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Political Philosophy Jean-Jacques Rousseau Thomas Hobbes Karl Marx.

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1 Political Philosophy Jean-Jacques Rousseau Thomas Hobbes Karl Marx

2 ROUSSEAU Dealt with key notions of popular sovereignty and the general will Gov’t is not to be confused with sovereignty of the people or with social order Gov’t is only intermediary set up between people and the state

3 ROUSSEAU Gov’t created by citizens through collective action Its purpose is to serve the people by seeing to it that laws are actually executed Gov’t is servant of the people; not the master

4 ROUSSEAU When state was no longer representative of the will of the people or failed in its duty to ensure laws, the delegation of power to gov’t was revocable State had to be all-inclusive – every citizen should know every other citizen

5 HOBBES Men are addicted to power b/c its acquisition is the only guarantee of living well Therefore, men live in “perpetual state of war” driven by competition & desire for same limited resources

6 HOBBES Natural rights & liberty limited by necessity to seek self- preservation by any means No value above that of self- interest b/c where there is no common, coercive power there is no law & no justice

7 HOBBES Men may surrender their individual will & transfer their individual rights to the state Only a constituted civil power commands sufficient force to compel everyone to fulfill the compact whereby men exchange liberty for security

8 HOBBES The sovereign power is absolute and not subject to laws and obligations of citizens Obedience is compulsory so long as sovereign fulfills social compact by protecting rights of the individual Rebellion is unjust consequently

9 MARX “Dictatorship of the proletariat” – workers would assume power in order eliminate class differences through re-education This gov’t would eventually give way to communal society operating as “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need”

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