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Student Details & Bulk Update Changes for School Census Autumn 2016 Version 1.0.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Details & Bulk Update Changes for School Census Autumn 2016 Version 1.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Details & Bulk Update Changes for School Census Autumn 2016 Version 1.0

2 Pupil Details Release Summer 2016 Content

3 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Pupil Nationality 1.To be collected in School Census Autumn 2016 for pupils on roll at any point since the start of academic year 2016/17 2.DfE list of Nation States and Countries has been extended to include the following: Not Known Not Yet Obtained Refused Stateless

4 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Pupil Nationality

5 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Country of Birth added 1.DfE have added this to CBDS, CTF and to be collected in School Census Autumn 2016 for pupils on roll at any point since the start of academic year 2016/17 2.Make use of the DfE Nation States and Countries codes which has been extended to include the following: Not Known Not Yet Obtained Refused Stateless 3.As found on a Birth Certificate or Passport, but no requirement for a school to see a copy of either of these 4.We are planning to add this to Bulk Update

6 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Country of Birth added

7 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Proficiency in English added 1.Proficiency needed for CBDS, CTF 16 and to be included in School Census Autumn 2016 for pupils on roll on Census Day 2.Assessment date needed for CBDS and CTF 16

8 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Proficiency in English Added 3.The list of 'Proficiency in English' codes are as follows A - New to English B - Early acquisition C - Developing competence D - Competent E - Fluent N - Not yet assessed 0 - Not applicable – NOT VALID WITHIN THE SCHOOL CENSUS

9 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Proficiency in English Added 3.The list of 'Proficiency in English' codes are as follows A - New to English B - Early acquisition C - Developing competence D - Competent E - Fluent N - Not yet assessed 0 - Not applicable – NOT VALID WITHIN THE SCHOOL CENSUS A New to English May use first language for learning and other purposes. May remain completely silent in the classroom. May be copying/repeating some words or phrases. May understand some everyday expressions in English but may have minimal or no literacy in English. Needs a considerable amount of EAL support. A New to English May use first language for learning and other purposes. May remain completely silent in the classroom. May be copying/repeating some words or phrases. May understand some everyday expressions in English but may have minimal or no literacy in English. Needs a considerable amount of EAL support.

10 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Proficiency in English added 3.The list of 'Proficiency in English' codes are as follows A - New to English B - Early acquisition C - Developing competence D - Competent E - Fluent N - Not yet assessed 0 - Not applicable – NOT VALID WITHIN THE SCHOOL CENSUS B Early acquisition May follow day to day social communication in English and participate in learning activities with support. Beginning to use spoken English for social purposes. May understand simple instructions and can follow narrative/accounts with visual support. May have developed some skills in reading and writing. May have become familiar with some subject specific vocabulary. Still needs a significant amount of EAL support to access the curriculum. B Early acquisition May follow day to day social communication in English and participate in learning activities with support. Beginning to use spoken English for social purposes. May understand simple instructions and can follow narrative/accounts with visual support. May have developed some skills in reading and writing. May have become familiar with some subject specific vocabulary. Still needs a significant amount of EAL support to access the curriculum.

11 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Proficiency in English added 3.The list of 'Proficiency in English' codes are as follows A - New to English B - Early acquisition C - Developing competence D - Competent E - Fluent N - Not yet assessed 0 - Not applicable – NOT VALID WITHIN THE SCHOOL CENSUS C Developing competence May participate in learning activities with increasing independence. Able to express self orally in English, but structural inaccuracies are still apparent. Literacy will require ongoing support, particularly for understanding text and writing. May be able to follow abstract concepts and more complex written English. Requires ongoing EAL support to access the curriculum fully. C Developing competence May participate in learning activities with increasing independence. Able to express self orally in English, but structural inaccuracies are still apparent. Literacy will require ongoing support, particularly for understanding text and writing. May be able to follow abstract concepts and more complex written English. Requires ongoing EAL support to access the curriculum fully.

