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The Rise of Romantic Nationalism in art, philosophy, and music.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of Romantic Nationalism in art, philosophy, and music."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of Romantic Nationalism in art, philosophy, and music

2 Learning Objectives Outline the major principles of the Romantic Nationalism (1,2). Describe and evaluate the central message and evidence presented in Fichte and Herzl’s work (2). In what way(s) do the pieces exemplify the characteristics of Romantic Nationalism? Support your claims with specific evidence from each cultural artifact (3). In what ways do we see the influence of the principles of Romantic Nationalism in our contemporary society? In which contemporary cultural artifact can you recognize the influence of Romantic Nationalism? (5) Be specific. Explain the connections you identify.*

3 Romantic Nationalism in Art Eugene Delacroix Liberty Leading the People (1830) Oil on Canvas

4 Textual Analysis Can this work be considered Romantic? Is there any influence? Or is there some other influence at work? How does this work help us understand the development of nationalism? Why should we care about this work? What is the most important take away from Fichte and Herzl’s works? What evidence or explanation does each writer provide to convince you of the validity of is claim?

5 Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) Address To The German Nation, 1807 Address To The German Nation Father of German Nationalism

6 Theodor Herzl 1860-1904 Father of Zionism Der Judenstaat (1896) aka On the Jewish State, 1896, excerpts On the Jewish State

7 Textual Analysis Can this work be considered Romantic? Is there any influence? Or is there some other influence at work? How does this work help us understand the development of nationalism? Why should we care about this work? What is the most important take away from Fichte and Herzl’s works? What evidence or explanation does each writer provide to convince you of the validity of is claim?

8 Romantic Nationalism in Music Opera, Leitmotif Libretto, Valkryies What is the theme? Richard Wagner Ride of the Valkyries (1851-1854) Prelude to Act III of the opera Die Walküre; the second of his four operas known as Der Ring des Nibelungen. One of most popular (8 minutes) or well known pieces. Is often now performed in an abbreviated version (5 minutes).

9 For fun video- clips/jw3cjp/whats- opera-doc-kill-tha- wabbit video- clips/jw3cjp/whats- opera-doc-kill-tha- wabbit

10 Extra: The Wild Wild West John Gast American Progress 1872 Oil on Canvas Library of Congress Group Think: Can Romantic art relate to nationalism? Why or why not? American Progress 1872

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