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1. 2 Paradigms...what are they?...why should we care?

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Paradigms...what are they?...why should we care?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 Paradigms...what are they?...why should we care?

3 3 Find a partner stand or sit facing your partner hold the envelope between you slide the card out of the envelope as demonstrated return the card to the envelope

4 4 Using ONLY the information you just gained about the card in the envelope, come to an agreeement with your partner about the colour of the card. **Do not make ANY ASSUMPTIONS about the card**

5 5 Partner Discussion

6 6 paradigms are about the subjective nature of reality

7 7 Paradigms are the way we see life: they are our governing belief systems. They are the mental construct of what the world is supposedly like. Paradigms are an effort to make things explainable and understandable. A paradigm is a certain way of looking at things, it is a point of view. It is how we have come to view the world.

8 8 On a more personal level, believing that life is a struggle, a fight, is quite different from believing that life is a holiday, a carnival! Paradigms are beliefs about life, not necessarily true or accurate. Believing something about life doesn't make life that way. Believing something, even if we all do, does not make it so. That's the subtle but profound difference between principles and paradigms, truths and beliefs.

9 9 Historical paradigms which we no longer accept The earth is flat The earth is the centre of the universe

10 10 a belief constantly inculcated during the early years of life, while the brain is impressionable, appears to acquire almost the nature of an instinct; and the very essence of an instinct is that it is followed independently of reason. Charles Darwin: The Descent of Man, 1871

11 11 Why is this understanding important to us as parents or educators? A BELIEF is a lever that, once pulled, moves almost everything else in a person’s life. Are you &. scientist? A liberal? A racist? These are merely species of belief in action. Your beliefs define your vision of the world; they dictate your behavior; they determine your emotional responses to other human beings. If you doubt this, consider how your experience would suddenly change if you came to believe one of the following propositions:

12 12 1.You have only two weeks to live. 2.You’ve just won a lottery prize of one hundred million dollars. 3.Aliens have implanted a receiver in your skull and are manipulating your thoughts. These are mere words―until you believe them. Once believed, they become part of the very apparatus of your mind, determining your desires, fears, expectations, and subsequent behavior. -Sam Harris, The End of Faith

13 13 How is this specifically relevant to my child?

14 14 Aaron Ralston

15 15 Fortunately it is possible to manipulate or influence our beliefs / paradigms

16 16 Please stand up and find a partner Someone you do not know so well

17 17

18 18 Estimate the age of the person in the previous slide Come to an agreement with your partner about the person’s age

19 19 We can create paradigms which serve us and overcome those which do not. Intensity and repetition are the keys to creating paradigms

20 20 Change of direction

21 21 Educational Paradigms

22 22 My parents (and possibly yours) told me in all sincerity: work hard at school get a good education go to university and get a degree then you will get a good job

23 23 Knowledge economy Knowledge workers

24 24 Daniel Pink A Whole New Mind

25 25 Abundance Asia Automation

26 26 The knowledge economy has produced a standard of living in many parts of the world unimaginable to our grandparents

27 27 Self -storage -$17 billion industry in USA alone -one of the fastest growth industries in many countries

28 28 The result of this abundance: Product effectiveness and cost are no longer enough to compete in the marketplace

29 29 The rise of aesthetics Designed by: Michael Graves Princeton University Architecture Professor Target - $5.99

30 30 In an age of abundance we are now interested in more than just survival Happiness Fulfillment Purpose Meaning

31 31 Asia Srividya - accountant Lalit - engineer Kavita - lawyer Kamal - software engineer All have an annual income of less than $14,000USD (88,500RMB)

32 32 “At least 3.3 million white collar jobs and $136 billion in wages will shift from the U.S.A. to low-cost countries like India, China & Russia by 2015 Japan, Germany & UK will lose 25,000 IT jobs and 30,000 finance jobs to India and other developing nations. By 2015 Europe will lose 1.2 million jobs to offshore locales

33 33 India’s colleges and universities turn out 350,000 engineering graduates annually

34 34 Automation

35 35 Is there an answer to this problem?

36 36 Left brain / Right brain

37 37

38 38

39 39 Design Story Symphony Empathy Play Meaning

40 40 Acknowledgements: Daniel H Pink, 2006, A Whole New Mind Martin Seligman, 1990, Learned Optimism Stephen R Covey, 1989The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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