Welcome to the Computer Science Department Advice and answers for Post-Baccalaureate students interested in Computer Science Wu-chi Feng CS Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Computer Science Department Advice and answers for Post-Baccalaureate students interested in Computer Science Wu-chi Feng CS Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Computer Science Department Advice and answers for Post-Baccalaureate students interested in Computer Science Wu-chi Feng CS Department Chair Barbara Sabath CS Undergraduate Advisor Rebecca Sexton CS Graduate Advisor

2 Agenda  As a Post-bac, you have options!  Bachelors or Masters…what’s the difference?  Bachelor Degree Requirements  Master Degree Prerequisites  Planning your Post-bac program of study  Admissions to the Computer Science Dept.  Prior Credits and Experience  Q&A

3 Bachelor’s or Master’s? Bachelor’s Degree: 1.May be quicker 2.Performance 3.Broad Study Master’s Degree: 1.May be quicker 2.Performance 3.Area of Focus

4 Path #1: Second Bachelor’s degree in CS  Broader topical coverage than Master’s program  Begin any term  Must complete all undergraduate major requirements; CS credits and additional courses (Math, Science, etc.)  Must maintain a C or better  Completed in as little as four years

5 What Makes us Unique  Many of our masters students do not hold Computer Science undergraduate degrees  We value diverse academic backgrounds  We offer pathways for students to complete the necessary coursework that prepares them for our graduate program  We don’t require any prior computer science experience in order to pursue these pathways

6 Path #2: Traditional Grad Prep Track  Begin any term  Must maintain a B or better  Completed in as little as 2 years plus required time for Master’s program

7 Path #3: New Beginnings: Accelerated Grad Prep Track  Cohorts begin summer term  Highly accelerated, full-time program (16 credits/term)  Acceptance to master’s program upon completion  Completed in 9 months (July - March) plus time required for masters

8 Planning to get a Bachelor’s in CS? Must complete all required UG courses including:  COMM 220 Public Speaking  WR 227 Technical Writing  MTH 251, 252 Calculus I, II  ECE 341 Computer Hardware  Approved Science and Math Electives  Upper Division CS Electives  CS 469, 470 Software Engineering Capstone Courses taken for the first undergraduate degree can be used to satisfy free electives and general University requirements.

9 Planning to get a Master’s in CS? You don’t need a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science in order to do the Master’s Program. We offer two options for graduate preparatory course work for Non-CS degrees. 1.Grad Prep (traditional Post-bac Track) 2.New Beginnings (Accelerated Post-bac Track)

10 Traditional Grad Prep Track  15% of the graduating class of 2015-16  Begin taking classes any term  Must complete (or demonstrate mastery) of most undergraduate computer science coursework.  Consists of Programming, Languages, and Theory  44-48 credits

11 New Beginnings  Highly accelerated: 9 month cohort (July – March)  No prior programming experience is required  30+ hours a week out of class  Students are not allowed to work off campus  Not a vocational training program  Starting in 2017-18, students will have the choice to pursue preparation for PSU’s Computer Science or OHSU’s Bioinformatics & Computational Biology graduate degrees.

12 New Beginnings Admission to New Beginnings is required and competitive. Applicants are expected to have:  At least a year of mathematics beyond pre-calculus  An undergraduate GPA of 3.5 of better  GRE Scores are required: A Quantitative score in the 70 th percentile or above and a Verbal score in the 50 th percentile or above RSVP for the New Beginnings Open House on Monday, December 12, 2016 at 4pm in FAB 86-01!

13 Master’s Degree in Computer Science (45 credits) Core (9)  CS 581 Theory of Computation  CS 558 Programming Languages  CS 533 Concepts of Operating Systems Track (9)  Databases  Intelligent & Adaptive Systems  Languages  Security  Software Engineering  Systems  Theory Electives (27)  Additional 500-level CS courses  15 credits can be outside of CS

14 Where do I Begin? We have multiple entry points to our post-bac programs for second bachelor’s and grad prep students No prior programming experience?  Start with CS 161 Some programming experience?  Start with CS 162 How should I know if I am ready for CS 162?  There is a self-placement available from our office to help you determine if you should begin at CS 161 or CS 162

15 Portland Community College  You may begin your Post-bac study at a community college, such as PCC.  All lower division courses for the Grad Prep and second Bachelor’s (including non-CS major requirements) can be completed at PCC.  PLEASE NOTE: PCC requires you to start with CS 140U, CS 161, and MTH 111.  PCC’s CS Advisor: Michele Maxwell (Michele.Maxwell@pcc.edu)

16 Keep in Mind…  Advanced courses in Computer Science build on earlier courses.  You must successfully pass or demonstrate mastery (through CPL) in order to move forward in our programs.  A weak preparation in one class can lead to issues throughout the rest of your programs.

17 Scheduling is IMPORTANT For many Reasons 1.We enforce prerequisites! Consider this when planning your program of study 2.Departmental Admissions is required in order to complete upper division CS courses 3.Planning to do the master’s? You must have all grad prep courses completed before you start.

18 Departmental Admissions Grad Prep or Second Bachelor’s? Same application and deadlines. Different requirements.  Admissions takes places twice a year: Fall term (July 1 st deadline) and Spring term (February 1 st deadline)  Students begin with CS 300 and CS 311 which are only offered in the Fall and Spring  All lower division CS courses should be completed and mastered by the term you are applying to  Documented by grades or Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

19 CS 202 Programming Systems  If you did not complete CS 202 at PSU, you’ll need to demonstrate acceptable proficiency in programming through one of our Proficiency Demonstrations.  This examination is part of the midterm and final if you complete CS 202 at PSU.  Plan Ahead! Proficiency exams are scheduled in July each year.  This a departmental admissions requirement.

20 Departmental Admissions for 2 nd Bachelor’s Degree  CS courses: 162, 163, 201, 202*, 250, and 251 with an overall GPA of 2.0 (all attempts will be considered)  MTH 251 & 252 (Calculus I and II)  An approved Lab Science sequence  COMM 220  Required courses outside of CS must be completed with a minimum grade of a C-

21 Departmental Admissions for Grad Prep  CS courses: 162, 163, 201, 202*, 250, and 251 with a 3.0 GPA (all attempts will be considered)  Must complete all Grad Prep courses with a minimum grade of a B (for department and graduate admissions).  Recommended: Take the GRE while completing the lower division Grad Prep courses.  All A’s in the Grad Prep will not guarantee you admission to the graduate program if you do not meet with the minimum GRE scores  Quantitative: 60 th percentile Verbal: 25 th percentile

22 Prior Credits and Experience  Determine if your prior courses match our requirements.  https://transferology.com/school/pdx https://transferology.com/school/pdx  Request transfer evaluation upon Post-bac admission  Additional evaluation through course’s department may be required  Some courses can be waived through documented professional experience.

23 Thank You!

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