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Linux 101: Managing Jobs, Schedules, and Backups Purdue Linux Users Group Speaker: Thor Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Linux 101: Managing Jobs, Schedules, and Backups Purdue Linux Users Group Speaker: Thor Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linux 101: Managing Jobs, Schedules, and Backups Purdue Linux Users Group Speaker: Thor Smith

2 Outline Managing Jobs Scheduling Backing up files

3 Jobs: Processes A process is created for any command/program that is run. A process ends when the command or program ends. Listing Processes: Ps; # List all processes in your terminal Ps -ef; # List all processes on the computer Top; # List all process dynamically Killing a Process Kill -9 Killall

4 Jobs: Listing and Killing Listing Jobs Jobs Jobs -l Jobs -p Killing Jobs Kill % && fg

5 Jobs: Fg and Bg Jobs exist either in either the foreground or the background, allowing you to manage them. Start a Job in the background & Move between fg and bg Fg ; # moves job with job# to the foreground Bg ; # moves job with job# to the background Move and Quit Jobs in the Foreground Ctrl-z# moves a job to background Ctrl-c# kills the job in the foreground

6 Scheduling: At and Cron At The at command allows one to specify a particular time for wich a command should execute Cron Cron allows one to to specify a particular schedule for which a command should execute

7 Scheduling: At Schedule a command At ; #ex. at 2:30pm or at tomorrow Format for time hh:mm Keyword: midnight, noon, now mm/dd/yyyy + # units can be minutes, hours, days, months, years

8 Scheduling: At listing + removing List at jobs: At -l Atq Remove at jobs Atrm

9 Scheduling: Cron Crontabs are stored in a file. Edit Crontab file: Crontab -e Specify the time format M H DayofMonth Month DayofWeek Command 1/2***env Display=:0 /bin/gedit List your crontab jobs Crontab -l

10 Backups Some Backup Utilities: cp tar rsync AMANDA afbackup clonezilla

11 Backups: tar Tar is a tool that creates an archive of files and folders, usually with a ”.tar” extension. Create an archive: tar cvf file.tar path/to/tar Extract an Archive: tar xvf file.tar List an archive tar tvf file.tar

12 Backups: tar compressed The tar command can compress the archive while creating it with gzip and gzip2. For gzip tar cvfz file.tar.gz path/to/tar tar xvfz file.tar.gz For gzip2 tar cvfj file.tar.bz2 path/to/tar tar xvfj file.tar.bz2

13 rsync rsync only updates the difference between files between backups. rsync -ruv dir1 path/to/backups

14 Questions?

15 Announcements Linux 101 session 4 will be here on Monday Oct. 31 st at 7:00pm

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