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Development Consultation Forum Coldharbour Farm 28th November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Development Consultation Forum Coldharbour Farm 28th November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development Consultation Forum Coldharbour Farm 28th November 2013

2 Programme 18:00 – Introduction – Councillor David Guest 18:05 - Explanation of Process and outline of planning policy and planning history – Stephen Cantwell - (Team Leader – Development Control) 18:15 – Presentation by the Developers 18.35 - Christine Armitage – Emsworth Residents’ Association 18:40 - Comments from Consultees – Rachael McMurray (Planner – Development Control) 18:50 - Chairman invites Developer and their team to respond to any issues raised by invited speaker 19:00 - Chairman invites questions from Councillors 19:30 - Planning Officer summarises key points raised during Forum – Stephen Cantwell (Team Leader- Development Control) 19:40 - Chairman closes Forum meeting

3 The purpose of the Forum is… To allow developer to explain development proposals directly to councillors, public & key stakeholders at an early stage To allow Councillors to ask questions To inform officer pre application discussions with developer To identify any issues that may be considered in any formal application. To enable the developer to shape an application to address community issues

4 The Forum is not meant to… Negotiate the proposal in public Commit councillors or local planning authority to a view Allow objectors to frustrate the process Address or necessarily identify all the issues that will need to be considered in a future planning application Take the place of normal planning application process or role of the Development Management Committee

5 Developer will have a list of main points to consider Stakeholders and public will be aware of proposals and can raise their concerns Councillors will be better informed on significant planning issues Officers will be better informed as to community expectations during their pre application negotiations with developers The outcome of the Forum will be…

6 Coldharbour Farm


8 Coldharbour Farm (drainage / flood zones)

9 Coldharbour Farm (Site of Importance for Nature Conservation) semi-improved priority grassland habitat & county-rare vegetation in ditch

10 Coldharbour Farm (Junction with Horndean Road)

11 Coldharbour Farm (Coldharbour Farm Road)

12 Coldharbour Farm (Access point)

13 Planning History There is no planning history relevant to a proposal for housing on this site. The current use comprises an area of open land with boundary hedgerows on all side.

14 Planning Policy – Framework Applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. (National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012) (Section 54 A) Development Plan includes: –Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 –Saved policies from 2005 Local Plan Other material considerations include: –National Planning Policy Framework –Emerging Local Plan (Allocations)

15 Planning Policy – Material Considerations National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Plan positively to support local development Planning should be genuinely plan led, empowering local people to shape their surroundings In response, HBC are positively progressing Local plan Emerging Local Plan (Allocations) – October 2013 Aims to allocate sites to meet development needs Previous consultation undertaken (2012) to ensure local people have an opportunity to shape their surrounding through plan led system. Further consultation October / November 2013

16 Planning Policy – Material Considerations Emerging Local Plan (Allocations) – content Site referred to as UE37: Land west of Coldharbour Farm 1.94 hectares Preferred site for development Allocated for 47 dwellings. Proposal is for 53 dwellings – 27dph

17 Policy UE37 – Site Specific Development Requirements Connecting footpath / cycle link to A27 service station Layout to have regard to adjacent SINC and boundary planting to be incorporated Access is expected to be achieved from the end of Coldharbour Farm Consultation with HCC alongside any planning application in relation to minerals and whether prior extraction may be required.

18 Policy UE37 – Site Specific Development Requirements Mitigate any impacts on Brent Geese and / or waders (Policy DM23) Ensure appropriate amenity level for occupants of proposed residential properties having regard to noise and light pollution (Policy DM18) Flood Risk Assessment, including detailed fluvial modelling On-site SUDS Reduced green field runoff rates and a likely contribution to the Emsworth Flood Alleviation Scheme

19 Key Planning Issues Highways and Access Footpath link to A27 service station – provided by developer Horndean Road corridor – amount of traffic to be generated Adequacy of site layout and parking Flood Risk / Emsworth Flood Alleviation Scheme 2 Relationship to EA’s alleviation scheme Sustainable drainage

20 Noise attenuation and light from A27 Noise shadow Acoustic fence along the A27 Orientation / design of buildings SINC / Ecology Emergency access required through the adjacent SINC Key Planning Issues

21 Built form and design Are the layout, scale, impact, roofscapes and elevations appropriate? Impact upon surroundings Impact on any boundary trees/hedgerows and acceptability of internal landscaping

22 Key Planning Issues Residential Mix 30-40% affordable units to be provided and their location on the site Mix of units / sizes Open Space Location, function and amount

23 Key Planning Issues Developer Contributions and requirements: Possible contributions at present towards: CIL Affordable Housing Education

24 Presentation by Developers

25 Invited Speakers

26 Invited speakers: Emsworth Resident’s Association 1.The numbers and densities had increased without public consultation 2. How would the scheme contribute to the Environment Agency work on flood alleviation for Emsworth? 3. Would the developer enter a binding legal agreement to incorporate flood alleviation the development and the wider flood alleviation?

