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EXOPLANETS "Innumerable suns exist; innumerable earths revolve around these suns in a manner similar to the way the seven planets revolve around our sun.

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Presentation on theme: "EXOPLANETS "Innumerable suns exist; innumerable earths revolve around these suns in a manner similar to the way the seven planets revolve around our sun."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXOPLANETS "Innumerable suns exist; innumerable earths revolve around these suns in a manner similar to the way the seven planets revolve around our sun. Living beings inhabit these worlds." - Giordano Bruno, Italian monk of the sixteenth century

2 To date, we think that about 1 in 2 stars has planets Presently 100 billion stars in our Galaxy, and 1-10 planets per star… 50 billion to 5 trillion planets in our Galaxy (alone). There are about 10 new stars forming each year in our Galaxy… ~5 new planetary systems/year … ~5-50 new planets/year

3 METHODS AND PRINCIPLES 1)RADIAL VELOCITY 2)ASTROMETRY 3)TRANSIT 4)MICROLENSING 5)IMAGING Gravitational Tug of War causes star to “wobble” Radial Velocity: Motion toward and away detected by Doppler shifts in stellar spectra Astrometry: Motion Side to Side (in plane of sky) detected in images of stars compared to background Eclipses by planets dim the star’s light (very slightly) Detected by temporary brightness decrease in light curve Stars sometimes gravitationally lens background stars and the planet can contribute (very slightly) Detection of planet is small blip in lens light curve Planets reflect the starlight and this can be imaged Very Difficult: Requires nulling the star- two ways

4 EXOPLANET HYPERSPACE Main page of the California/Carnegie Planet Hunters Links to tutorials and to explanations of different future plans Visualizations of Exoplanets Everything you ever wanted to know about Exoplanets- and even things you didn’t know you wanted to know!

5 PLANETARY SYSTEMS ALIGN IN A PLANE edge-on - high inclination (like in the above picture) The orientation (inclination) of any given planetary system can range from “edge on” to “face on” face-on - low inclination (like in the picture to the right)

6 STELLAR WOBBLE- SUN STYLE We would not have detected Jupiter around our star using Radial Velocity We could detect Jupiter if we had been watching using Astrometry 1960: Planet hunters born 1969: First moon walk 1980: First space shuttle; many of you born 1990: Desert Storm 1995: Planet hunting begins in earnest 2000: Many of you enter college


8 RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (Doppler Shifts Of Star Light) Follow the numbers… 1-6 : The starlight is highly dispersed into a spectrum

9 RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (Doppler Shifts Of Star Light)  V = 0 Radial

10 RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (Doppler Shifts Of Star Light)   V = Toward

11 RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (Doppler Shifts Of Star Light)   V = 0 Radial

12 RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (Doppler Shifts Of Star Light)    V = Away

13 RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (Doppler Shifts Of Star Light)   V = 0 Radial 

14 RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (Doppler Shifts Of Star Light)   V = Toward 

15 RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (Doppler Shifts Of Star Light)        = v/c This actually has calculated only the peak-to-peak velocity difference!

16 RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (Doppler Shifts Of Star Light)

17 RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (Doppler Shifts Of Star Light) The number of planets with a given “mass”. 1)One cannot get the mass directly, if the inclination of the system is unknown 2)One determines combined quantity of planet mass and the inclination angle 3)Most planets are of smaller “mass” (these are hardest to find) - thus low “mass” planets are very numerous indeed

18 RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (Doppler Shifts Of Star Light) 1)Over 100 planets discovered since 1995 (8 hunting years) 2)Methods selects high mass planets with small orbits 3)Some stars have multiple planets 4)Back to the Drawing Board for theorists!

19 ASTROMETRY METHOD (Movement With Respect to Background Stars) Assumes Our Solar System at 10pc (32 lys) distance.

20 TRANSIT METHOD (Brightness Variations Due to Planet Eclipses) during beforeafter

21 TRANSIT METHOD (Brightness Variations Due to Planet Eclipses) Well…. In principle this can be done. Like other methods… it is a technical challenge. And, well. If you can find an edge-on (highly inclined planetary system) and it had a Jupiter, you would have to wait about 10 years between events and the event lasts only days. I would not invest time and resources in the TRANSIT METHOD

22 TRANSIT METHOD (Brightness Variations Due to Planet Eclipses) …. Here are the relative sizes of planets in our Solar System.

23 MICROLENSING METHOD (Quick Brightness Spikes Due to Gravitational Lensing of Background Stars) Pros: Very sensitive for all masses and orbits Cons: Requires dedicated telescope network imaging 10x per night

24 MICROLENSING METHOD In the future, one can do this in external galaxies!

25 IMAGING METHOD (Imaging of Reflected/Reprocessed Starlight) Optical: star/planet = 1 billion = 10 9 Infrared: star/planet = 1 million = 10 6 We need to search in the infrared and we need some extra help! Block out the star!

26 IMAGING METHOD (Imaging of Reflected/Reprocessed Starlight)

27 IMAGING METHOD Interferometery and Adaptive Optics (AO) nulling the star light Requires large telescopes and specialized instrumentations… This old fashioned way of blocking out the star is called a coronagraph, which is being replaced by interferometery ….

28 IMAGING METHOD (Simulated Image of Jupiter in “solar system” 10pc distant) Using interferometery in the infrared from the ground. Success does not depend upon inclination of system, but brightness of planet.

29 IMAGING METHOD (taking it to the next level- the future)

30 IMAGING METHOD (Family Portrait- Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter) Venus Jupiter Earth Mars Space based interferometery can probe deeper… mostly because of the bigger collecting area of the telescope. The images are reflected about the origin- artifact of interferometery method

31 LIFE: THE HOLY GRAIL (look for water and ozone) Simulated Spectrum Model of Earth Data Venus, Earth, & Mars all have CO 2 Earth has H 2 O and O 3 These features are in the infrared (again!)

32 In our life times? Telescope bigger smaller Pixels finer coarser


34 Imaging Doppler Velocity Astrometry Lensing COMPARING METHODS MASS SELECTION

35 Imaging Doppler Velocity Astrometry Lensing COMPARING METHODS ORBIT SELECTION

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