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Presentation on theme: "STANDING DEEP BREATHING"— Presentation transcript:

Benefits: mental relaxation, blood pressure, nervous system, irritability, disturbed sleep, detoxification, increases circulation Systems worked: nervous, respiratory, circulatory Cautions: acute heart disease, high blood pressure (less holding time and don’t drop head back too far) HALF-MOON POSE Benefits: lower back pain, constipation, obesity of stomach, bronchi distress, scoliosis, frozen shoulder; strengthens all muscles of the central body; posture; sciatic nerve Muscles worked: sterno mastoid, deltoid, trapezius, pectoralis major, hamstring Systems worked: gastro-intestinal, digestive, muscular, skeletal, respiratory, and glandular. Forward bending improves cell division and stimulates pituitary Cautions: cervical and lumbar spondilosis, slipped disc

Benefits: aligns skeletal system; opens pelvis area; good for digestion, obesity, immune disorders, joint pain, muscular aches, hip flexibility and arthritis of knees; strengthens lower limbs; relieves sciatica and menstrual disorders; cures gout, slipped disc, lumbago Muscles worked: rectus abdominus, soleus, gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, quads, deltoids 2nd part: improves concentration, flexibility in toes and ankles, overall body strength, nerves, liver intestines, pancreas, heart, ovaries, and uterus. Works all major muscles. 3rd part: the slower you go, the more benefit you receive; improves circulation to hip joint. EAGLE POSE Benefits: strengthens lower extremities and joint mobility for hip girdle and all major joints (tourniquet effect); improves control of sexual energies, function of CNS, lymphatic system, balance, and grace; increases circulation to kidneys, reproductive organs Muscles worked: sartorius, gastrocnemius, soleus, peronius longus/brevis, abductor magnus/longus, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, deltoids Cautions: cysts on hip joint, osteoarthritis of femur

Benefits: improves concentration, patience, determination and pancreatic function; prevents sciatica by improving circulation and flexibility; alleviates abdominal ailments; reduces risk of diabetes; strengthens back muscles, nerves, and reproductive organs, builds bone tissue Muscles worked: all major muscles worked: thigh biceps, hamstrings, deltoid, trapezius,lats, scapula, biceps, triceps Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, reproductive and digestive systems STANDING BOW POSE Benefits: increases circulation to heart and lungs; improves elasticity of the spine; equalizes strength and balance; gives quick energy; relieves lower back pain, opens diaphragm/lungs, cures depression, reduces abdominal fat; improves concentration, patience, determination Muscles worked: abdominal wall, upper thighs, arms, hips buttocks, intercostals, erector spinae, triceps, serratus anterior, gluteus maximus and minimus Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, nervous, circulatory Cautions: uterine prolapse, frozen shoulder, enlarged prostate gland

BALANCING STICK POSE Benefits: Increases blood flow all over the body at the same time; improves circulation in lower chambers of the heart; clears blockage in arteries (prevents heart attack); total spine stretch (good for emotional problems); reduces varicose veins, improves function of pancreas, kidneys, spleen Muscles worked: spine and upper and lower extremities, abdominal wall Systems worked: muscular, reproductive, nervous, and circulatory Cautions: optical nerve disorders, recovering heart patients SEPARATE LEG STRETCHING Benefits: relieves depression, memory loss, constipation, abdominal obesity, hyperacidity and stress in the lower spine; increases circulation to adrenal gland and brain; strengthens diaphragm and opens hips; cures/prevents sciatica; improves function of internal organs Muscles worked: quads, biceps, triceps, abdominal wall Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, glandular, reproductive Cautions: lower back pain (keep knees slightly bent); recent back surgery; slipped disc; heart complications *for sciatica-- don’t turn toes in; push hips forward

