices were needed to keep the gods happy Aztec artists decorated temple-pyramids with scenes of gods or battles

10 Fall of the Aztecs Hernan Cortes landed in 1519 with 630 men
Aztecs welcome Cortes to their capital because they believe he is Quetzacoatl Cortes kidnaps Montezuma and holds him for ransom Aztecs stone Montezuma to death as he tries to calm riotous crowds.

11 Fall of the Aztecs Cortes and his men barely escape Tenochtitlan as they fight their way out of the city. Cortes returns a year with an army of allied native tribes and find that most of the Aztecs have been wiped out by small pox.

12 The Inca (1438-1533) Lived in the Andes Mountains in South America
Empire stretched about 2500 miles along the Andes Capital = Cuzco (Peru)

13 The Inca Raided other tribes and slowly built a large empire
Strong central government  local rulers had to report to Inca emperor Emperor closely controlled the lives of common people Owned all land and carefully regulated the growing & distribution of food Farmers used step terraces on hillsides

14 The Inca Built roads & bridges to link different regions of the empire
Gods pleased with food, animal, and human sacrifices (not nearly to the scale of the Mayans or Aztecs) No writing system  used quipus to record information = ropes with knotted cords of different lengths

15 Fall of the Inca Francisco Pizarro reached Incan territory in 1526.
He received permission to conquer the empire in 1529 from the king of Spain. Pizarro returned to Peru in 1532 with 168 men, 1 cannon and 27 horses.

16 Pizarro benefited from a civil war in the Incan empire between two brothers
Pizarro took the Incan emperor captive and held him for ransom. The Inca paid the ransom and then executed him.

17 European Exploration

18 Age of Exploration European explorers searched for a better trade route to Asia Wanted gold, luxury goods, glory, and to spread Christianity (Spain) Europeans wanted to trade goods directly with Asia, rather than rely on Arab, Ottoman or Italian merchants These merchants taxed the goods heavily

19 Technological Advances
New technology allowed explorers to venture away from the sight of land Magnetic compass More accurate maps Before this, most maps were inaccurate Cartographers put lands on maps that were only rumors By the time of the Renaissance, maps were better and used latitude and longitude

20 Technological Advances
Ships that used several masts & sails Allowed them to sail faster and with less human labor These ships were called caravels

21 Portugal Leads the Way Portugal was the 1st country to venture into the Atlantic Ocean looking for a route to Asia Prince Henry the Navigator Brought together mapmakers, mathematicians, and astronomers to study navigation Paid for explorers’ expeditions 1st one to suggest sailing to India by going around Africa


23 Bartholomew Diaz (1488) Discovered the southern tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope) Proved that ships could reach Asia by sailing around Africa

24 Vasco da Gama (1497) First to find a water route to Asia -- first to round the tip of Africa to India

25 Spain’s Quest for Riches
Ferdinand & Isabella backed the voyages of Christopher Columbus

26 Spain’s Quest for Riches
Columbus sailed from Spain in 1492 Planned to reach India by heading west across the Atlantic Landed on the Bahamas, but thought he found India Explored the islands in the area Returned to Spain as a hero Made 3 more voyages before he died


28 Spain’s Quest for Riches
Line of Demarcation = a line drawn by the Pope down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean Spain had control of lands west of the line Portugal had control of lands east of it Line moved much further west with the signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) = gave Portugal control of Brazil & Spain got the rest of South America


30 Voyage of Magellan Ferdinand Magellan (1519) Headed west from Spain
Reached a narrow passageway at the southern tip of South America Named the Strait of Magellan


32 Voyage of Magellan After 4 months, he reached the Philippines
Magellan was killed during the journey After 3 years at sea, his crew returned to Spain (crew circumnavigated the globe, Sir Francis Drake of England would be the first commander to survive the voyage)

33 Voyage of Magellan Magellan’s ships had circumnavigated = circled the globe Proved the world was round and larger than anyone thought Also proved the oceans were connected

34 Other Explorers Ponce de Leon – sailed for Spain, explored North America mainland (established St. Augustine Florida) Vasco Nunez de Balboa – sailed for Spain,1st to cross the Isthmus of Panama John Cabot – sailed for England, explored eastern cost of Canada/US for Henry VII Francis Drake – sailed for England, privateer who targeted Spanish, explored for Elizabeth I, circumnavigated the globe, defeated the Spanish Armada

35 Amerigo Vespucci Italian Merchant/Explorer Worked for Spain
Made several voyages to New World Fake stories of his voyages inspired map makers in Germany to name the new territory as “America”

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