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Dossier Preparation P&T Workshop, April 5, 2012

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1 Dossier Preparation P&T Workshop, April 5, 2012
Carol S. Weisman, PhD Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Distinguished Professor of Public Health Sciences and Obstetrics and Gynecology

2 The Dossier Each time you are formally reviewed for promotion or tenure, you must prepare a Dossier in standard format* The Dossier is a record of your accomplishments in the mission areas and is used by internal reviewers to evaluate your performance and scholarship Each department has a staff assistant who works with faculty members on Dossier preparation Your signature on the completed Dossier attests to the accuracy and completeness of the information * Exceptions: Instructors, Research Assistants

3 Who reviews your Dossier?
Departmental P&T Committee Department Chair(s), Institute Director (if applicable) College P&T Committee* Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Dean University P&T Committee* Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs* * Tenure track only

4 Tenure track: dossier must be finalized by approximately October 1.
Annual Timetable Tenure track: dossier must be finalized by approximately October 1. Fixed-term: dossier must be finalized by approximately February 1. Check with your department to ensure that you meet your department’s internal deadlines!

5 The Dossier: Key Sections
Narrative Statement Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Patient Care Activities (if applicable) Scholarship of Research Service and the Scholarship of Service External Letters (confidential section) Statements of Evaluation

6 Narrative Statement 1-3 page first-person statement about your scholarship in the context of your overall professional goals Written so that those outside your discipline can understand your work (avoid jargon!) Reviewers outside your department look at this first to get a “picture” of who you are (don’t assume they know you are a cardiologist or a biochemist!) Supplements information elsewhere in the dossier

7 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Pertains only to teaching at Penn State* (“resident teaching”) Courses developed and taught; guest lectures; seminars; PBL sessions; MSR projects, theses, dissertations supervised; other advising Student/resident teaching evaluations (summarized quantitative information; summary of comments) Peer review of teaching letters (Chair solicits at least 2 letters from senior faculty members in your department who have observed your teaching over time) Your teaching interests/philosophy (Narrative Statement) * For tenure reviews, from date of employment in tenure-track position; for promotion reviews, from last promotion or most recent 5 years (whichever is shorter)

8 Patient Care Activities
Statement of PSHMC clinical assignment(s) including time commitment (for time period under review*) Details on quantity and complexity of cases (productivity) for time period under review Evidence of quality of care: patient satisfaction data or other evidence of patient care quality Letters from peers, colleagues, and referring physicians commenting on patient care ability and effectiveness * For tenure reviews, from date of employment at Penn State; for promotion reviews, from last promotion or most recent 5 years (whichever is shorter)

9 Scholarship of Research
Publications (your entire career) Peer-reviewed journal articles (number them and note authorship role on each) Non-peer-reviewed publications (books, book chapters, etc.) Includes “accepted” and “in press” (provide acceptance letter) Research projects Completed, current, and planned projects (with dates): note your role on each project Internal and external grants/contracts from any sources Collaborative and interdisciplinary projects count! Other creative products (e.g., educational methods or computer software developed; inventions; clinical guidelines disseminated)

10 Service and the Scholarship of Service
Committee work and leadership in your profession* INTERNAL (at Penn State) Department: leadership roles, committees, etc. College: committees, medical student interviews, etc. University: committees, University Faculty Senate, etc. EXTERNAL (outside Penn State) Profession: journal editorships and reviews, study sections, organizing conferences for professional associations, offices held in professional associations, government advisory groups, etc. Community: citizen/client groups, outreach activities, etc. _________________________________________________________________________ * For tenure reviews, from date of employment in tenure-track position; for promotion reviews, from last promotion or most recent 5 years (whichever is shorter); provide dates for all activities

11 External Letters Must be from 4 experts in your field who are of higher rank than you are Do not contact these individuals – the Dean’s Office solicits these letters Letters may not be from: Former teachers, mentors, or supervisors Close collaborators (e.g., co-investigators or co-authors) Letters from reviewers with a conflict of interest will be discounted during the review process

12 Statements of Evaluation
This section is compiled by your department Includes statements of evaluation by your Departmental P&T Committee, Chair, College P&T Committee, and Dean Your chair should meet with you to de-brief after the review is completed and should share these evaluative statements with you

13 Signature Page Review the completed dossier before signing it (includes all sections except confidential section containing external review letters & statements of evaluation) Are all sections complete? (If not, provide missing items or bring them to the attention of the staff assistant) Is information accurate? (If not, make corrections) Is information up-to-date?

14 Your responsibilities for the dossier
Write the Narrative Statement Work collaboratively with your staff assistant in providing the detailed information for the dossier sections and in reviewing the dossier Help your department chair identify potential eligible external reviewers Sign off on the completed dossier

15 Common problems in dossiers
Inadequate documentation of teaching evaluations by students/residents (e.g., no summary table provided) Peer review of teaching letters are based on only one observation Inadequate documentation of patient care activities or quality Failure to number publications, to note authorship role on multi-authored publications, or to provide letters of acceptance for “in press” articles Failure to provide details of grants (title, funder, grant number, dates, grant PI, your role and % effort) Incomplete list of internal or external service activities External evaluator(s) has conflict of interest

16 Items that may not appear in the dossier
Evaluative statements written by you Statements about your personal life that are not relevant to your work CV, publications, course outlines Letters of appreciation or thanks

17 What you can do now … Keep detailed records of the information required for each of the dossier sections: keep a file for each dossier section, with dates for each item Use your annual HR40 reviews to clarify your effort allocation and “excellent” mission areas Invite senior faculty members to observe your teaching over time and to provide you with feedback Present your work at professional conferences so that potential external reviewers recognize your scholarship

18 Attend P&T Workshops Workshops are held annually
with the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (Dr. Bowen) & biannually with the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs (Dr. Weisman)

19 Ask Questions Ask your Department Chair or Division Chief:
the promotion process begins in your department! Ask me: Ask Cindy Devine: Visit the Office of Faculty Affairs website for all policies and procedures:

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