TRIANGLE POSE Benefits: good for kidneys, anorexia, constipation, colitis, blood pressure, appendicitis, hip and back pain, menstrual disorders, general mobility, obesity, frozen shoulders; alleviates “saddlebags”; whole body is affected: muscles, nerves, tissues; changes chemical imbalances in the systems of the body Muscles worked: Every muscle is worked in this posture; lower body becomes solid base with upper body twisting Systems worked: Cardiovascular, circulatory, digestive, immune, reproductive, muscular, skeletal Cautions: Back conditions STANDING SEPARATE LEG HEAD TO KNEE Benefits: depression, memory loss, abdominal obesity, diabetes, thyroid, goiter; balances blood sugar; compresses pancreas/kidneys/liver/spleen (de-toxing effect) Muscles worked: rectus abdominus, obliques, illiopsoas, quads, deltoids, trapezius, biceps, triceps, semi spinalis Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, endocrine, digestive, reproductive Cautions: slipped disc, sciatica

6 TREE POSE Benefits: creates hip/knee mobility; balances the coccyx via upward spinal stretching; the only pose to create total body traction; releases abdominal tension; inflammation of lower back; arthritis; rheumatism; circulatory disorders; weakness in lower extremities; preparation for lotus series Muscles worked: pectoralis major/minor, subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, deltoids Systems worked: muscular, circulatory, skeletal Cautions: knee problems TOE STAND Benefits: regulates and maintains reproductive system; remedies flat feet and strengthens toes and ankles; creates balance in body and mind; strengthens abdominal wall, knees, legs; prevents/relieves arthritis, gout; hip flexibility; develops patience; cures rheumatism, hemorrhoids Other notes see above

Benefits: connects the mind, body and breath; develops body awareness; returns normal circulation Muscles worked: none, completely relax Systems worked: relaxes the whole psycho-physiological system WIND-REMOVING POSE Benefits: strengthens lower back; loosens vertebrae; balances stomach acids and gases; relieves constipation; useful for treating impotence, sterility and menstrual problems; opens hips, firms abs, thighs, hips Muscles worked: upper extremities, including neck Systems worked: digestive, gastro-intestinal Cautions: HBP, sciatica, slipped disc

8 SIT UP Benefits: lengthens hamstrings and spine; opens hips; tones and massages abs and pelvic region; removes excess abdominal weight; alleviates uro-genital system disorders, prolapse, menstrual disorders, sluggish liver, diabetes, colitis, kidney complaints, bronchitis, eosinophilia Muscles worked: abdominals, quadriceps, biceps Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, nervous, digestive, gastro-intestinal, reproductive, endocrine Cautions: slipped disc, sciatica COBRA POSE Benefits: slipped disc, menstrual/gynecological disorders, poor appetite, constipation, liver/kidney disorders; improves body/mind connection; stimulates adrenal glands, thyroid/parathyroid glands; cures lumbago, rheumatism, and arthritis of spine Muscles worked: neck, spine (especially lower), gluts, hamstrings, calves, triceps, trapezius, deltoids Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, nervous, endocrine, digestive, gastro-intestinal Cautions: ulcer, hernia, TB, hyperthyroidism

9 LOCUST POSE Parts 1&2 benefits: sciatica, slipped disc, constipation, arthritis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome; improves posture and circulation through the arms; strengthens muscles of upper spine, backside, and upper body Muscles worked: calves, hamstrings, gluts, shoulders, spine, throat, triceps Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, nervous, digestive, endocrine Part 3 benefits: strengthens back and pelvic organs; tones sciatic nerves, slipped disc; tones and balances internal organs, alleviates diseases of the stomach and bowels; stimulates appetite; Other information see above Cautions: weak heart, coronary thrombosis, HBP, ulcer, hernia, TB

Benefits: same as cobra with increased influence on the chest; improves lung function by opening inactive alveoli, removing excess carbon dioxide and increasing oxygen intake; heart is toned and strengthened; improves asthma and releases blocked emotions Muscles worked: upper and lower extremities, neck, middle back, abs, hips Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, nervous, respiratory, circulatory Cautions: heart conditions, HBP BOW POSE: Benefits: entire alimentary canal reconditioned; internal organs toned and secretions balanced; improves abdominal function and muscles; removes gastrointestinal and reproductive disorders; helps to manage diabetes, incontinence, colitis, menstrual disorders; realigns spinal column; corrects hunching in thoracic area; relieves asthma and improves respiration Muscles worked: entire spine, including neck, upper/lower extremities Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, reproductive,digestive, gastrointestinal, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine

