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1.You will need a sheet of paper numbered You will be given a reading passage spread over several slides. 45 seconds to 1 minute. 3.Each reading.

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2 1.You will need a sheet of paper numbered 1-8. 2.You will be given a reading passage spread over several slides. 45 seconds to 1 minute. 3.Each reading slide will automatically change. The time ranges from 45 seconds to 1 minute. 4.The time indicator is shown at the bottom. 8 multiple choice questions 5.There are 8 multiple choice questions to answer at the end of the reading. 25 to 60seconds 6.You have 25 to 60seconds to answer each before it changes. SOCIAL STUDIES 7.This activity will be collected by your SOCIAL STUDIES teacher.

3 WASHINGTON, D.C. (Achieve3000, August 6, 2009). Sonia Sotomayor has been named as the newest judge on the U.S. Supreme Court. Sotomayor is the first Hispanic judge on the nation's highest court. She is the second woman to sit on the current Supreme Court. She is only the third woman in history to serve on the Supreme Court. In May, President Barack Obama asked senators to approve Sotomayor for the Supreme Court. He noted that she has a great deal of experience as a judge. Sotomayor, 55, has been a judge in New York for 17 years. She practiced law for 13 years before becoming a judge. Sotomayor Joins the U.S. Supreme Court

4 Obama announced Sotomayor as his choice for the Supreme Court. He said that Sotomayor has the intelligence necessary for the job. He noted that she received top honors from Princeton University in 1976. She also earned a law degree at Yale Law School in 1979. Obama also praised Sotomayor. He said her life may encourage other people. "She's faced [hard times]. She's lived out the American dream that brought her parents here so long ago," Obama said. Indeed, before Sotomayor was born, her parents had moved from Puerto Rico. They came to the mainland United States. Their new life in the U.S. was not easy. Young Sonia Sotomayor had a hard life.

5 For example, she suffered from an illness at age 8. The illness forced her to get shots every day. A year later, her father died. Sotomayor's mother was left to raise young Sonia and her brother on her own. They lived in a housing project in New York. "I am here today because of [my mother's dreams] for my brother Juan and me," Sotomayor said. She added that her mother talked about the importance of school. Her mother also set a good example. She studied to become a nurse as the children did their homework. Sotomayor's brother developed an interest in medicine. He became a doctor. But young Sonia was interested in detective novels and law.

6 As a young girl, she read Nancy Drew mystery books. She also became a fan of Perry Mason. Perry Mason is a television show. It's about a man who practices law. Sotomayor says that she knew she wanted to be a judge by the age of 10. That's when one particular Perry Mason show moved her. "I realized that the judge was the most important player in that room," Sotomayor said. Years later, Sotomayor found that becoming a Supreme Court judge was not easy. Before she was approved, Sotomayor went before the senators. They asked her many questions. Then, they voted on whether to place her on the Supreme Court. Supreme Court judges make their rulings based on the Constitution.

7 Judges decide whether the laws go along with the Constitution. The senators asked Sotomayor whether she would base rulings on her feelings or the Constitution. Sotomayor has said she takes her role as a judge very seriously. She promised to remain fair. Senators approved Sotomayor for the Supreme Court. The vote was 68 to 31. Her approval is important. It creates a court that includes different races. It creates a court that includes different genders. (Most Supreme Court judges have been white males.) Sotomayor is proud of her Hispanic background. Her approval is a great moment in Hispanic- American history. Judge Sotomayor will begin her new job in October 2009. That's when the Supreme Court begins its new year. Information for this story came from AP.

8 1.Which fits best in the empty box above? a.Her parents moved from Puerto Rico before she was born. b.She is the third woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. c.She will begin her new job with the court starts in October. d.Her approval is an important event in U.S. history.

9 2. The article states: She is the second woman to sit on the current Supreme Court. Which would be the closest synonym for the word current? a.Final b.Popular c.Future d.Present

10 3. Which statement from the article best supports the fact that Sonia Sotomayor has a lot of experience? a.Sotomayor is proud of her Hispanic background. b.Sotomayor says that she knew she wanted to be a judge by the age of 10. c.She is only the third woman in history to serve on the Supreme Court. d.She practiced law for 13 years before becoming a judge.

11 4. Which of these is an opinion? a.Sonia Sotomayor will make an excellent Supreme Court judge. b.Senators asked Sotomayor many questions before they voted. c.President Barack Obama picked Sotomayor for the Supreme Court. d.Sonia Sotomayor's parents came to New York from Puerto Rico.

12 5. Which question is not answered by the article? a.How many women have served on the Supreme Court? b.Why did Sotomayor's parents move to the U.S.? c.How many years did Sonia Sotomayor work as a lawyer? d.When will the Supreme Court begin its new year?

13 6. The article states: Obama announced Sotomayor as his choice for the Supreme Court. Which would be the closest synonym for the word announced? a.Defended b.Demanded c.Decided d.Declared

14 7. What is the main idea of this article? a.U.S. Supreme Court judges will begin their new year in October 2009. b.U.S. Supreme Court judges base their rulings on the Constitution. c.Sonia Sotomayor practiced law for 13 years before becoming a judge. d.Sonia Sotomayor has been named the newest Supreme Court judge.

15 8. Suppose you were writing a summary of the article. Which of these would be most important to put in the summary? a.Sonia Sotomayor's brother developed an interest in medicine. b.Sonia Sotomayor will be the first Hispanic judge on the Supreme Court. c.Perry Mason was a TV show about a man who practices law. d.Supreme Court judges decide if laws go along with the Constitution.

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