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Target work plan for LBNO study Chris Densham STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Target work plan for LBNO study Chris Densham STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Target work plan for LBNO study Chris Densham STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

2 Some relevant inputs to LBNO target study 1.Beam optics (Philippe Velten) 2.T2K target design 3.LBNE target design study 4.T2K horn and target station layout 5.T2K remote handling 6.SPL-SB target station layout

3 Some comparative beam design parameters T2KLBNELBNO (Phase 1)LBNO (Phase 2) Design beam power 0.75 MW2.3 MW0.75 MW2.2 MW Beam energy30 GeV120 GeV400 GeV50 GeV Protons per spill3.3 x 10 14 1.6 x 10 14 2x3.5x10 13 2.7 x 10 14 Beam cycle 2.1 s1.33 s2 s?1 Beam radius rms 4.24 mm1.5 – 3.5 mm Target radius13 mm[4.5–10.5 mm] NuMI ‘slabs’ baseline 4-15 mm CERN to study RAL to study


5 Inlet pressure = 1.45 bar (gauge) Pressure drop = 0.792 bar Helium cooling velocity streamlines Maximum velocity = 398 m/s Graphite core T2K Beam 30GeV, 750kW Target 23kW, 8 MPa stress Ti-6Al-4V shell Monolithic (peripherally cooled) target à la T2K? M.Fitton C.Densham

6 47.0 46.4 39.6 35.6 26.0 T2K target dimensions for 750 kW operation Target radius = 13 mm Horn inner radius = 27 mm

7 Stress wave magnitude determined by t spill <t radial period

8 ‘Divide and Rule’ for increased power Dividing material is favoured since: Better heat transfer Lower static thermal stresses Lower dynamic stresses from intense beam pulses Helium cooling is favoured (cf water) since: No ‘water hammer’ or cavitation effects from pulsed beams Lower coolant activation, no radiolysis Negligible pion absorption – coolant can be within beam footprint For graphite, higher temperatures anneal radiation damage

9 LBNE 2.3 MW Be target study: Pressurised helium cooled concept Otto Caretta & Tristan Davenne

10 Beryllium sphere diameter13 mm Beam RMS2.2 mm Helium mass flow rate17 g/s Inlet helium pressure11.1 bar Outlet helium pressure10 bar Inlet velocity40 m/s Maximum velocity185 m/s Total heat load9.4 kW Maximum beryllium temperature178 C Helium temperature rise,  T (T in -T out ) 106 C Mid-plane temperatures Otto Caretta & Tristan Davenne LBNE 2.3 MW Be target study: Pressurised helium cooled concept

11 Simulation result for 14mm diameter stainless balls Need to re-do this simulation for LBNO beam parameters with graphite target

12 Packed Bed Testing Plans Packed bed induction heating theory Duquenne et al. Induction Heating Packed bed placed in an alternating magnetic field. Eddy currents induced in conductive spheres. Resultant Joule heating provides internal heating of spheres. Induction heater test Graydon et al.

13 T2K Secondary Beam-line Muon Monitor Target station Beam window Decay Volume Hadron absorber Target station (shielding, hadron absorber) designed & constructed for 3-4 MW beam power 110m

14 T2K horn layout in target station 2nd horn 3rd horn BEAM Iron shield (2.2m) Concrete Blocks 1st horn + target Helium Vessel

15 New 3 rd horn being installed Nov 2013

16 16 Top View Side View Lead glass window manipulator Sub-area for radioactive equipment Sub-area for manipulator operator Sub-area for top work Maintenance Area 作業者サブエリアには、初期の 放射化度合いの低い時期を除いて、 作業者は立ち入らない。 機器サブエアリアには空調ダク トが機械室から引かれ、負圧に保 たれる。作業者サブエリアは、 TS 上屋からの空気を導入する。

17 Target exchange system T2K Target & horn Helium cooled solid graphite rod Design beam power: 750 kW (heat load in target c.25 kW) Beam power so far: 230 kW 1 st target & horn just replaced after 4 years operation, 7e20 p.o.t. π π p

18 Target exchange procedure #1

19 Target exchange procedure #2

20 Target exchange procedure #3

21 Target exchange procedure #4

22 Target exchange procedure #5

23 Target exchange procedure #6

24 Target exchange procedure #7

25 Target exchange procedure #8

26 Split? Increase e.g. to 14 mm (T2K)

27 Summary Beam optics design well advanced Engineering needs to catch up and provide feedback to optics design Collaboration between CERN and RAL groups Support from companies being considered where appropriate

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