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Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF Status of DC3 (CSC) production Wouter Verkerke (NIKHEF)

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Presentation on theme: "Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF Status of DC3 (CSC) production Wouter Verkerke (NIKHEF)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF Status of DC3 (CSC) production Wouter Verkerke (NIKHEF)

2 Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF Introduction / summary of Rome effort This presentation meant as a short guide to present ATLAS MC production effort for ‘physics analysis’ Last major MC production rounds was ‘ROME’ for Rome Physics workshop –Major new feature at that time: Full Geant-based MC instead of AtlFast –Standard release for all Rome efforts 10.0.2 (also installed at NIKHEF) Production procedure for Rome –Physics groups define samples of O(10-100K), run event generators themselves and provide POOL files with full MC-truth output –Central production team runs simulation (30min/evt) and reconstruction (1min/evt) on GRID and write AOD and ESD output files on GRID –Definition of samples documented on wiki –Sample names like ‘T1’ (ttbar) ‘T2’ (high pt ttbar) ‘A7’ (W+jets) –Files were in principle available on grid, but turned out to be not so reliable/easy to use. Copy of most AOD files on castor at CERN

3 Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF The DC3 production round Now ATLAS is preparing a new production round ‘DC3’ which is part of the Computing Services Commissioning (‘CSC’) Event generation, simulation, reconstruction etc now done in release 11.0.4 –Main new feature: moving towards realistic detector alignment/calibration etc A new list of physics samples is made of CSC production –Present requests list is maintained here Sample –Separation of ‘urgent’ and ‘mainstream’ requests (split by physics group) New feature of DC3 is that event generation step is part of official production –Great news because exact definition of all samples (i.e athena driver files with all options and switches for Herwig,Pythia etc…) now in release –Look in release 11.0.4 for package Generators/DC3_joboptions

4 Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF The DC3 jobOptions in release 11.0.4 In the Generators/DC3_joboptions package you will find many files like each corresponding to one of the DC3 physics samples Also in this package the driver file which steers the event generation part

5 Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF The DC3 jobOptions in release 11.0.4 Generating events with AtlFast on your own trivial in release 11.0.4 –Create a TestRelease for 11.0.4 –In your TestRelease/run directory, obtain a copy of the driver file: get_files –Indicate in the driver file * the sample you wish to generate (by including the appropriate sample definition file) * the number of events you wish to generate * the output you’d like to be produced (Atlfast  CBNT vs Atlfast  AOD) All of the above change involve trivial (and documented) 1-line changes –Go! athena Also great starting point for variation of standard samples –Take one of the standard samples as starting point and modify process- specific include file –‘Specialist’ settings such as Tauola and Photos options factorized in separate include files  Easy to use ‘official’ setting for those

6 Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF The DC3 production round Production schedule –The highest priority sample is expected to be processed with 11.0.4 by the end of February 2006. –Production with 11.0.4 started 4 Feb 2006. Generation and simulation with this release will continue until 12.0.x is validated. Reconstruction will used 11.0.4 and will move to 11.0.5 once this is validated. This is called CSC phase 1 (file names start with csc11). 2M events should be done by 1 March and another 5M by 1 April. –The CSC sample will be reprocessed with 12.0.x once it is validated. This has the "as installed" geometry. This reprocessing will be all steps except evgen. Some new evgen (mainly samples that cannot run with 11.0.4) will be done. This is called csc12 phase 2 (file names start with csc12). Once this phase starts, all production with 11.0.4/11.0.5 will stop. Is my favorite sample done? –You can query the production database online 4.3.4/proddb/monitor/Datasets.php –Default option lists all samples, but you can limit output to specific sample by entering (part) of the sample in name in the list box. (Be sure to check the box ‘Match Dataset’ otherwise this has no effect)

7 Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF How do I get the data files? All production is done on the grid. You can look for the output files on the grid, once the production database lists a samples as ‘done’ How to retrieve the AOD/ESD/DIGIT files –Important detail – There are actually 3 grids (LCG,OSG and NORDU) that each operation their own software suite and not really compatible –Source of many headaches in general… –Familiar (perhaps) LCG tools to retrieve files from the grid (lcg-cp) will not work if files were created on OSG or NORDUGRID ATLAS ‘super’ structure overseeing production and files on all grids is ‘DonQuijote2’ aka DQ2. –To retrieve files associated with CSC production directly from the grid you should use the DQ2 tools dq2_get and dq2_ls –Instructions on DQ2 tools are here –NB: I haven’t used DQ2 yet. (AFS location /afs/ should be visible at NIKHEF now, if it isn’t on your desktop notify helpdesk)

8 Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF Note structure and size of MC files Event file sizes are standardized across all samples and should contain the number of events listed below –evgen files all contain 5K events –Simul and digit files all contain 50 events except for single particles (100 events) –recon files (ESD, AOD, CBNT) contain 1K events (merging happens during the reconstruction step) –tag files contain 10K events, at this stage the AOD's are concatenated resulting in AOD files with 10K events also Note that event counts/file are different from ‘rome’ –Notable AOD files contain 1000 events now instead of 50

9 Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF Analyzing DC3 events DC3 events should be analyzed in release 11.0.4 (or 11.0.5) as soon as that is out Releases 11.0.0,11.0.2,11.0.3 are not good, don’t use them! A PacMan kit for release 11.0.4 is installed at NIKHEF at /data/atlas/offline/11.0.4

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