Benefits: alleviates digestive ailments and constipation; tones spinal nerves and improves flexibility; realigns shoulders; stimulates thyroid/parathyroid; increases oxygenation; relieves asthma, bronchitis; increases flexibility in extremities; enhances creativity and intelligence; redirects sexual energy to the brain; cures sciatica, gout, rheumatism; Muscles worked: stretches every muscle on the front of the body Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, nervous, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, gastrointestinal, circulatory Cautions: sciatica, slipped disc, sacral ailments, knee injuries HALF TORTOISE POSE Benefits: stretches the back and increases space between the vertebrae, relieving slipped disc; regulates functioning of adrenal glands; tones pelvic muscles and sciatic nerves; alleviates disorders of reproductive organs; relieves constipation; eliminates anger, cools the brain, relieves headache, insomnia Muscles worked: hips, spine, arms, shoulders Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, respiratory, reproductive, digestive, nervous, gastrointestinal Cautions: HBP, vertigo, slipped disc

12 CAMEL POSE Benefits: maximum stretch to abs and throat;alleviates constipation, backache, lumbago, rounded back and drooping shoulders; improves neck flexibility; stimulates adrenal gland; regulates thyroid; relieves depression; firms and slims the abs and waistline Muscles worked: entire spine, hip flexors, shoulders, chest, neck Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, endocrine, nervous Cautions: lumbago, enlarged thyroid RABBIT POSE Benefits: increases circulation to brain; stimulates pituitary gland; relieves anxiety; prevents asthma, hay fever, diabetes, menopausal imbalance; removes large amounts of toxic gases from the lungs; extends the spine (good for growing children); promotes drainage of the lungs and chest; stimulates thyroid/parathyroid; permits proper nutrition to nervous system; cures colds, sinus problems, tonsilitis Muscles worked: abdominal, neck, upper/lower extremities Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, respiratory, nervous, endocrine Cautions: vertigo, weak neck or HBP

Benefits: tones and massages internal organs; cleanses system of toxins; stretches hamstrings, achilles tendon, shoulders, back; stimulates thyroid/parathyroid; increases hip flexibility; hips to balance blook sugar levels; improves flexibility of sciatic nerve, ankles, knees, hips, digestion Muscles worked: quads, abdominals, arms Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, digestive, gastrointestinal, endocrine STRETCHING Benefits: massages and tones digestive organs; alleviates flatulence, constipation/diarrhea, indigestion; tones and strengthens spinal nerves; increases hip flexibility; improves prolapse, menstrual and liver disorders, diabetes, colitis, kidney complaints, bronchitis Muscles worked: biceps, quads, abs Systems worked: digestive, endocrine, muscular, skeletal Cautions: slipped disc, sciatica

Benefits: tones spinal nerves; increases flexibility in the back; relieves lumbago and muscular spasms; cures slipped disc; alleviates digestive ailments; regulates secretion of adrenaline and bile; helpful in managing diabetes, sinusitis, hay fever, bronchitis, constipation, colitis, menstrual disorders, UTI, cervical spondylitis Muscles worked: all spinal muscles, including neck Systems worked: muscular, skeletal, digestive, reproductive, endocrine, nervous, gastrointestinal, respiratory Cautions: pregnancy, ulcer, hernia, hyperthyroidism BLOWING IN FIRM POSE Benefits: lungs and abdominal organs; purifies body; removes sensory distractions from the mind; energizes the mind; removes sleepiness; good for asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, TB; balances and strengthens nerves Muscles worked: abdominals Systems worked: muscular, nervous, respiratory, circulatory Cautions: heart disease, HBP, vertigo, epilepsy, stroke, hernia, gastric ulcer


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