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ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ED 505 Technology and Education Titania Richey Instructor: Dr. Beverly B. Ray.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ED 505 Technology and Education Titania Richey Instructor: Dr. Beverly B. Ray."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ED 505 Technology and Education Titania Richey Instructor: Dr. Beverly B. Ray

2 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ED 505 Technology and Education Titania Richey Instructor: Dr. Beverly B. Ray


4 Assistive technology (often abbreviated as AT) is any item, piece of equipment, software or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Assistive Technology Video:

5 Assistive Technology Act Public Law 105-394 [29 USC 2201] The Assistive Technology Act is intended to improve the provision of assistive technology to individuals with disabilities through comprehensive statewide programs of technology-related assistance. The statewide activities include: State finance systems - activities to increase access to, and funding for, assistive technology devices and services, including development of systems to provide and pay for such devices and services. Device reutilization programs - activities that provide for the exchange, repair, recycling, or other reutilization of assistive technology devices, which may include redistribution through device sales, loans, rentals, or donations. Device loan programs - activities that provide short-term loans of assistive technology devices to individuals, employers, public agencies, or others seeking to meet the needs of people with disabilities. Device demonstration programs - activities that demonstrate a variety of assistive technology devices and provide assistive technology services

6 Hearing Impaired Hearing Loop A hearing loop is a wire that circles a room and is connected to a sound system. The loop transmits the sound electromagnetically. The electromagnetic signal is then picked up by the telecoil in the hearing aid or cochlear implant.

7 Seeing Impaired Screen magnification software is used by people with visual impairments to access information on computer screens. MAGic ® Large Print Keyboard The Large Print Keyboard provides low vision computer users an easy-to-read keyboard with bold, high-contrast keys for fast, accurate typing. This keyboard was designed and developed to enhance the user experience with MAGic and JAWS.

8 Learning Disabled Portable Note-taking Device Portable note takers provide an efficient means to record ideas and classroom notes to complete assignments, and to demonstrate writing creativity.

9 Physically Disabled Voice Recognition Software Install software that allows a person to control the computer by speaking. This assumes that the person has a voice that is easy to understand.

10 RESOURCES  1.  2.  3.  4.  5. http://www.hearingloop.org  6.  7.  8.  9.  10.  11.  12.

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