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What is a Parable? A story or illustration told to “ come alongside ” the teaching of truth.

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2 What is a Parable? A story or illustration told to “ come alongside ” the teaching of truth


4 1. Christians are quick to be confident of their own righteousness, and look down on other people.

5 2. This parable shows us a great picture of the Gospel

6 WARNING: don ’ t let familiarity prevent you from seeing something new and significant this morning

7 Contrast of Characters

8 Pharisee

9 Contrast of Characters Pharisee Tax Collector

10 This Parable is about: How a person is justified before God

11 This Parable is about: How a person is declared righteous before God

12 Contrast of Attempts to be Justified Pharisee Tax Collector

13 Contrast of Attempts to be Justified Pharisee - Comparison Tax Collector

14 Contrast of Attempts to be Justified Pharisee - Comparison w/ others Tax Collector

15 Contrast of Attempts to be Justified Pharisee - Comparison Tax Collector - Mercy

16 “ God, have mercy on me, a sinner. ”



19 1. Remember the gospel, daily

20 2. Reach out to ALL people

21 1. Remember the gospel, daily 2. Reach out to ALL people 3. Rejoice in God ’ s mercy



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