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History 171ME The United States and the Middle East 1900 to the Present.

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Presentation on theme: "History 171ME The United States and the Middle East 1900 to the Present."— Presentation transcript:

1 History 171ME The United States and the Middle East 1900 to the Present

2 The Rise and Fall of the Oslo Peace Process

3 John Boehner and Benjamin Netanyahu

4 ISIS militants smashing artifacts in Mosul, Iraq

5 The Rise and Fall of the Oslo Peace Process

6 Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza Strip

7 Late 1980s-early 1990s— Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza Strip mounted Intifada (uprising) against Israeli occupation

8 During prelude to first Gulf War, Saddam Hussein offered to withdraw from Kuwait if Israel withdrew from Arab territories taken in 1967; offer generated enthusiasm in Arab world

9 President George H.W. Bush refused any quid pro quo but made vague commitment to address Arab-Israeli dispute after Iraq was ousted from Kuwait

10 Arafat’s and the PLO’s vulnerabilities by the early 1990s: Dwindling support from the Arab world Loss of Soviet patronage

11 Growing pressure on Israel to change status quo in occupied territories Israeli women protesting the Occupation, Tel Aviv, 1988

12 October 1991—Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev hosted Middle East peace conference in Madrid; talks soon bogged down

13 1991-1992—Bush refused request of Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir (Likud) for $10 billion loan guarantee, on grounds that some of the money would be used to build Jewish settlements in West Bank and Gaza

14 Summer 1992—Yitzhak Rabin (Labor) became Israel’s prime minister and pledged to stop building new settlements, but number of settlers continued to rise

15 Bill Clinton vs. George H. W. Bush, 1992

16 Summer 1993—Israeli and PLO officials met secretly in Oslo, Norway, and discussed general formula for resolving dispute

17 Clinton and Israel With Yitzhak Rabin

18 Oslo formula: Israel would withdraw from small part of occupied territories, which Palestinians would govern; later negotiation would resolve “final status” of territories

19 September 1993—Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat sealed agreement with handshake on White House lawn


21 Palestinian critiques of Oslo Secular nationalist (Edward Said) Islamist (Hamas)

22 November 1995— Rabin assassinated by right-wing Israeli fanatic

23 By 2000 Israel had withdrawn from about 40% of occupied territories and evacuated most Palestinian population areas

24 But Israel continued to populate territories with Jewish settlers against will of Palestinians

25 July 2000-January 2001—In series of negotiations moderated by Clinton, Palestinians and Israelis narrowed their differences but ultimately failed to reach agreement Arafat and Israeli PM Ehud Barak

26 Israeli proposal Palestinian proposal Solid blue: areas to be annexed by Israel


28 Israeli proposal


30 Ariel Sharon

31 September 2000—Ariel Sharon made provocative visit to Temple Mount in East Jerusalem, sparking Palestinian protests, which Israeli forces violently put down

32 Second Palestinian Intifada erupted in occupied territories; Israelis and Palestinians turned increasingly toward violence

33 February 2001— Ariel Sharon elected PM of Israel

34 The United States and Osama bin Laden

35 How to explain emergence of Osama bin Laden and al-Qa‘ida in late 20th century?

36 Political dimension (how bin Laden gained adherents in Muslim world) Resentment of Western and US domination Failure of secular nationalism, leading to growth of Islamism

37 How to explain emergence of Osama bin Laden and al-Qa‘ida in late 20th century? Logistical dimension (how bin Laden acquired a base in Afghanistan)

38 1980s—CIA worked covertly with Saudi and Pakistani governments to recruit young men from across Muslim world to join Mujahidin resisting Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

39 Stinger Missiles

40 1989—Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan

41 1980s—Osama bin Laden took part in effort to oust Soviet Union from Afghanistan—was working in parallel with US

42 Ideological influences on bin Laden Ayman al-Zawahiri Abdulah Yusuf Azzam

43 1989—Bin Laden formed al-Qa‘ida (the base)

44 Early 1990s—Bin Laden turned against Saudi regime because it allowed US troops to occupy Saudi Arabia

45 Early 1990s—Bin Laden moved to Sudan and began sponsoring anti-US attacks

46 ... such as the first World Trade Center bombing, February 1993

47 Muhammad Salameh

48 ... and attacks on US forces in Somalia, 1993

49 1996—Bin Laden returned to Afghanistan, where the Taliban were taking over

50 Dire condition of Afghanistan after withdrawal of Soviet troops and collapse of pro-Soviet govt

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