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Slide’s title Subtitle (if there is one) Date and location Speakers:Name and Last Name 1.

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1 Slide’s title Subtitle (if there is one) Date and location Speakers:Name and Last Name 1

2 Naval Traffic for Security Service 10/11/2009, Rome Speakers:Dimitros Karachalios (Planetek Hellas) Fabio Del Frate (GEOK) 2

3 [ 3 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Presentation index: Introduction NTSS Basic NTSS Chained NTSS Processor

4 [ 4 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Planetek Hellas Prime contractor (Service integration) Geo-K Processor integration Archipelagos, Institute of Marine & Environmental of the Aegean Sea Principal user

5 [ 5 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Introduction NTSS Service provides statistical information about the naval traffic for a given area of interest and a given time interval, based on an automatic algorithm for ship detection from SAR imagery developed by Geo-k. Data retrieval and processing are semi-auto.

6 [ 6 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Integration Toolbox service of NTSS is installed in a Ubuntu operational system and bash script is used to connect the NTSS processor with the Toolbox enviroment.

7 [ 7 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Integration Service scenario of execution is based on all types of operations offered by the SSE Framework: Request for Quotation (asynchronous) Catalogue Search (EOLI) Order (asynchronous) Oracle BPEL Workflow Manager

8 [ 8 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Service Integration The NTSS is based on two services: A Basic service for RFQ and order available for other Service providers. A Chained service for RFQ and order to integrate EOLI catalogue requests for the public users.

9 [ 9 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Integration

10 [ 10 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Integration Request for Quotation (Images pack, AOI …) Order (SAR Images, Id Voucher) The Basic Service provides user-service providers the ability to make use of the service basing on their own product data-images in respect of a selected AOI and supply information’s about the parameters of the Ftp location used for the upload of the input data needed for the order process:

11 [ 11 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security NTSS Basic The service will take as input, images from ASAR and ESR SAR catalogues data of existing images. The images will be provided by the user/provider via Ftp location. FTP Methods

12 [ 12 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security NTSS Basic RFQ RFQResponse

13 [ 13 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security NTSS Basic Order OrderResponse NTSS Products

14 [ 14 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Integration For the Chained Service the users have to provide a specific region and a given periodic time interval of the past years. Additional RFQ input data to be providing are the maximum number of images and the minimum coverage of a single image in respect of the AOI and the user class. The chained service is composed by an EOLI catalogue Search and the Basic Service through a BPEL workflow : Request for Quotation (AOI, Time interval, Max n. of images, Min. Perc. Coverage, user class) EOLI catalogue Search Order (Id Voucher)

15 [ 15 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Operations schema

16 [ 16 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security NTSS Chained BPEL

17 [ 17 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security NTSS Chained Multiple calls of the Search EOLI Service and appended results in a unique xml file.

18 [ 18 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security NTSS Chained Manual validation of the Search EOLI results and price determination

19 [ 19 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security NTSS Chained RFQ Response

20 [ 20 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security NTSS Chained Order OrderResponse NTSS Products Finall NTSS products with the elaborated images will be sent to the user in DVD format.

21 [ 21 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security The experience with SSE integration (positive and negative for possible improvements in the future) Positive expects : The platform of the sse used offers a high customization in terms of interface customization and also in terms of web service. Bpel workflow is a very good technology to administrate the orchestration of web services. The help desk of ESA has given a very helpful collaboration. Negative expects : Not always we found a good detail of documentation, references manual,ecc. The BPEL release integrated is an old version not totally compatible…ecc

22 [ 22 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Services evaluation plan We plan to contact other new users in to the greek market to propose our service and possible new features.

23 [ 23 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security NTSS Service: the processor The processor is designed to process a multiple image radar dataset and to perform a naval traffic statistical analysis. The processor can accept as input a set of SAR images of 2 specific formats : ERS.SAR.PRI – The Precision Image in ESA CEOS format ENVISAT ASAR WSM – Wide Swath images provided by ASAR,mounted on Envisat. (N1 Format) Input data format specification

24 [ 24 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security The processor provides three output: Output statistical file in csv format (txt with ‘;’ used as fields separator) containing the density of detected target sampled at a 10 Km x 10 km cell grid. Naval Traffic Density map. It is a map containing a visual representation of the density distribution of the detected targets. The map is provided in a GeoTiff format, in Lat/Lon WGS84 projection. Down-sampled Geocoded Processed Images in GeoTiff format in Lat/Lon WGS84. Output data format specification

25 [ 25 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Single image processing chain Image Calibration DTM Data Land Masking Ship Detection Features Extraction Data Storage Geo-Coding ERS/Envisat Image

26 [ 26 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security GEO-CODING and LAND MASKING

27 [ 27 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Ship Detection Algorithm (1)  Ship detection in synthetic aperture radar ocean imagery is based on the search of bright targets against the ocean clutter background  The statistical analysis of the sea clutter and the use of sliding averaging windows all over the image provide information to detect bright target over the sea surface  The algorithm computes the detecting threshold by means of CFAR principles (Constant False Alarm Rate - Eldhuset, 1996 )

28 [ 28 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security LAND MASKING Detection of ship candidates AVERAGING BOX EDGE DETECTION Ship Detection Algorithm (2) 28

29 [ 29 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Multiple radar dataset image processing  A multiple radar image processing is performed by the concatenation of a single image processing chain.  Each single radar image processing updates the Detected Target Database.  After the whole radar images processing, this Database is ready to be processed and statistically analyzed. NTSS Service: the processor

30 [ 30 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security t1t1 t2t2 Multi-temporal processing chain NTSS Processor Statistical Analysis (Excel sheet) Density Map tntn Density map for detected target. Each color is proportional to the target frequency, warmer is the color higher is the frequency.

31 [ 31 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security Performance analysis NTSS SAR ImageCorrect DetectionFalse Detection ENVISAT:ASA_WSM_22-03-2008111 ENVISAT:ASA_WSM_18-01-2008122 ENVISAT:ASA_WSM_21-11-2006100 ENVISAT:ASA_WSM_23-12-200692 ENVISAT:ASA_WSM_14-01-2007161 ERS-02:SAR_IMP_14-DEC-200720 ERS-02:SAR_IMP_25-NOV-200720 ERS-02:SAR_IMP_20-OCT-200652 ERS-02:SAR_IMP_24-NOV-200641 ERS-02:SAR_IMP_9-MAR-200710 TOTAL 729 89% 11%

32 [ 32 / 33 ] Naval Traffic for Statistic Security ESA/ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei, CP 64 Frascati, 00044 Rome phone +39. 06 941804 fax +39. 06 94180371

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