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Insurance By: Barrett Cameron. 1. Insurances needed?  Their possessions, their life, their health and their finances.

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Presentation on theme: "Insurance By: Barrett Cameron. 1. Insurances needed?  Their possessions, their life, their health and their finances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insurance By: Barrett Cameron

2 1. Insurances needed?  Their possessions, their life, their health and their finances.

3 2. Most important insurance  Homeowners insurance is the most important and everyone should have it.

4 3. What happens after coverage?  Homeowners insurance does not cover everything. Just the most important things in your house. Flood damage is not covered by homeowners insurance.

5 4. Special Insurance for Home Office  A great deal of home office equipment, such as computers, fax machines, copy machines and the like, are generally excluded from most conventional homeowner's policies. As such, you have to obtain separate insurance to cover them.

6 5. Does homeowners insurance cover me?  No, you need separate insurance for you and your health.

7 6. Car insurance  Car insurance is a must as every state requires you to have it.

8 7. How to hold down auto insurance cost  The liability cost is huge. There are also many other things that you could cut down on as well such as safe driving record

9 8. What about life insurace  Life insurance covers a person's income. So if no one (such as a spouse, child, or parent), is depending on your income, then life insurance is optional. However if you are married, or there is someone whose well-being depends on what you make for a living. Life insurance can prove an essential form of protection. The type of life insurance is also important. Usually you would the cheapest most simple.

10 9. Health insurance  Health insurance is optional but it would be a good idea to have it. If you think nothing is going to happen to you, you should still just be safe and get it.

11 10. COBRA  COBRA stands for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985. Under COBRA, if you resign from a job or are terminated for any reason, you can continue under your former employer’s health-care coverage for up to 18 months. In many cases, spouses and dependent children are also COBRA-eligible. The downside is its very expensive.

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