Regional SEE-GRID-SCI Training for Site Administrators

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Presentation on theme: "Regional SEE-GRID-SCI Training for Site Administrators"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hands-On Session: Monitoring System Collector Server (MON) Installation and Configuration
Regional SEE-GRID-SCI Training for Site Administrators Institute of Physics Belgrade March 5-6, 2009 Vladimir Slavnic Institute of Physics, Belgrade Serbia 1 The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no

2 MON RGMA-based monitoring system collector server
Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture - R-GMA Works in conjunction with batch system (CE)‏

3 Prerequisites 1/2 Installation of operating system (SL4)‏
NTP installation and configuration check ntp.conf , ntp.drift, ntp.drift.TEMP in /etc Java installation

4 Prerequisites 2/2 Repository configuration‏ Install lcg-CA
Get repos from local repository ( Example for MON packages: cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ wget Install lcg-CA Get host certificates hostcert.pem, hostkey.pem in /etc/grid-security/

5 gLite MON installation
Install gLite packages: yum install glite-MON Install mysql-server : yum install mysql-server

6 YAIM node configuring Relevant entries in site-info.def :
MON_HOST=mon.$MY_DOMAIN MYSQL_PASSWORD=some_good_password APEL_DB_PASSWORD="APELDB_PWD" Execute configuration with: /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s <path to site-info.def> -n glite-MON

7 Testing configured system
Execute server check script on MON node: /opt/glite/bin/rgma-server-check Try to connect to mysql base : mysql -u accounting -p Try to connect to the Server using the following address to your web browser: URL>:8443/R-GMA/ Try to manually publish data from computing element node (use the scripts from crons) and observe logs

8 SG Accounting Client 1/3 Transmits aggregated accounting information to MON properly installed mysql -u root –p mysqlrootpasswrd GRANT SELECT on accounting.* to identified by 'STRONGPASSWORD'; CREATE DATABASE tmp; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON tmp.* TO

9 SG Accounting Client 2/3 mpi_publisher-1.0-RHEL4.noarch.rpm
installs on CE (if site supports MPI)‏ accounting_publisher-2.0-RHEL4.noarch.rpm installs on MON su – tomcat edit

10 SG Accounting Client 3/3 Only few lines to change:
DBHOSTNAME=localhost DBUSERNAME=accounting (or tomcat4)‏ DBPASSWORD=… DBSITENAME=AEGIS08-PHY-DEMO Try to publish: ./

11 Links ricInstallGuide310 lation e

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