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Duties of The Dentist Dr Hidayathulla Shaikh, Lecturer, College Of Dentistry, Majmaah University.

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Presentation on theme: "Duties of The Dentist Dr Hidayathulla Shaikh, Lecturer, College Of Dentistry, Majmaah University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Duties of The Dentist Dr Hidayathulla Shaikh, Lecturer, College Of Dentistry, Majmaah University.

2 Duties of Dentist with

3 A) Duties and obligations of Dentist towards the Patients Every Dentist should be courteous, sympathetic, friendly and helpful. He should be ever ready to respond to the call of his patients. Should always remember that the treatment and cure depends on the skill, knowledge and prompt attention shown by him. Should observe punctuality in fulfilling his appointments.

4 He should be of good character and well reputation for his professional ability. The welfare of the patient should be the paramount to every consideration. A dentist should not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, political party or social class to intervene in his duty and his patient. Information of the patients which he learns during process of treating them should be kept in confidence.

5 B) Duties of Dentists towards one another Every Dentist should have respect for his/her colleague and should not ever hurt them by any act or words. When dentist is entrusted with the care of the patient of another, during sickness or absence, should perform his duties with responsibilities. Should not undermine the dentist-patient relationship of colleagues in order to attract patients. When medically necessary communicate with your colleagues for the betterment of your patients.

6 If the Dentist is consulted by the patient of another Dentist and former finds indisputable evidence that such a patient is suffering from previous faulty treatment, Then it is his duty to provide the correct treatment with as little as comments as possible and in such manner as to avoid reflection on his predecessor.

7 C) Duties of Dentist in general Respect the patients right to accept or refuse treatment. Always exercise his/her independent professional judgment and maintain high standards of professional conduct. Should not allow his/her judgment to be influenced by personal profit or unfair discrimination. Be dedicated to provide good medical service in full professional and moral authority and dignity.

8 Deal honestly with patients and colleagues, and report to higher authorities if any colleague is practicing unethically or is engaged in fraud or deception. Do not receive any financial benefits or incentives solely for referring patients or specific products. Should recognize the importance of educating public through proper professional channels. Certify only that which he / she has personally verified.

9 Strive to use health care resources in the best way to benefit the patients and whole community. Respect the local and national codes of Ethics.


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