Centre for Health Research at the Management School EMPLOYEE WELLBEING.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Health Research at the Management School EMPLOYEE WELLBEING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Health Research at the Management School EMPLOYEE WELLBEING

2 Some questions  How does work (or not working) impact on health / wellbeing?  how does this vary across jobs, across people, in different contexts?  How does health impact on work?  How does this vary across people, by health condition, in different contexts?  How do labour market and policy changes impact on worker wellbeing?  Is work becoming less secure? How does that impact on workers?  Are earnings becoming more unequal? How does that impact on workers?  How will the National Living Wage impact on worker wellbeing?  How do welfare reforms impact on work? on wellbeing?

3 People

4 Example 1: Work Disability in Northern Ireland (Anne Devlin, Declan French, Duncan McVicar, Dermot O’Reilly)  In Northern Ireland, we have the highest disability claimant rate in the UK and the reasons for this are poorly understood, although it has been variously attributed in policy circles to worse health, worse unemployment hidden as work disablement, the physical and mental health consequences of the recent 30-year civil war known locally as ‘the Troubles’, or to a claimant culture with greater understanding of how to navigate the benefit system from knowledge of entitlement, application, interview, inspection through to eventual successful receipt.  Credible empirical evidence that can help us quantify the role of these and other factors, however, is currently lacking.  Providing such evidence is the research aim – among other things exploiting the new NICOLA Survey data

5 Example 2: Casual Jobs: Bridge or Trap? (Mark Wooden, Yin King Fok, Duncan McVicar)

6 Thank you

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