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Kalkalpen Animals Murboden cattle Noriker horse Lynx The “Höllenotter” Toads golden eagle.

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Presentation on theme: "Kalkalpen Animals Murboden cattle Noriker horse Lynx The “Höllenotter” Toads golden eagle."— Presentation transcript:


2 Kalkalpen

3 Animals Murboden cattle Noriker horse Lynx The “Höllenotter” Toads golden eagle

4 Plants Alps Butterwort Wind flower primrose

5 Thaya Valley

6 Animals otter white-tailed eagle (only in winter) black stork white-backed woodpecker endangered species European green lizard eagle owl raven

7 Plants Some trees : copper beech harewood yew some herbs: martagon lily Dentaria-bulbifera white wood-bird (special for the park)

8 Nockberge

9 Animals Dotterel Crossbill Black redstart Beech marten Brown bear Fat dormouse

10 Plants Alpenrose Alpine sainfoin Bearded bellflower

11 Neusiedler See – Seewinkel

12 Animals Souslik Willow warbler Common snipe

13 Plants „Helm-Knabenkraut“ „Spinnen-Ragwurz“

14 Gesäuse

15 Animals common sandpiper the dipper the grey wagtail eagle owl Bats Marmot

16 Plants OrchidsCarnation

17 Hohe Tauern

18 In general History Peculiarities Animals / Plants

19 In General Area: 1800 km² In the heart of Austria Highland landscape Highest summits of Austria

20 Animals & Plants Many species of butterflies, eagles, snow-rabbits, Stags, Marmots, owls, And much more animals

21 Plants Edelweiß (the well-known flower in Austria) Akele Frühlingsenzian And much more…

22 Danube - Auen

23 Activities Boat trips Hikes Carriage rides Roman excavations Schlosshotel Orth Other sports offer

24 Animals beavers red deer red fox wild boar Birds great white egret halcyon Eurasian buzzard black kite

25 Plants Virginia creeper valerian comfrey bryony

26 Lobau

27 History 1745 Maria Theresia donated the Lobau the „poor Vienna“ 1809 Napoleon‘s army had head quarter in the Lobau 1938 construction of an oil port  cause harm to the enviroment after second world war  reconstruction of the recreation area 1977 – UNESCO declared it a “Biosphere Reserve“ since 1. October 1978  preserve area

28 Lobaumuseum informs about ecological system of the Lobau and Danube Auen give information about the Austrian fauna & flora shows the history of the Lobau

29 sights Kommassierungs Gate Napoleon street/ Napoleon stone / cemetery of French people (round tour) Roter Hiasl (restaurant)

30 Thank you for your attention

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