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What is the Gospel? This is a simple explanation of the Gospel! I hope that this increases your understanding of What it means to be a Christian and What.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Gospel? This is a simple explanation of the Gospel! I hope that this increases your understanding of What it means to be a Christian and What."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the Gospel? This is a simple explanation of the Gospel! I hope that this increases your understanding of What it means to be a Christian and What you need to do to become one

3 Questions for You If you died tonight, do you believe that you will go to heaven? If you feel that you will go to heaven, how do you know this for sure? If God said to you right now, “Why should I let you into heaven?” How would you respond?

4 Jesus Describes Heaven Gospel of John, Chapter 3 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Unless one is born of flesh AND the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Do not be amazed that I say to you that you must be born again. So, whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.

5 The real question is…. Do you want to go to heaven when you die? and… Do you want to be completely assured that you will go to heaven and live with Jesus in Eternity? and…

6 If God asked you to make a commitment to do ONE thing, would you do it? and… After doing this ONE thing He has promised He would let you into Heaven, would…you…do…it ???

7 I hope that the following explanation helps you make a personal decision to follow Christ! Blessings to you all! Enjoy!

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9 Romans 6:23

10 Wages are what we receive for what we have done. “How would you feel if your boss refused to pay you the wages that were due you?” What are Wages?

11 Missing the mark. Falling short. “Has God at any time seemed far away?” What is sin?


13 WARNING SIGNS Boredom Dissatisfaction Guilt Emptiness Hopelessness Death is permanent separation from Life What is death? HOPELESS

14 What about good works? No one is perfect or above the law. HOPELESS


16 A gift is not earned by the person who receives it. Someone else pays for it. “Say you wanted to buy a special gift for a close friend to show how much that person means to you. How would you feel if the friend refused to accept it without first paying for it?” What is a gift?


18 Eternal Life is Permanent Separation from Death What is Eternal Life? miracle! Hopefulness


20 During Jesus Earthly Ministry of Service ► He healed lepers with a touch ► He Healed the paralyzed with a word ► He Healed a fever with a touch ► He Cast out demons with a word ► He Healed all who came to Him Isaiah wrote “He Himself took our infirmities and carried away our diseases” ► He calmed the sea with a word And His disciples said, “What kind of man is this that even the winds and sea obey Him?” ► He brought the dead to life with a word ► He healed the blind with a touch And… He died for our sins and rose again SO THAT Eternal Life would be assured to those who believe

21 “On the basis of what I have just explained, what must a person do to have a relationship with God and have Eternal Life?” “If you were to place yourself in the illustration, where would you be?” 1 2 3 4 “Is there any reason why you should not trust God for forgiveness right now and begin to experience a close relationship with God?”

22 Father God, thank you for helping me to finally understand the Gospel and what you have done for me through your Son, Jesus the Christ. I finally understand that I am a sinner and that I can do nothing to earn eternal life. Please forgive my sins, come into my heart and be a part of my daily life. I humbly accept Your free gift of Eternal Life that You gave to me. Father, God, please guide and direct me for the rest of my life. I look forward to walking with you daily. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


24 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life

25 IMPORTANT NOTICE! Becoming a believer means that you will learn to be tough on yourself and tender with others as a result of your daily quiet time with Jesus – sitting at His feet – DAILY! Becoming a Christ follower is not about pointing ‘the finger’ at others gossiping about them and pointing out their flaws – “Oh those people.” Becoming a servant of Christ means that you have learned to walk DAILY in humility, and DAILY show the love of Christ to others without condemning them as a result of your daily quiet time in God’s Holy Word!

26 My Desire It is my desire that my testimony has helped you to become an honest believer in Christ. IF you have never shared your heart with God please do so – you will find Him ready to listen - daily. Remember that the moment you understand the Gospel, believe in Him, and honestly confess your flaws to Him, you become a Born Again believer. The ‘salvation prayer’ or ‘believer’s prayer’ is our first communication with our Creator, the Lord God as a believer. It is your instantaneous faith and belief in God and confession of sin that immediately saves you NOT works of righteousness! I suggest that you begin reading small passages in the New Testament daily as you progress toward reading the whole bible. Get fellowship with someone, somewhere and develop your personal relationship with God. Have fun! Enjoy Jesus! Blessings to you always!

27 Finally, we all wrestle with and struggle with sin – it is a daily battle! The good news is that God forgives us when we honestly confess. So…stop your self-induced guilt trips – confess and press! Do what you can to win your daily battles – focus on Jesus and win! “Thank you Jesus for paying off that huge debt for all of us!” “Father God YOU…ARE…AWESOME!!!”

28 Now…You…Know The End

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