27 Consultee Responses

28 Environment Agency Part of site falls within FZ3 and EA would not wish to seek development within FZ3 Flood zone shown is associated with the West Brook ‘main river’. A further ‘ordinary’ watercourse is also located at site Any application coming forward should also assess flood risks associated with ordinary watercourse The West Brook Stream is known to flood downstream in Emsworth

29 Environment Agency EA to see clear demonstration of positive contribution to a reduction in flood risk within the catchment. Part of the site located in FZ3 would be suitable location for increasing the flood storage capacity for West Brook SUDS features should be located in FZ1 and manage surface water at source as far as possible Development should adhere to Policy DM25 of HBC Emerging Local Plan (Allocations) and other objectives for managing flood risk

30 HBC Development Engineer Developer needs to submit Transport Assessment (TA) & Travel Plan (TP) with application TA needs to quantify amount and type of all traffic that proposed development would generate

31 HBC Development Engineer Also needs to include impact on residential traffic on: –Horndean Rd/New Brighton Road junction –Cycle / footpath route (71) which runs from Washington Rd to SW corner of recreation ground * –New cycle / footpath link from development to A27 petrol filling station –Emergency link from petrol filling station to new development * footnote Post- Forum: Agent has subsequently checked with Highway officer who has advised that the cycle path should form an integrated link through the site.

32 HBC Development Engineer Any identified off-site traffic impacts to be mitigated by highway works or contributions. Application needs to demonstrate that it has servicing arrangements for emergency, refuse & delivery vehicles and fire appliances and be built to adoptable standard.

33 HBC Development Engineer Layout needs to provide adequate parking for both vehicles and cycles when it is completed and during the construction period Any application should also demonstrate the phasing and the sequence of the construction.

34 Additional Engineer Response Applicant needs to satisfy planning authority that a surface water system can be provided which meets SW / SUDS requirements and foul water system to SW standards. Boundary of planning application should include any off-site land which is required to provide a route for any proposed sewer or SUDS where possible Financial contribution may be required for Emsworth Flood Alleviation Strategy as per Policy DM25 of Emerging Local Plan

35 Environmental Health Acoustic report required, covering traffic noise from the A27 which has potential to affect the amenity of future residents. Report should also include the positioning of building facades and types of window glazing etc to be used. Also potential distinctive tonal noise from traffic on the A27, especially during wet weather, needs to be considered. The report will also need to cover any possible noise issues arising from the adjacent service station as it operates 24 / 7.

36 Environmental Health Potential site investigation to establish any possible ground contamination, in view of proximity to existing adjacent petrol station. Also potential light pollution issues from ex. adjacent petrol station, would need to be addressed.

37 Developer Responses: In response to the points raised by the Emsworth Residents Association, the developer will continue to work with Environment Agency (EA) regarding flood alleviation on the site and its relationship to wider flood alleviation. In terms of entering into an agreement, this would be a standard obligation of the developer to enter into agreement for flood alleviation measures. Developer has undertaken pre-application discussions with the EA. This has informed drainage solutions.

38 Developer Responses: Regarding increased density, this has increased as it would make more effective use of the site. Furthermore, it was noted that government advice previously supported densities of 30dph or more. The local plan number (47 dwellings) is for guidance only. This would only be an increase of 6no. Units (53 dwellings). The pre-application response from HBC indicated that 53 dwellings would not breach the Policy guidelines.

39 Developer Responses: An acoustic report would be submitted with the application. However, work has already been undertaken with pre-application enquiry and a noise and ecology report already submitted to show that the site was deliverable in principle. Information submitted indicated that the noise and other constraints are capable of full mitigation. Planning application is likely to be submitted after consultation with local community, as suggested in the Statement of Community Involvement. Spring 2014 may be a suitable time for submission.

40 Councillor Questions Q – Would you be prepared to put the plans before the Emsworth Design Panel? A – Yes.

41 Councillor Questions Q – Can you confirm there will be adequate noise and landscape screening between the development and the A27? If so, what will this comprise? Would the footpath be safe in terms of crime risk? A – The plans show a comprehensive landscape buffer along the boundary with A27. Landscaping would be provided along with a potential acoustic fence – 2.5m high. Footpath link to service station should not be too dark so mitigation is required in terms of external lighting however, it does need to be kept reasonably open in terms of landscaping to reduce risk of crime. HBC Landscape Officers and the Crime Prevention Officer would be consulted at the application stage.

