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Polyglot persistence with Azure data storage services. SQL Database, Azure Table Storage and Document DB June 18, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Polyglot persistence with Azure data storage services. SQL Database, Azure Table Storage and Document DB June 18, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polyglot persistence with Azure data storage services. SQL Database, Azure Table Storage and Document DB June 18, 2016

2 A little history  Need for relational databases  Relational databases  Object databases ?  NoSQL databases  Polyglot persistence www.thuru.net2 |

3 Why NoSQL www.thuru.net3 |

4 Why NoSQL  Data that do not naturally fit into relational model.  Cluster / Scale out friendliness  Fast ?  Schema Less ?  Easy development ? www.thuru.net4 |

5 Polyglot Persistence Heterogeneous persistence technologies. Commonly refers to relational and NoSQL mix www.thuru.net5 |

6 Design an online forum www.thuru.net6 |  Forum members can post questions under categories.  Forum members can reply to posts.  Users have points based on their forum contribution.

7 Azure Table Storage www.thuru.net7 |  Column based NoSQL  Partition keys and row keys

8 Azure Table Storage www.thuru.net8 |

9 Azure Table Storage www.thuru.net9 | Point Query – Query based on Partition Key and Row Key, retrieves single entity. Range Query – Query based on Partition Key and range of Row Keys, retrieves multiple entities. Partition Scan – Partition Key is used but Row Key is not known / not used in the in the query, other non-key fields might be used. Table Scan – Partition Key is not used in the query, other key fields might be used.

10 Azure Table Storage www.thuru.net10 | Categories Users

11 A lap around Azure Table Storage www.thuru.net11 | table-storage/

12 Concurrency in Azure Table Storage  By default optimistic concurrency is supported.

13 Document DB

14  Different collections for each entity ?  What about cost ?

15 Some Techniques

16 Polyglot  Have categories and user data in relational  Along with the payment details  Forum data is in Document DB

17 A lap around Document DB www.thuru.net17 |

18 Consistency levels of Document DB  Strong  Session  Bounded Staleness  Eventual

19 Indexing in Document DB  Consistence  Lazy  None

20 One single take away www.thuru.net20 | NoSQL technologies provide solutions for issues that relational databases do not naturally provide. At the same time, designing an application on top of a NoSQL technology requires specific technology dependent design decisions and architecture. Modern applications demand polyglot persistence.

21 Sponsors Platinum Sponsors Gold Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Platinum Raffle Sponsors Gold Raffle Sponsors Bronze Raffle Sponsors Crystal Raffle Sponsors

22 Thank you  Please evaluate this session:  Please evaluate the event at the end of SQLSaturday:

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