Hannah Aldridge Head of Analysis | New Policy Institute | The changing face of poverty in London.

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Presentation on theme: "Hannah Aldridge Head of Analysis | New Policy Institute | The changing face of poverty in London."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hannah Aldridge Head of Analysis | New Policy Institute hannah.aldridge@npi.org.uk | www.npi.org.uk The changing face of poverty in London

2 London’s long-term poverty trends  Number of people in poverty in London has risen from 1.9m to 2.2m over the last decade, mainly due to population growth  but underneath that poverty has transformed Proportion of people in poverty

3 London’s long-term poverty trends People in poverty in London (000s)

4 London’s long-term poverty trends Increase in poverty among: 1.Working families 2.Private rented sector 3.Outer London

5 1) The rise in in-work poverty  Substantial falls in unemployment - across boroughs, age groups and ethnic groups  But rises in low paid jobs and part-working families

6 2) The rise poverty in the PRS Children in poverty in London (000s) Its not just working age adults – children are at the sharp end of London’s housing crisis

7 Adequacy of PRS housing Poor quality  30% of PRS non-decent (15% of SRS) Insecure  Two thirds of private renters have lived in their current home less than three years (social rent average is 11 years)  Landlord evictions are rising in London and double the rate for Rest of England Expensive  needs don’t match means – and children loose out

8 3) The rise in poverty in Outer London  Unemployment fell most in Inner London  Across London out-of-work benefit claims have fallen by 100,000s  Homeless households placed outside their borough is at an all time high (15,000 out of 64,000)  But actual number of moves are small (10,000s)  Movement from Inner to Outer London, small compared to poverty overall

9 London Summary Typical person in poverty is in London is:  working family  private renter  in Outer London

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