42 Councillor Questions Q – The current plans raise concerns with regards to access into the site from Coldharbour Farm Road, which includes parking along one side of the road. This raises concerns that it may block the road to other traffic. A – There are already parked cars at Coldharbour Farm Rd. Highway consultants have advised the developer that Horndean Rd is capable of absorbing traffic from 53 dwellings. No objection has previously been raised with the access arrangements from HBC in their pre- application response. We will look again at the parking arrangements.

43 Councillor Questions Q – Drainage issues – how would it work? Have you consulted with EA on the overall scheme for Emsworth Flood Alleviation Scheme? Are you looking at this site in isolation? Would you cooperate with other agencies? A – Yes, we have consulted with Ian Miller from the EA on the best form of arrangement. However, we have not been privy to details to what is proposed by the EA for the wider scheme to the north and south of the site at this stage. This would be the next stage of discussion. EA are satisfied with the proposed flood alleviation at the site at this stage. Footnote Post- Forum: Applicant’s agent notes that the reported local footpath flooding beneath the A27 bridge is partly a result of water discharge from the A27.

44 Councillor Questions Q – Would developers be willing to make a contribution to the Emsworth Flood Alleviation scheme? A – That may be a condition of the grant of planning permission. The development of the site must not increase the flood risk to the wider area.

45 Councillor Questions Q – Has air quality been taken into consideration given the proximity to the A27? A – Air quality has not yet been considered at this stage however, we are aware of Environmental Health Officer requirements. Noted that there may not be an issue as the traffic, as pollution tends to increase where traffic is slow moving or stationary which is not the case here. Q – The footpath (FP71)which runs under the A27, has been impassable from flood water in the past. Would the development address this? A –Yes as part of the wider flood alleviation for the site.

46 Councillor Questions Q – As the crossing over the entrance to CH Farm is used by school children, would any changes be made in terms of traffic calming? A –This would be further looked at the more detailed planning application stage. Q – Will the houses be suitable for life time living? A – Yes a proportion can be built to this standard. Q – Can the use of grey water be accommodated? A – This would be part of code for sustainable homes as per HBC local plan policy.

47 Councillor Questions Q- What will the impact on the Horndean Rd junction be? A – The traffic issue has been looked at by Highways consultants and no objections raised by HBC Highways.

48 Councillor Questions Q – The crossing at the top of Coldharbour Farm is part of a crucial route to school. Where will the priority be of the crossing? Cars leaving or people crossing? A – There would be no footpath diversion however, priorities would be looked at the planning application stage. Q – The emergency exit from and to the site – where will this be? Not across the cricket pitch, for example could the A27 provide an emergency vehicle access point? A – Not aware that there is a separate emergency access at present. Information will be provided to officers as further pre-application information.

49 Councillor Questions Q – Parking on the site – parking is tight even though they are built to HBC standards. A – Parking provision more than meets HBC standards. Q – Is the flood basin included in the open space allocation? Can it provide an ecological benefit containing some permanent water rather than dry bed? A – The flood basin does double up as part of the open space provision, providing 0.4h compared with 0.3h requirement. It is a basin which has very shallow sides and would be rarely underwater. Perfectly useable for open space. In terms of it being an ecological feature, the EA indicates some resistance as there is only a limited amount of space and a wet pond reduces the capacity to attenuate water. There may also be a potential safety issue.

50 Councillor Questions Q – Is there an intention for there to be an emergency access to and from petrol station? A – No vehicular access would be included here. This would be a proposed footpath/cycle link only. Q – With regards to potential disruption of locals resulting from the construction phase? What is the track record of the applicant? A – The site location at the end of CH Farm Rd is isolated with no adjoining neighbours and therefore potential disruption during construction phase would be minimal. A condition would be accepted to provide a construction management plan. A local developer would be a more ‘neighbourly developer’. The developer referred to the management of a recent site in Chichester.

51 Councillor Questions Q – Would an acoustic fence be placed around the skate park to avoid complaints of noise from future residents? A – No as it proposed that the scheme would not be isolated from community facilities, but be integrated. However, the location and distances and footprint of dwellings on that boundary will be looked at. Q – Can the emergency access be linked to an existing access behind the pavilion? A – The developer will look at this possibility.

52 What Happens Next? Summary notes circulated to attendees Officers will discuss outcomes with developer Developer will continue to develop proposals and consider issues raised by Forum Decision as to form of application and timing of submission rests with developer.

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