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Tell Me About Your Childhood Psychology Introduction Look, this stuff is all bullshit, but, it had an effect on psychology We don’t have to like.

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Presentation on theme: "Tell Me About Your Childhood Psychology Introduction Look, this stuff is all bullshit, but, it had an effect on psychology We don’t have to like."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tell Me About Your Childhood Psychology 4006

2 Introduction Look, this stuff is all bullshit, but, it had an effect on psychology We don’t have to like it Yes it is misogynistic for today I think the best place to cover this crap is actually in this course, rather than say intro, or personality That said, it is just awful and wrong and awfully wrong

3 Early treatment of the mentally ill “Enlightened” reform Phillipe Pinel (1745-1826) in France Reduced level of restraint Introduced “moral treatment” Improved nutrition and care Behavior management Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) Medical model bloodletting Jean Itard (1775-1838) “wild boy” of Aveyron (Victor) Trying to overcome severe environmental impoverishment

4 Early treatment of the mentally ill Reforming asylums Dorothea Dix (1802-1887) Method : toured places where mentally were housed and exposed poor care, neglect, and abuse Over time, resulted in creation of 47 mental hospitals Clifford Beers (1876-1943) Wrote of asylum conditions after experiencing them The Mind That Found Itself (1908) Started mental hygiene movement

5 Mesmerism and Hypnosis Jean Charcot (1825-1893) hypnosis and hysteria : same underlying pathology Thus using hypnosis on non- hysterics could be dangerous Hypnosis could be used to diagnose hysteria And rule out malingering Elaborate demonstrations e.g., Blanche Wittman (“queen of the hysterics”)

6 Sigmund Freud (1856-1939): Founding Psychoanalysis Freudian myth – two elements Completely at odds with everyone else Absolute originality Maintained by Destroying papers twice (1885, 1907) Picking loyal follower as biographer (Jones) Early career M.D. Vienna (1883) Desired a career in research Influenced by materialistic Zeitgeist Mentor Ernst Brücke (colleague of Helmholtz) Six months with Charcot

7 Psychoanalysis – The Origin Story  1895, with Breuer  Studies on Hysteria  Included Anna O. and other cases  Darwinian influence  Irrationality; Sex  Methods for accessing the unconscious  Tried but rejected hypnosis  Free association, dream analysis  Seduction hypothesis  Hysteria  result of sexual abuse  Abandoned, after self analysis, in favor of “imagined seduction”  Led to Oedipal complex and focus on sexual motivationdipal complex and focus on sexual motivation

8 Psychoanalysis: The American Tour! First decade of 20th century Highly productive Interpretation of Dreams (1900) The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901) Three Essays on Sexuality (1905) Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious (1905) Invited by Hall to Clark’s 20th anniversary celebration Series of lectures (1909) For Freud : international recognition For American psychologists : not sure what to make of Freud (Hall a big fan though)

9 The theory changes Influence of his daughter, and of WW1 The Ego and the Id (1923) Id, ego, superego structure introduced Anxiety and defense Objective, neurotic, and moral anxiety Anna Freud’s influence on theory of defense mechanisms Repression and others Sublimation The only “successful” defense

10 Others pick up the baton Freud’s followers : loyalty then dissent Tended to break with Freud over the issue of the universality of sexual motivation Carl Jung (1875-1961) Word association task (to access the unconscious) Presented at Clark conference (1909) Analytical psychology Collective unconscious Accepting of experimental methods as well as case studies Less structured psychotherapy More eclectic thinker I don’t care about your childhood….

11 Freud put the Psycho in Psychoanalysis Karen Horney (1885-1952) One of Freud’s most active critics emphasized the sociocultural aspects of personality and neurosis hugely critical of Freudian view of sexuality and of women the first to systematically study feminist psychology Horney assumed gender differences were more a result of environmental contexts than biological deficiency she promoted a more flexible view of people Multiple selves maintained that many psychology problems stem from basic anxiety from childhood experience Finally, someone sensible

12 Conclusions Freud can be given some credit, not seeing kids as mini adults The idea of the unconscious Talked about sex But you know what, others did too, he just had good PR.

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