12 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Proficiency in English added 3.The list of 'Proficiency in English' codes are as follows A - New to English B - Early acquisition C - Developing competence D - Competent E - Fluent N - Not yet assessed 0 - Not applicable – NOT VALID WITHIN THE SCHOOL CENSUS D Competent Oral English will be developing well, enabling successful engagement in activities across the curriculum. Can read and understand a wide variety of texts. Written English may lack complexity and contain occasional evidence of errors in structure. Needs some support to access subtle nuances of meaning, to refine English usage, and to develop abstract vocabulary. Needs some/occasional EAL support to access complex curriculum material and tasks. D Competent Oral English will be developing well, enabling successful engagement in activities across the curriculum. Can read and understand a wide variety of texts. Written English may lack complexity and contain occasional evidence of errors in structure. Needs some support to access subtle nuances of meaning, to refine English usage, and to develop abstract vocabulary. Needs some/occasional EAL support to access complex curriculum material and tasks.

13 Proficiency in English added 3.The list of 'Proficiency in English' codes are as follows A - New to English B - Early acquisition C - Developing competence D - Competent E - Fluent N - Not yet assessed Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 E Fluent Can operate across the curriculum to a level of competence equivalent to that of a pupil who uses English as his/her first language. Operates without EAL support across the curriculum. E Fluent Can operate across the curriculum to a level of competence equivalent to that of a pupil who uses English as his/her first language. Operates without EAL support across the curriculum.

14 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Proficiency in English added 3.The list of 'Proficiency in English' codes are as follows A - New to English B - Early acquisition C - Developing competence D - Competent E - Fluent N - Not yet assessed N Not yet assessed The DfE will accept "N - Not yet assessed" where there has not been enough time for the assessments to take place for the Autumn Census 2016 N Not yet assessed The DfE will accept "N - Not yet assessed" where there has not been enough time for the assessments to take place for the Autumn Census 2016

15 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Proficiency in English Added

16 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) Added 1.Address Validation modified so that it adds UPRN 2.Can be transferred between schools via CTF Ordinance Survey Policy Statement A Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique alphanumeric identifier for every spatial address in Great Britain and can be found in OS's Address products. It provides a comprehensive, complete, consistent identifier throughout a property's life cycle - from planning permission through to demolition. Ordinance Survey Policy Statement A Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique alphanumeric identifier for every spatial address in Great Britain and can be found in OS's Address products. It provides a comprehensive, complete, consistent identifier throughout a property's life cycle - from planning permission through to demolition.

17 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) Added

18 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Early First Year and Early Second Year 1.Years Taught in extend in CBDS to include E1 and E2 2.List of acceptable years has been extended to include E1 (age 0) and E2 (age 1) E1 - Early first year E2 - Early second year N1 - Nursery first year N2 - Nursery second year R - Reception year 1 to 14 - Years 1 to 14 M - Mixed year class X - National curriculum not followed (Special Schools where pupils are not following a particular NC year)

19 Pupil Details Summer Release 2016 Early First Year and Early Second Year 3.Will only be displayed where the school has added them

20 Bulk Update Summer Release 2016 Content

21 Bulk Update Summer Release 2016 First Language and Proficiency in English 1.Proficiency in English is only compulsory for inclusion in School Census Autumn where the pupils is on roll on Census Day and First Language is other than English 2.With point 1 in mind, we have created a Group choice of for Group Type First Language in the Student Population filter. This will limit the cohort to pupils whose First Language is NOT any of the following on the Student Population Effective Date English Believed to be English 3.Again with point 1 in mind, we have modified Update Data Item to create a single record of Proficiency in English with Date Assessed set to the Update Data Item Effective Date

22 Bulk Update Summer Release 2016 First Language and Proficiency in English 4.It is quite possible that records for Proficiency in English to exist with different Dates Assessed, in which case Bulk Update will simply add another record 5.It is also possible that a record already exists for the same date, in which case that record will be updated if Bulk Update indicates a different level of Proficiency in English

23 Bulk Update Summer Release 2016 First Language and Proficiency in English

24 Bulk Update Summer Release 2016 Pupil Nationality This is another awkward item for Bulk Update as pupils can have more than one nationality and these are not dated Our approach is straightforward in this case, in that we add a Nationality record regardless of the Effective Date for updating the data item

25 Bulk Update Summer Release 2016 Pupil Nationality A very unusual use of bulk update, as dates are not significant and multiple values are allowed 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

26 Bulk Update Summer Release 2016 Country of Birth A straightforward one

27 Thank you for your time Content

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